So Nolan and I went to the Chapel Hills Mall yesterday (because traffic to Denver was totally fucked and I was not putting up with that shit) looking at clothes when I realized something: as much as White people complain about how Blacks dress they should just keep their fool mouths shut. What is with the lack of fashion sense these days? I mean I am no fashion plate but I believe that I have some style. That being said, there are some things that just are NOT ‘teh fashion’ and I am here to call it out. So today, I give you a new segment of Passion of Chachi…
Today I will look at what is hot and what is so not in the fashion today. Let’s start off with something that has really just created a series of fashion misfits out there…
NOT FAB-YOU-LOUS: Technicolor Polo Shirts

Okay, I understand it is hard to sometimes pick a color that fits you. With that being said, you CANNOT just toss a bunch of colors in a shirt and call it faboo. I mean look at that shirt! It looks like H.R. Pufnstuf fucking threw up and someone made a polo out of it. Just not good fashion. I mean, you want to draw attention to yourself, not cause Pokemon-like seizures from looking at your eyesore of a shirt! Put it away! Next, some thing that is totally hot…

Okay, now this is a trend that has sadly not taken off. In a business or a casual setting, the black dress may be what is expected but you CLAIM to be individuals, right ladies? Well, what is more trendsetting than a woman wearing a suit to an event? Not only are they not the norm but they are totally HAWT when pulled off right! It screams ‘look at me, I’m different yet faboo’ and has the ability to be worn in any setting. Hell, if you have the attitude you could even pull off the Avril Lavigne tie thing, too! That takes a LOT of panache though. Not for everyone, like men and spring tones. Besides, aint a damn thing hotter than slacks and heels. Just….damn that’s HOT! Now for a trend that I don’t know why even got started…

God…this is just nasty. I for one have never been a fan of the thong. First off because Sisqo made it popular and that nigga sucks. Except for ‘Enchantment Passing Through’ because that song is bad ass. Second off it is just poor fashion sense. Underwear are called ‘underwear’ because they are SUPPOSED TO BE UNDER WHAT THE FUCK YOU WEAR! Just like sagging of the pants in the mid-90’s, your underwear is to not be seen by everyone. Ladies, if you think that is what men want you are a fucking idiot to show it because you know what else men want to see? Lo Pan in every fucking movie. You don’t see that and you know why? It would be too much of a good thing, that’s why! The simple fact is it has nothing to do with you being skanky by showing your underwear. It is just bad fashion. Underwear aren’t an accessory, they are a necessity. Show some fashion sense and keep them under wraps, ladies. Mystery is a good thing. I guess women are at least WEARING underwear so it’s a start.
I will have the Chachi Summer Faboo Fashion Preview soon (June timeframe) so stay tuned! Well, that is all for now. I will try to be back up before Friday for another rant of some sort. Until then, BOUNCE WITH ME!!
DJ Ozma may have passed Dance*man as my new idol. Funky fresh dancing and afro’s? Now THAT is faboo! Stay up, peeps. Maybe some classic Chachi tomorrow. Until then stay up peeps.
Chachi Out!