Happy Sunday, peeps! I took a hiatus yesterday to roam the town and recover from the mindrape that was Friday. Fun times had by all, but man sometimes it just pays to go the hell home.I didnt make it to Beerfest though, it was sold out. Drunken college students are attracted to beer like...well...shit there really isnt another example that can beat that one. Eh, what can you do. Still had a pretty fun time.
So NDK is on Friday and needless to say, I am kind of excited. I still dont have a costume (although Funkbusters was AWESOME, just cant find a Ghostbusters outfit anywhere) but that doesnt mean I cant enjoy the festivities. Oh, and lets not forget the kickass swag. Except for the yaoi paddles. I hope that shit has died down because I dont need no dudes kissing in my anime. Hell, I dont even like my ladies kissing in my anime. Unless its Momo-chan and Sae-Chan from Peach Girl. That might make me change my mind...just a little.
Oh, and not only was Jackass the number one movie in America last week, ASHTON KUTCHER has the number 1 AND 2 movies in America THIS week. Jebus, maybe the terrorists are winning because this country is getting stupider by the fucking day.
Today I have two things I want to talk about. First is the culture clash that is Asian music. Now for the most part there are traditional artists but I mean the music for the younger generation (hip hop, pop, r&b). It would seem to me that Asians love the hip hop cultere. Dont get me wrong, a lot of countries do but they REALLY love the hip hop culture. There is nothing wrong with that, but it just seems kind of...well off. Case in point: Hyori Lee.
Now dont get it wrong, I love Hyori's music (kinda) and I think she is damn fine (albeit in need of a sandwich because I fucking hate skinny people. Just loathe them bastards). However, her music is kind of a mix between bad pop, bad hip-hop and bad r&b. Take for instance this song here, Hey Girl:
First of, Hyori Lee + a bed + me = HELLS YES. Damn, back to my point. Did that not mind you of Ashanti and Ja Rule? Except it kinda just missed something? Like...black people? Yeah I know this sounds bad but hip hop just looks weird without black people. It's like humans fighting animals (Except my bears vs. women idea. The two biggest threats to society battling it out to the death? Sign me up for season tickets!); it just doesnt look right. Dont get me wrong, I like song and always have. But look at Hyori, BoA (But I love her so she is above all of this), Namie Amuro and to a lesser extent Kumi Koda (Mainly because I think she took the X-Tina persona and just went all over it like that bottle in the Juicy video. Which will be the video of the year, but is still wrong). Sadly, the all seem like bastardized combos of Britney Spears and Ciara with a dash of Ja Rule tossed in. Now the 'hip pop' style was awesome...when I was in college. And it was cool again when I saw Hyori Lee do it with the aforementioned song. However, the style really hasnt changed, and when it has it is just fucking bad. Dark Angel sucked with the whole trying to be 'rock n pop' although Shall We Dance is a bit on the saucy side and even has a little hip pop to it:
Yeah, thats good stuff right there. ANyway, my original point is the overwhelming influence of hip hop on the Asian culture when it comes to music. I mentioned Hyori Lee, but the biggest guilty pary of that is Se7en. Now Se7en rules are but lets face it, he stole from Justin Timberlake who stole from Usher who stole from Bobby Brown who stole from you get the idea. Not a knock because its a good style but come on. I have put Se7en's videos up and you have seen him. I mean could he not be anymore like Justin. There is only ONE JUSTIN, Se7en! You are treading on ground you CANNOT TREAD! Ahem, sorry about that. Anyway, you know who I like that has used the hip hop cultre in an interesting way that is not named Bennie K? (Oh, and Renso Game from Bennie K Show 2 is the greatest jam ever. I guarantee it you wont be disappointed) AI. For those that don't know who she is...you are a damn dirty bastard. Here is her newest single, I Wanna:
Dancing, nice beat and damn good voice. AI is old school, see some of her old stuff, it's not too shabby. And before you talk about my lack of male artists on here, you should know my views on that. Verbal has a fucking POW! brass knuckles. How about that is whack. Male artists aside for Ryohei and Diggy Mo are just as bad, but anyone that co-wrote Oasis cant be all that bad. Oh and you want to see dancing? THIS is dancing. Hyori, take note:
Old school BoA. You just got served!
Oh, on to my second point seeing as how the first one went nowhere as most of mine do. You see, I have gotten a lot of flack lately from females about my views of women. I while back I read you the list of what women have called me (From mean to anti-social which is PRICELESS seeing as having a BLOG is almost the exact opposite of anti-social depending on how you use it) and for the most part it is true. But you see, today I am going the opposite route and speak on something about men.
You see, when I go out, even when I am drinking I am observing other people because I like to understand as much as possible about why people do what they do and say what they say when they interact with people. It's the Communications major in me I guess. While watching men and women interact over the last two years after college (when the age range of the people I hang out with went from about 18-24 up to 28-40) I noticed something. Men are utter and complete liars. Yep, I said it. The majority of men out there, fuck it I will say 85% of men dont have an honest bone in their fucking body and are just looking for tang. Seriously. A man trying to get tang will say ANYTHING to a woman if she wants to hear it and it gets him to his ultimate goal. It is a sad statement but it is true. You know what is even SADDER? That the more you lie, the better shot of actually getting tang.
You see, I dont mince words and I dont take shorts. That can be seen as mean, I see it as being me. And I am an asshole because I refuse to say what women want to hear because they want to hear it. I say what is true or what I feel and if that falls in line then so be it. Any man who says he 'feels the plight of the woman in todays world' is a fucking MORON and should be shot in the face as such. It really is like people who say that they feel the 'plight of the (name oppressed race, creed, religion, endangered species or handicapped group and place here)' just to not be seen as insensitive. It is fucking bullshit and men that play that game need to be eliminated. Also, the women that BELIEVE that shit should be eliminated. With the power of listening comes the responsibility to filter out the bullshit. With women being so smart, its hard to see how they get 'taken advantage of' or 'treated unfairly' if they are the smartest beings on the universe. If women are so smart, why do they still live in teepees? Explain THAT. Check and mate.
My observation was as such: Men lie becuase women let them. That is all there is to it. If you dont stand for it, they wont do it. Women let them because they like to hear what they want. If what he is saying is a lie and it is a truth to her, that is illogical on both sides and therefore insane. Secondly, women are taught since birth that the reason all men are going to lie to them to get into their gullyholes. Well, that is in part true, but it is rooted in what I said last Sunday about women thinking that they are the end-all be-all of the universe and the vagina has the cure for cancer and the Holy fucking Grail. The fact that men will lie to get the yak is sad but true. Therefore, lies men tell work two ways:
Everything a man says is a lie and therefore she believes what she wants. This puts all the power with the woman which is fine. However, this will come with none of the responsibility because odds are there is alcohol involved.
A man is lying but saying what she wants to hear he must be telling the truth which even though it is a lie it is a truth to her which makes the original theory true that all men lie but also validates MY theory that women believe what they want and create their own reality. I know because I did that for a while and it was stupid. We live in the real world, not Snapdragon and Lollypop Land. The next time a woman says all men are dogs and liars, remember the immortal words of Homer Simpson: It takes two to lie; one to lie and one to listen. See, cartoons can be deep.
Well, I may be back a little later on. Updates will be sparse until NDK so get ready! Stay up, peeps!
Live, Laugh and Love.