Friday, February 24, 2006

Buenos dias, mother b*****s!

Sorry, just saw Anchorman for the first time in a while. Right in the babymaker.

This update is gonna be short. I'm gonna be streaming more themes onto the website so feel free to get your listen on. Just a note, the First Round of Douchebrawl 2006 ends tonight at midnight (or whenever I get back). The Second Round voting will start Saturday morning and will end on Monday at midnight. The Suckass Sixteen will start on Tuesday! Tell your friends and enemies! Tell your pet! Tell people in prison! Unlike the presidential elections, felons can vote for Douchebrawl, because this is AMERICA, FOOL! I will update the brackets for printouts, as well. See, I'm thinking about the peeps.

It's been a while since I graced ya'll with a J-pop song. This is probably aside from Bennie K's Oasis and Orange Range's Hana my favorite j-pop/j-rock song. This is BoA's La-La-Love Song live. I have the remix with Soul'd Out (DIGGY-MO, FOOL! WHAT!) and it's good stuff. I'll stream it for a listen on the website.

Doesnt really do it justice. The song is up for streaming on the Happy Fun Time section. One more for good measure. Heartsdales 'Angel Eyes'. If this song came out in 1984, it would be bigger than Relax by Franke Does Hollywood.

Good synth-pop action. So, did anyone watch the Olympics? Me neither. At least I didn't watch American Idol. Jesus T. Christ let it go. It wasnt good in the beginning, and only one of them is any good now. Two if you count Ruben, but he ate himself into obscurity. Kelly Clarkson isn't a GOOD SINGER as much as she is better than the rest of the mouth-breathers. That and she has a suprisingly

She seems to be a nice girl, too. Good head on her shoulders, loves her momma and Jesus.

Well, that's all for now. The Chachi has some errands to run before this evening. Don't forget to vote! Stay up, peeps.

Chachi out.