First off, sorry about no updates over the last few days. Work has been kicking my ass so I am exausted by the time I get home and the bus I catch doesn't have wireless anymore (which SUCKS because my iPod battery is dead or something and no internet is killer) so I can't update there. I will try to make up for it this weekend, peeps.
Now I want to rant on something real quick: body odor. Now people who were at NDK know what I am talking about. Those of you that didn't bathe for the WHOLE CONVENTION last year will be beaten with The Revolutionizer. I am dead serious, I am through playing around. Seeing as how body odor smells like rotten tomato juice poured over old socks, it's the last thing I want to smell. Especially after a long day at work on the bus from a 300 pound woman in the seat in front of and next to me. It is annoying and makes me understand how movies like Falling Down happen. It just drives you to madness. I try to smell good (hell, everyone gets a little ripe after a workout or in 100 degree heat like we have been having lately, including myself) and I just ask for others to do the same.
Well, I have to head out. I will be back when I can. Oh, and Isreal is going to screw us all. I hate it when Christians are fucking right. Then again it IS the Middle East. This is just a normal week for over there. Those crazy guys over there with their suicide bombs and intolerance. It's like a violent, disturbing sitcom. We could have the next Odd Couple. Just kidding, dammit. Take a joke, America. Anyway, stay up peeps.
Live, Love and Laugh.