Speaking of wangs, the Duke lacrosse case isnt going away. You know, I take shots at Duke University, but in the beginning I knew that the odds of them sexually assaulting the woman were average. As much money as that school costs, only a dumb shit would be THAT stupid. However, the real issue is that original reports stated she had (I'm gonna get technical here) vaginal tearing and anal bruising that usually are accounted with sexual assault and rape. Let's not forget, the issue is that this WENT on in the house of the players, I don't care if the Tar Heel basketball team went to their house and did it. There is a simple (and unfortunate because alot of athelets are dipshits) fact that these players are held to a higher standard than usual because
1. They are from Duke University
2. They are atheletes
3. Odds are they are students of wealthy upbringings
I'm sorry, but those three things mean you need to have some fucking common sense. You don't invite exotic dancers to your team house and you DON'T LET ASSAULTS HAPPEN IN YOUR HOME. Man up and throw those fuckers to the cops and take the woman to saftey, I don't care if she did try to stiff you for money. It's called being a fucking man. Also, just because DNA wasnt found doesnt mean she wasnt raped. Two words: money shot. Vulgar, yes but a very easy way to get rid of DNA people. Also, attorneys stated that they didnt find players DNA, but there was DNA (I think, no one is saying) and it matches someone. I say let the case play out. Still pisses me off on how asinine and smug the Durham DA and the players attorneys have been. Asshats.
Time to calm down. I fixed up the site again, because the songs just played because they wanted to. I really need to find my HTML book because I suck at it. Also, I just downloaded the live action version of the anime classic Grave of the Fireflies. It's okay (hella long too) but more to the liking for the casual fan that has prejudices against anime (you know who you are). The original kicks ASS and yes, I almost cried. Then again, I almost cried at the end of Peach Girl so it says very little about my emotional state. Even still, give the original a go. It's usually under 15 bucks and its well worth the buy on its historical merit alone. Now, time for Kumi Koda. It's been a while since I had my fix:
Oh man, I gotta start drinking Diet Coke.
Man, hot stewardesses and Kumi Koda never dance for ME when I drink Diet Coke. It usually just tastes like ass. Well, that's enough for today. I may put the polls on the right hand side of the blog for you to vote. Depends on how it looks. Until then, stay up peeps. Oh, and I love this picture:

Mmmm.....I would hit that. This too. Keep it real, Scott.
Chachi out
(Update: I have added the Comic and Cartoon Brackets up on the Blog. I will leave them um until Friday morning, then put up the Anime and Video Game Brackets. Happy Voting!)