Sorry no update yesterday, peeps. I was dog tired when I got home and I am dog tired now. This is beginning to suuuuuuuck it dry. Traveling 148 miles a day to be anally violated just ain't cutting it if you get my drift. Not actually VIOLATED, but you understand. I will try to put the 150th Post Uber-stravaganza up on Saturday. Until then, I will update when I am able to this week. Mainly when I am coherent. I'm keeping my head up, peeps. I can always find solace in the fact that I ain't in Lebenon right now. Oh, and I will have the Misc Awards for the Chachi's up I hope Sunday night. I want to have the ballots up buy the middle of August and the awards the first week of September. At least I have narrowed it down to a year. Until my return, stay up peeps.
Live, Love and Laugh.