Secondly, time for what makes this blog what it is: randomness. If you have been reading this you know of my love-hate relationship with Naruto. I loved the first episodes that I got on MiRC and then all of a sudden after Sasuke left it started to suck and I didn’t know why. After it was explained to me that the last….120+ episodes were FUCKING FILLER AND HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THE PLOT I said “fuck this” and took up Zach’s offer to copy his Bleach folder and the rest is history (I fought that for months until he just said to stop masturbating and watch it. That line is also how I got him to watch Aqua Teen Hunger Force. I guess it's why we boys). So I guess I have to thank the sucking of Naruto for making me give Bleach a second chance because I thought it was boring for the first three episodes. Too bad I invested like 40 episodes into that shitball before I realized Bleach ruled its face.
However, I have taken up to reading the manga of Naruto after the “Naruto v. Orochimaru” arc on the show and all I can say is that Naruto may just be the most bad-ass thing I ever read . Seriously, I am just as shocked as you are! I was totally expecting the manga to suck like it had the show had last year or so (I was not feeling the Naruto vs. Orochimaru fight anyway) but I was dead wrong. This shit gets GOOD! I mean real good! I am reading Bleach and Naruto at the same time now and I am almost caught up on Naruto (I am about 11 volumes behind, about 379 I believe) and I have a few spoilers that I am not going to say but I will let you know a few things:
· Sasuke = Sephiroth. Yes, I said it and I am shocked. Just know that he goes from emo-bitch boy crying about how much his life is pain and suffering to one evil motherfucker. I mean a Puppy punting, kitten eating, midget raping asshole in the vein of Bowser and Dark Force. From…the Phantasy Star series. Yes…I am a nerd. Sue me.
· Naruto is no longer a punk bitch, either: Okay, most of this has to do with his American voice actor. The Japanese voice actor is AWESOME and the fight between Sasuke and Naruto was enhanced by their work. However, in the manga Naruto is not the whiney tennage her was in the original. He is a tad too emo for my tastes but better to be emo than a fucking pussy. Yes, I know they are pretty much the same thing. Oh, I went there.
· Brother vs. Brother! Yes, Sasuke and Itachi FINALLY get it on Bret Hart v. Owen Hart in a steel cage style! Not going to ruin it but if you are a fan the fight it’s worth the wait. If you aren’t you want to do some research because it is heavily backstory laden. Even still, it’s awesome!
· FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! Now I for one HATED the giant toad bullshit. I don’t get the whole “ninjas and toads” thing. If someone does, please let me know. But the battles in the manga make up for the crapitude that was the filler and the dumb stuff of the first arcs. People lose limbs, vital organs and even torsos! Which I guess falls in the vital organs portion.
· Orochimaru gets it: VGCats had it right: the dude is a fucking pedophile.
Now don’t get it twisted, I am all about the Hueco Mundo Arc in Bleach. If you are looking now, here comes a spoiler but I THINK Zaraki is about to achieve bankai and that noise you heard last night was my hardest & loudest orgasam since I powered up Final Fantasy VII for the first time. With that being said, Naruto is creeping up and making up for a whole shitload of shitty shit shit by rocking the box. So, I apologize for the mean things I said about the manga. The dubbing still sucks ass though.
Okay, now for a tad bit of an offensive observation. Why are about ½ of the Japanese restaurants here owned by Koreans? Does Japan know about this? Emperor Hirohito is turning in his grave! What is even weirder is that they act like we don’t know what’s going on! I went to my “How To Differentiate Between Asians” classes! Bi looks nothing like Gackt!

Although both are hella hot. Ai Otsuka and Bae Seul Gi look COMPLETELY DIFFERENT:

Again, I want to be the roast beef in that potato bread sandwich. Most importantly you racist bastards, SAKE LOOKS NOTHING LIKE SOJU!!!

Both taste the exact same: like delicious, delicious pain. Not complaining, just an observation and I found it weird. It’s like white people running all the Popeye’s. ZING! Also, why is there never any music playing in any kind of Asian restaurant. I understand you want to accommodate the customer but if I go to get me some bulgogi I don’t want to listen to Rick Astley. I just don’t. I want to hear some Minwoo:
Like Bi V.2 I swear. I go to a restaurant that serves food from another country I don’t need to feel like I am still in America. I don’t want to hear Beyonce while I drink sake. Give me so “Yatta!” or something! Maybe I am just nitpicking but still.
Oh, and for people that cannot handle sake: you are not a real drinker. That is all. You are a punk, a coward and you are no better than a drunk Irishman. Or an Irishman. They are one in the same. That is all for now, I may be back tomorrow but until next time, stay up.
Diddy Out