Well, today I am going back to something I had planned last month but got behind on it due to some busy weekends and some drama in the workplace. However, I am here to announce the next inductee into…
The Passion of Chachi Atrium of Awesomeness!
Today, I bring to you one of the greatest speakers in the history of time. If Martin Luther King Jr. was as bad ass as this gentleman, instead of getting shot he would have went into that warehouse, grabbed that sniper rifle, turned that sumbitch sideways and stuck it straight up James Earl Ray’s candy ass. Had Ronald Reagan followed this mans’ lead, he would have checked Old Timers disease into the Smackdown Hotel. This man is the MOST ELECTRIFYING MAN TO EVER HOLD A MICROPHONE. Yeah, you smell what he is cooking; he is cooking an entry into the Hall of Badassitude. The second inductee into the Atrium of Awesomeness is…

The man revolutionized the art of the promo in wrestling, looked good doing it (I can’t front, The Rock was hawt) and most importantly…just brought it. Every night. Hell, the man made BILLY FUCKING GUNN look like he was functionally retarded as opposed to being the below average talent he really is. The list of wrestlers The Rock made look like they actually had two brain cells to rub together is endless. From 1997-2001 he WAS wrestling. Austin supplied the brawling, Benoit/Angle brought the wrestling, Undertaker brought the pain, Triple H brought his nose and The Rock brought the excitement:
You may totally despise wrestling, but tell me you didn’t watch The Rock and I will call you a bold faced jabroni liar. We have all seen ‘The Rundown’ which defied science by not creating a rip in the vortex that is our dimension by having Christopher Walken and The Rock in the same spot at the same time. All logic states that the sheer force of that combination would have thrown the Earth off its axis and into the sun. Well, sometimes science is wrong, but the greatness of Dwayne Johnson is not. The man is truly…The Great One. Congratulations, Rock. You will now go down in history as one of the Inaugural Class of The Passion of Chachi Atrium of Awesomeness!
Well, that is all for now. I will try to be up tomorrow or Thursday before the Countdown on Friday. Until then, stay up.
Chachi Out