So call me a queer (I already did, but you can join in) but I want to see "Definitely...Maybe." Man, something is majorly wrong with me:
I'm sorry, sometimes a chick flick can get to me. On the same note....women are stupid:
Let me get this straight. You are upset that a man that is only known for being the older brother of a lady banging, womanizing cheater that himself is long rumored for KILLING A WOMAN is supporting a Black candidate on a roll that is actually running on issues and not on the fact that her husband was President? What in the fuck is wrong with you?! It's TED FUCKING KENNEDY! Who gives a flying fuck if he supports Obama or not? I would prefer the Irish NOT support him (And especially Catholics because....well, they fucking suck) but hey, you cant win them all.
You know what? The highest turnout for female voters in the history of recorded American presidental elections were for John F. Kennedy and William Jefferson Clinton. When women were polled for their reason for picking the candidates, the majority of women said it was because they were attractive. I must say....Barack Obama would sexy up the White House. Not only that, he would get the White House CRUNK:
Work it out, work it out, work it out now! Vote ya'll! Get yo sexy ass in the voting booth!
I am so looking forward to the 2008 Presidential Smackdown:
Barack "Save The Drama Fo' Yo' Mama" Obama
John "I Brings The Pain To Yo Membrane" McCain
Watch for it because it's gonna be a slobberknocker!
Diddy Out. VOTE OR DIE!