Hillary stated at her "victory speech":
"You know, my opponent made a prediction I would win Pennsylvania, he would win North Carolina and that Indiana would be the tiebreaker. Well, tonight we have come from behind and broken the tie and are on the fast track to the White House!"
(Update: Funny enough, the race has tighted from a 17 point margin to about dead even. Ah, sweet irony.)
Enough is enough. Hillary needs to stop right the fuck now. Math, time and logic are against her and all she is doing is dividing the Democratic Party further than it has been over the last three years. She has to win 67% of the remaining delegates AND superdelegates (That number is skewed because it would mean that Hillary also won tonight’s races at 70% which she didn’t) to defeat Obama and that is highly unlikely, if not impossible.
Hell, this is from THREE WEEKS AGO and she was better off in terms of standing. She is Running on COULD will not win the election, it will just fuck over the whole party.
What is even better is the “October Surprise” threat she made if Obama gets the nod. What the fuck, woman? Are you so delusional and selfish that you are willing to fuck over everyone just to win? After all of this, you will not beat McInsane because you have people believing that you have a shot when you do not. The only way you can win is to STEAL the election…exactly what Bush did in 2000. Didn’t you ream him a new one for that? Fucking hypocrite. Do you really believe you are electable if you fuck over the voices of the people? The fact she is even mentioning suing the party or going against her initial wants for the Florida & Michigan votes puts the party in a bad light and as much asshatery and douchery the Republican Party brings (and it is there in spade)…it is better than utter and complete incompetence. Which is exactly what the Democratic Party is exhibiting.
Even better are the people that say she should be the Vice Presidential nominee when she loses because it was such a close race. Fuck that shit. She panders to the lowest common denominator of the American people (No, I am not an elitist I am a fucking realist). There is nothing wrong with being upset about your jobs situation and feeling like God is a way to turn. It’s utter and complete bullshit as is all organized religion IMHO but to each their own. If you love your gun, you love your gun. With that being said….
There was nothing wrong with what Obama said because the shit is true. So the fuck what? Niggas don’t get mad about being called niggas anymore. They embrace that shit. Niggas is making mad money off making ringtones for other niggas and dumb bitches. Aint nothing wrong with making that cash fetti dollars, especially if you are taking it from people as dumb as you.
This thing needs to end right now. The longer this goes, the worse it gets and then I have to worry about McCain having a heart attack or gnawing the face off Jacques Chirac because he said that Canadian bacon is better than regular bacon. As cool as that would be, it would look bad for us as a country. I don’t know about you, but I like Bryan Adams:
So please fix this shit you have gotten us into. Hillary needs to either concede this race and put her support behind Obama or be forever known as the person that gave us the first President to give a chairshot to Putin. Because not only is McCain capable of it, he WILL do it.
Although…that would totally kick ass. Maybe McCain wouldn’t be so bad. I mean I am all for wars and I hate hippies so biofuels can eat my fucking ass. Maybe McInsane in 2008 aint so bad! Just kidding; McCain is one crazy nigga.
Chachi Out.