Pauly Shore Region First Round
(5) Julia Roberts - 60%
(12) Jake Gyllenhall - 40%
(6) Barbra Streisand - 85.71%
(11) Sean Penn - 14.29
(2) Mel Gibson - 85.71
(15) Chris Kattan - 14.29%
(3) Tom Hanks - 71.43%
(14) Brad Pitt - 28.57%
NKOTB Region First Round
(7) White Stripes - 71.43%
(10) Oasis - 28.57 %
(1) 50 Cent - 87.5%
(16) Fred Durst - 12.5%
(6) Snoop Dogg - 71.43%
(11) Paul Wall - 28.57%
(4) Diddy - 100%
(13) Dave Matthews Band - 0%
Anna Nicole Region First Round
(7) Drew Barrymore - 66.67%
(10) Lil Kim - 33.33%
(2) Tara Reid - 80%
(15) Kirsten Dunst - 20%
(6) Jennifer Lopez - 40%
(11) Heather Graham - 60%
(5) Lindsay Lohan - 85.71%
(12) Demi Moore - 14.29%
Kato Kailen Region First Round
(3) Quentin Tarrentino - 57.14%
(14) Ashlee Simpson - 42.86%
(7) David Spade - 80%
(10) Wilmer Valderrama - 20%
(1) Kevin Federline - 100%
(16) Jon Heder - 0%
(5) Bobby & Whitney - 22.22%
(12) Jack Thompson - 77.78%
I must say, I was suprised by the vote turnout for the Jack Thompson vs. Bobby & Whitney matchup. It had the most votes and was never even really close. Video game fans unite! Bobby & Whitney were my dark horse pick to win it all. My Gonzaga, if you will. Well, here are the updated brackets:

I am really interested in the Jack Thompson/MTV VJ's mtachup. For more info on Jack Thompson, check out his nonsenseical ramblings toward the VGCats creator, whom kicks ass. He's actually more batshit insane than Tom Cruise, but Cruise believes in Xemu and spaceships. Least Jack believes in good old Jesus.
So yesterday I went to the 'Sex and So Much More' convention, and Z-Sizzle was right, it was just a vehicle to hock merchandise. The line to get autographs for Jenna Jameson was INSANE and lets face it, she's no Scarlett Johanssen or Kumi Koda. Mmmm. Now THAT'S a sandwich that don't need Miracle Whip. Oh! Anyway, innuendo aside it was okay. I got to meet Ruby, who I have seen on the internet on...newsgroups about Jesus and....definitly not about naked lady sites. Check her out:

She was cool. Oh, and remind me to smack the selfish ass photagrapher that got THREE PICTURES WITH HER and screwed up mine. How I LOATHE HIM. I also got to meet a legend. The man that bought us such musical genius as 'Freak of the Week' with DJ Polo and....well that was it. Hey, even Right Said Fred has one hit. I give to you the man, the myth, the icon, the showstopper, the lady popper, RON 'THE HEDGEHOG' JEREMY!!

Yes, I had NO IDEA he was that short either. Cool cat, though. I should keep him in my pocket to help he get the ladies. 'I have a hedgehog in my pocket' is an interesting icebreaker. Oh! Call me a Flipped-Over-Pacer cuz I'm on FIY-YAH!
As I said on a previous post, I completely misjudged the Para Para Dance. After the Anime Fusion Tour (and bouyed by two saucy lady dancers) I was proved wrong on my three year assumtion that it was for fatties that couldn't do DDR. Well, I'm a fatty and I can do DDR, but I mean do DDR like bears on a tricycle. You know what I mean. You pray the bear doesn't snap from the humiliation and difficulty by eating a small child. Anyway, all I can say is PARA PARA PARADISE DANCE TEAM, FOOL!
Okay, I like Hinoi Team. YES that dude is dressed like a chick and YES he They did 'Ike Ike' for Ichigo 100% and Maeken is funny as hell, so that make him down with the Chachi. You got a problem with him, you gots a problem with me. And that sumo dude busting a move, and you don't wanna mess with him. Maeken isn't a member of the group if i am not mistaken (someone correct me if I'm wrong on that) but he's cool none the less. This is a cover of a Kumi Koda song, too. Double kick ass.
Speaking of 'Ike Ike'.....HELLS YEAH!
Not sure who this dude is, but he rules. Nuff respect. Like John Cho meets Breakin'. John Cho is Harold from 'Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle' btw. Still, it's great stuff.
Ah, Ron Jeremy, Turkey Jerky, Para Para and Hinoi Team. Can this day get any better? Yes. yes it can.
Ah, Turbo. Where have you gone. Man, today is a good day. Well, I am gonna head out for now. Party on, peeps. I'm trying new stuff, let me know what sticks.
Chachi out.
Not yet, peeps! Check this out!
Hell yeah.