Alrighty, peeps. The Chachi is back with an announcement. *Sigh* here is goes. I quit my job last week. I kept it quiet until Monday from my co-workers because…well I will tell the people when I damn well please. Besides, there are some people that can kiss my fucking ass that I could care less whether they found out or could give a rats ass. Hey, I’m a rude guy. Inside joke.
Needless to say, it is time to vent. I have only had 3 real jobs since I graduated from high school (1998) so I have a pretty reliable job history. Even though there have been parts about my job I didn’t like, I was able to grin and bear it because I liked my co-workers (Gateway) or liked what I did (HP). At my last job…holy shit was it annoying. First off was the drive. I never blame anyone else for that because it was my own decision. That was all me, and I take ownership for the cost of repairs of my car and the $180 a month to take a bus to Denver five days a week. Albeit the wheel fell off the bus (literally, the funniest shit I have ever seen and I watched Pootie Tang) it was not ALL that bad.
However, four hours (on a GOOD DAY) in transit a day is overbearing. I was tired by the time I got to work (got on the bus at 5:30 AM, got in at about 7:30 AM) and was tired at work because it was work. And BOY WAS IT ANNOYING. I understand that there is standard corporate lines you have to pull but come on. Respect my mind. I just have to do what you as, not buy into it. If you sell shit and you treat people like shit, they will act accordingly. They will rail into you like Burlington-Santa Fe because you are the face of all the bullshit they have had to incur from their local company. I am not going to put on a face for the company, I am going to be real and say ‘Yes, we fucked you up the ass with a cactus for two years. This is how I am going to fix it.’ It got annoying to say ‘tough shit’ all the time just because the company was full of fucktards that felt as long as we can take from them we will until they find out. Once they do, we will play stupid. Yeah, I am dead serious.
Anyway, that is water under the bridge. The biggest issue I have is the drinking. As many of you know (or like five people because I only have six friends and Jen doesn’t have the internet OR A COMUPTER because she fears the future or something. Just kidding, she’s my homie) I began to party HARD while working in D-Town. I found out after the fact probably a little too hard. As someone who only drank occasionally (like twice a year IF THAT until November of 2005) it was a total shock to drink as much as I did over the timeframe of May until August. It was literally every Friday and the occasional weekday that I would wake up on Rick’s couch (or floor) wondering ‘Why in the hell did I have that tenth drink?’ or ‘Why in the hell was I dancing? I hate dancing!’ Now that I have stopped the heavy liquor lifting (I had a few at the Christmas party at Sing-Sing, to which I say FUCK AXL ROSE!) since my birthday I feel a lot better about myself and it let me reflect on my current situation. I figured it was best for me to do what I always tell people to do:
‘Chalk it up as a loss and charge it to the game’ E-40
Yes, I quoted E-40 the man is A GENIUS! So I cut my losses and am going for something else. I learned a lot while working at this job, although very fucking little about WORK itself. I learned a lot about myself. Oh, and as you can tell I learned a lot about the opposite sex and their insanity because my rants every time were about women. Now A LOT of that was alcohol. That is a given because my BAC during those months was probably the same as rum. Still, there was a lot of learning in those inebriated posts. I’m to lazy to transfer them over to MySpace, so if you are reading on there just go to my Blogger page and check out June, July and August. A lot of what I said was mean-spirited but none of it was wrong. I realized I am going to be lonely for a LOOOOONG time because I am not willing to compromise my views just to get the yak. If you don’t know what that means….I don’t know what to do with you. Anyway, I want to thank all of you for the memories. The good and the crappy. Oh, and I will never have another mojito. Trust me, peeps. It is a GOOD THING I say that.
Well, I will try to be up on Christmas. If not, Happy Holidays everybody! Even the Irish. Yes, THE IRISH. I’m in a giving mood, its Christmas and all.
Live, Laugh, Learn and Love.
Friday, December 22, 2006
Ladies First!
Morning, peeps! It is Friday which means it is the end of this crappy ass work week! You know what else happens today? The…
Chachi Top 20 Video Countdown!
First, lets start with Bubbling Under! This video came out on Tuesday so I couldn’t in good faith put it ahead of anything on the Countdown. YET. Okay, I bash rap a lot and I DESPISE the bragging about money (Mainly because I am broke. I will explain later) but man…this song is bangin. I hate myself, too. But hey, it is T.I. so it can’t be all that bad.
T.I. feat Young Jeezy, Young Dro, Big Kuntry and B.G. – Top Back (Remix)
Yeah, I don’t know why but that song is on re-fucking-peat. Next we have Flow. Now if you watch Naruto (I mean the fansubbed version, I’m not sure how far Cartoon Network has gotten and don’t care because the English voices kind of annoy the shit out of me) you know about Flow. They made the 3rd (I think, may have been fourth) opening GO!! [Fighting Dreamers] which was cool. Then they did the 8th (Hell, may have been 20th for all I know) opening Re:member which if it wasn’t for the Big Four (UVERworld, John Legend, Nelly Furtado and T.I.) it would be the song of the year because it KICKS FUCKING ASS! They have a new (Kind of) single for Colors. Having picked up the Greatest Singles album, I am impressed with their body of work. Check out their latest, it’s the intro from Code Geass, which I cannot find.
Flow – Colors
See, I even hit up the subtitled version for the peeps. It’s the season of giving, fools! WHAT?! Let’s get to the Countdown!
We start this week how we ended last week; a hip hop icon….
20. Jay Z – Give Me What You Got (Last Week # 17)
Well J-Hov is on his way out of the Top 20. It has been an interesting ride, with a quick rise and an even quicker fall. This was one of those videos that kind of lost its luster the more I saw it.
19. Omarion – Ice Box (New Entry)
Okay, I know I have said a lot of mean things about Omarion since…well college. Even still, I like this video. YES, I know he thinks he is Michael Jackson. YES, I know he is not better dancer than Usher, J Tim or Bi. However, this beat is rather crazy and I digs it. Therefore, it makes a debut this week.
18. JoJo – Too Little, Too Late (Last Week #14)
So the jailbait is finally leaving the countdown. Although I still like this song (and her new video is kind of crappy) I like my freedom a lot more. And if my infatuation with Hayden taught me anything, it is that just like Fabolous, there is no sitting on minors. Never again will I quote Fabolous. I promise.
17. Nas – Hip Hop Is Dead (Last Week #17)
So Nasty Nas takes a three step hop up the countdown. I have heard some of the tracks off his new album and they aren’t bad. Nowhere near Illmatic (Although I think I am one of the few people that’s didn’t think it was the best hip hop album ever) but it was a good listen. This is also Nas’s best video by far. Mainly because after Hate Me Now and whatever in the fuck ‘Thief’s Theme’ was about anything would be good.
16. May J feat. VERBAL – Here We Go (Last Week #18)
Hells yeah. So I found another video from May J called ‘Baby Eyes’. Although it is old, she is hot so it doesn’t matter. This video has grown on me and grown on some of the co-workers that have seen it. And she is legal! Can this day get any better?!
15. Bowling For Soup – High School Never Ends (Last Week #10, Plunge of the Week)
WHAT?! Yeah, I am shocked too, but it’s a case of other stuff I like better right now. That and I think they have a new single out.
14. Yui – Rolling Star (Last Week #16)
So on a note completely unrelated, Bleach is so kicking ass right now. Anyone know what is up with the new intro? Is that from the movie? If so it looks pretty damn sweet. Anyway, Yui moves up two spaces this week. Yeah, call me crazy but I would hit that.
13. Pushim, RHYMESTER, HOME MADE KAZOKU, MABOROSHI, May J – I Say Yeah (Last Week #12)
So the J-Hip Hop party falls a little bit this week. Luckily I still get my May J fix from her own video. Even still, it only falls one spot this week.
12. Young Jeezy – I Love It (Last Week #15)
Young Jeezy continues to move up the Top 20. Oh, and I just saw T.I.’s ‘Top Back’ remix with Young Jeezy and everyone else from Atlanta with a pulse. And B.G. but I thought the Gizzle was dead. Anyway, expect to see that song on here real soon, but until then Jeezy holds down the chart.
11. John Legend – Save Room (Last Week #9, #1 for five weeks)
For the first time in almost three months, John Legend is out of the Top 10. It was an awesome run (even better than UVERworld’s which is a feat in itself) and as usual John Legend makes his videos not look like everyone else’s.
10. RBD (Rebelde) – Ser o Parecer (Last Week #13)
THE ENGLISH ALBUM IS IN STORES NOW! That is all. Get it our you will be forsaken! Oh man…I think I just filled the cup.
9. Soul’d Out – Starlight Destiny (Last Week # 7)
Soul’d Out falls two more spots this week. I am patiently waiting for a new video from Diggy Mo and crew, but until then this one will have to do. Just got back to listening to ‘Alive’ and it has grown on my. I initially didn’t like that song.
8. Rain (Bi) – I’m Coming (Last Week # 11, Biggest Mover)
So Bi has his THIRD Top Ten video in 4 months. That is quite the feat if I say so myself. My standards are pretty high. Have you seen a K-Fed video on here? Hell no and you never will. Check out Bi’s album ‘Rains World’. It is actually pretty good once you get past the language barrier.
7. Nelly Furtado – Maneater (Last Week #6)
The first half of a double play! Maneater falls another spot this week and I must say…think video makes me feel good. In THAT way. Too bad Nelly is so skinny or I would so wreck that chick. Eh, I still would. Who am I kidding.
6. Nelly Furtado – Say It Right (Last Week #8)
Just a stones throw from the Top 5 again, it is my new favorite song. This video is actually rather basic, although I cant even FIND IT! I keep on getting her live performance which is actually a lot better. My god, I love her eyes. Just…striking. Is that a word that fits? Yeah, I can dig it.
5. Justin Timberlake feat. T.I. – My Love (Last Week # 3)
NOOOOO!! J-Tim falls another two places this week! T.I. will be back with the ‘Top Back’ remix, but Justin has nothing on the horizon! Man, he is ending the year on a down note. Anyway, he still hangs in there.
4. Game – Let’s Ride (Last Week #7)
Once again, The Game hits the Top Five. This song was cool up until mother nature got surprise sexed or something because it has been too cold to have the windows down and bump this for about three weeks now. Even still, I have the video on rotation at work. Now it is time for the Top Three! We start off with a shocker…
3. UVERworld - Kimi no Suki na Uta (Last Week #1, #1 for four weeks)
UVERworld’s reign is over! After four weeks they fall short of topping John Legend’s record of five weeks at the top. Even still, it was a hell of a run and is still the song on my MySpace page. Well, we have a new number one this week! Who takes the runner up position?
2. John Legend – Heaven (Last Week #4)
One step short, peeps. John Legend moves up two spots to take the silver medal for the week. It is nice to see more people down with John Legend because this song and video are very good. Not only that, it isn’t R.Kelly. Anything without R.Kelly is cool with me. So with John Legend coming up short, who has taken the Number One spot?
1. Bennie K – Joy Trip (Last Week #2, #1 for one week)
After a long trip (Heh, because it is called Joy Trip…I thought it was funny), Bennie K finally rests at Number One! This video, just like the song, has grown on me to the point that it is the most played video on my laptop. Not only that, this is the first non-John Legend/UVERworld song at #1 in more than two months. Congrats to the saucy ladies of Bennie K for topping the chart this week!
That is all for this cold ass week, peeps! Will Bennie K hold on to Number One for the final Top 20 of 2006? Or will John Legend get his second crown? Or will The Game finally capture the flag? Tune in next Friday, peeps! I will be back later before I finish up my Christmas shopping.
Live, Laugh Learn and Love.
Chachi Top 20 Video Countdown!
First, lets start with Bubbling Under! This video came out on Tuesday so I couldn’t in good faith put it ahead of anything on the Countdown. YET. Okay, I bash rap a lot and I DESPISE the bragging about money (Mainly because I am broke. I will explain later) but man…this song is bangin. I hate myself, too. But hey, it is T.I. so it can’t be all that bad.
T.I. feat Young Jeezy, Young Dro, Big Kuntry and B.G. – Top Back (Remix)
Yeah, I don’t know why but that song is on re-fucking-peat. Next we have Flow. Now if you watch Naruto (I mean the fansubbed version, I’m not sure how far Cartoon Network has gotten and don’t care because the English voices kind of annoy the shit out of me) you know about Flow. They made the 3rd (I think, may have been fourth) opening GO!! [Fighting Dreamers] which was cool. Then they did the 8th (Hell, may have been 20th for all I know) opening Re:member which if it wasn’t for the Big Four (UVERworld, John Legend, Nelly Furtado and T.I.) it would be the song of the year because it KICKS FUCKING ASS! They have a new (Kind of) single for Colors. Having picked up the Greatest Singles album, I am impressed with their body of work. Check out their latest, it’s the intro from Code Geass, which I cannot find.
Flow – Colors
See, I even hit up the subtitled version for the peeps. It’s the season of giving, fools! WHAT?! Let’s get to the Countdown!
We start this week how we ended last week; a hip hop icon….
20. Jay Z – Give Me What You Got (Last Week # 17)
Well J-Hov is on his way out of the Top 20. It has been an interesting ride, with a quick rise and an even quicker fall. This was one of those videos that kind of lost its luster the more I saw it.
19. Omarion – Ice Box (New Entry)
Okay, I know I have said a lot of mean things about Omarion since…well college. Even still, I like this video. YES, I know he thinks he is Michael Jackson. YES, I know he is not better dancer than Usher, J Tim or Bi. However, this beat is rather crazy and I digs it. Therefore, it makes a debut this week.
18. JoJo – Too Little, Too Late (Last Week #14)
So the jailbait is finally leaving the countdown. Although I still like this song (and her new video is kind of crappy) I like my freedom a lot more. And if my infatuation with Hayden taught me anything, it is that just like Fabolous, there is no sitting on minors. Never again will I quote Fabolous. I promise.
17. Nas – Hip Hop Is Dead (Last Week #17)
So Nasty Nas takes a three step hop up the countdown. I have heard some of the tracks off his new album and they aren’t bad. Nowhere near Illmatic (Although I think I am one of the few people that’s didn’t think it was the best hip hop album ever) but it was a good listen. This is also Nas’s best video by far. Mainly because after Hate Me Now and whatever in the fuck ‘Thief’s Theme’ was about anything would be good.
16. May J feat. VERBAL – Here We Go (Last Week #18)
Hells yeah. So I found another video from May J called ‘Baby Eyes’. Although it is old, she is hot so it doesn’t matter. This video has grown on me and grown on some of the co-workers that have seen it. And she is legal! Can this day get any better?!
15. Bowling For Soup – High School Never Ends (Last Week #10, Plunge of the Week)
WHAT?! Yeah, I am shocked too, but it’s a case of other stuff I like better right now. That and I think they have a new single out.
14. Yui – Rolling Star (Last Week #16)
So on a note completely unrelated, Bleach is so kicking ass right now. Anyone know what is up with the new intro? Is that from the movie? If so it looks pretty damn sweet. Anyway, Yui moves up two spaces this week. Yeah, call me crazy but I would hit that.
13. Pushim, RHYMESTER, HOME MADE KAZOKU, MABOROSHI, May J – I Say Yeah (Last Week #12)
So the J-Hip Hop party falls a little bit this week. Luckily I still get my May J fix from her own video. Even still, it only falls one spot this week.
12. Young Jeezy – I Love It (Last Week #15)
Young Jeezy continues to move up the Top 20. Oh, and I just saw T.I.’s ‘Top Back’ remix with Young Jeezy and everyone else from Atlanta with a pulse. And B.G. but I thought the Gizzle was dead. Anyway, expect to see that song on here real soon, but until then Jeezy holds down the chart.
11. John Legend – Save Room (Last Week #9, #1 for five weeks)
For the first time in almost three months, John Legend is out of the Top 10. It was an awesome run (even better than UVERworld’s which is a feat in itself) and as usual John Legend makes his videos not look like everyone else’s.
10. RBD (Rebelde) – Ser o Parecer (Last Week #13)
THE ENGLISH ALBUM IS IN STORES NOW! That is all. Get it our you will be forsaken! Oh man…I think I just filled the cup.
9. Soul’d Out – Starlight Destiny (Last Week # 7)
Soul’d Out falls two more spots this week. I am patiently waiting for a new video from Diggy Mo and crew, but until then this one will have to do. Just got back to listening to ‘Alive’ and it has grown on my. I initially didn’t like that song.
8. Rain (Bi) – I’m Coming (Last Week # 11, Biggest Mover)
So Bi has his THIRD Top Ten video in 4 months. That is quite the feat if I say so myself. My standards are pretty high. Have you seen a K-Fed video on here? Hell no and you never will. Check out Bi’s album ‘Rains World’. It is actually pretty good once you get past the language barrier.
7. Nelly Furtado – Maneater (Last Week #6)
The first half of a double play! Maneater falls another spot this week and I must say…think video makes me feel good. In THAT way. Too bad Nelly is so skinny or I would so wreck that chick. Eh, I still would. Who am I kidding.
6. Nelly Furtado – Say It Right (Last Week #8)
Just a stones throw from the Top 5 again, it is my new favorite song. This video is actually rather basic, although I cant even FIND IT! I keep on getting her live performance which is actually a lot better. My god, I love her eyes. Just…striking. Is that a word that fits? Yeah, I can dig it.
5. Justin Timberlake feat. T.I. – My Love (Last Week # 3)
NOOOOO!! J-Tim falls another two places this week! T.I. will be back with the ‘Top Back’ remix, but Justin has nothing on the horizon! Man, he is ending the year on a down note. Anyway, he still hangs in there.
4. Game – Let’s Ride (Last Week #7)
Once again, The Game hits the Top Five. This song was cool up until mother nature got surprise sexed or something because it has been too cold to have the windows down and bump this for about three weeks now. Even still, I have the video on rotation at work. Now it is time for the Top Three! We start off with a shocker…
3. UVERworld - Kimi no Suki na Uta (Last Week #1, #1 for four weeks)
UVERworld’s reign is over! After four weeks they fall short of topping John Legend’s record of five weeks at the top. Even still, it was a hell of a run and is still the song on my MySpace page. Well, we have a new number one this week! Who takes the runner up position?
2. John Legend – Heaven (Last Week #4)
One step short, peeps. John Legend moves up two spots to take the silver medal for the week. It is nice to see more people down with John Legend because this song and video are very good. Not only that, it isn’t R.Kelly. Anything without R.Kelly is cool with me. So with John Legend coming up short, who has taken the Number One spot?
1. Bennie K – Joy Trip (Last Week #2, #1 for one week)
After a long trip (Heh, because it is called Joy Trip…I thought it was funny), Bennie K finally rests at Number One! This video, just like the song, has grown on me to the point that it is the most played video on my laptop. Not only that, this is the first non-John Legend/UVERworld song at #1 in more than two months. Congrats to the saucy ladies of Bennie K for topping the chart this week!
That is all for this cold ass week, peeps! Will Bennie K hold on to Number One for the final Top 20 of 2006? Or will John Legend get his second crown? Or will The Game finally capture the flag? Tune in next Friday, peeps! I will be back later before I finish up my Christmas shopping.
Live, Laugh Learn and Love.
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