Alrighty, peeps. The Chachi is back with an announcement. *Sigh* here is goes. I quit my job last week. I kept it quiet until Monday from my co-workers because…well I will tell the people when I damn well please. Besides, there are some people that can kiss my fucking ass that I could care less whether they found out or could give a rats ass. Hey, I’m a rude guy. Inside joke.
Needless to say, it is time to vent. I have only had 3 real jobs since I graduated from high school (1998) so I have a pretty reliable job history. Even though there have been parts about my job I didn’t like, I was able to grin and bear it because I liked my co-workers (Gateway) or liked what I did (HP). At my last job…holy shit was it annoying. First off was the drive. I never blame anyone else for that because it was my own decision. That was all me, and I take ownership for the cost of repairs of my car and the $180 a month to take a bus to Denver five days a week. Albeit the wheel fell off the bus (literally, the funniest shit I have ever seen and I watched Pootie Tang) it was not ALL that bad.
However, four hours (on a GOOD DAY) in transit a day is overbearing. I was tired by the time I got to work (got on the bus at 5:30 AM, got in at about 7:30 AM) and was tired at work because it was work. And BOY WAS IT ANNOYING. I understand that there is standard corporate lines you have to pull but come on. Respect my mind. I just have to do what you as, not buy into it. If you sell shit and you treat people like shit, they will act accordingly. They will rail into you like Burlington-Santa Fe because you are the face of all the bullshit they have had to incur from their local company. I am not going to put on a face for the company, I am going to be real and say ‘Yes, we fucked you up the ass with a cactus for two years. This is how I am going to fix it.’ It got annoying to say ‘tough shit’ all the time just because the company was full of fucktards that felt as long as we can take from them we will until they find out. Once they do, we will play stupid. Yeah, I am dead serious.
Anyway, that is water under the bridge. The biggest issue I have is the drinking. As many of you know (or like five people because I only have six friends and Jen doesn’t have the internet OR A COMUPTER because she fears the future or something. Just kidding, she’s my homie) I began to party HARD while working in D-Town. I found out after the fact probably a little too hard. As someone who only drank occasionally (like twice a year IF THAT until November of 2005) it was a total shock to drink as much as I did over the timeframe of May until August. It was literally every Friday and the occasional weekday that I would wake up on Rick’s couch (or floor) wondering ‘Why in the hell did I have that tenth drink?’ or ‘Why in the hell was I dancing? I hate dancing!’ Now that I have stopped the heavy liquor lifting (I had a few at the Christmas party at Sing-Sing, to which I say FUCK AXL ROSE!) since my birthday I feel a lot better about myself and it let me reflect on my current situation. I figured it was best for me to do what I always tell people to do:
‘Chalk it up as a loss and charge it to the game’ E-40
Yes, I quoted E-40 the man is A GENIUS! So I cut my losses and am going for something else. I learned a lot while working at this job, although very fucking little about WORK itself. I learned a lot about myself. Oh, and as you can tell I learned a lot about the opposite sex and their insanity because my rants every time were about women. Now A LOT of that was alcohol. That is a given because my BAC during those months was probably the same as rum. Still, there was a lot of learning in those inebriated posts. I’m to lazy to transfer them over to MySpace, so if you are reading on there just go to my Blogger page and check out June, July and August. A lot of what I said was mean-spirited but none of it was wrong. I realized I am going to be lonely for a LOOOOONG time because I am not willing to compromise my views just to get the yak. If you don’t know what that means….I don’t know what to do with you. Anyway, I want to thank all of you for the memories. The good and the crappy. Oh, and I will never have another mojito. Trust me, peeps. It is a GOOD THING I say that.
Well, I will try to be up on Christmas. If not, Happy Holidays everybody! Even the Irish. Yes, THE IRISH. I’m in a giving mood, its Christmas and all.
Live, Laugh, Learn and Love.
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