What be up, people? As you can tell, yesterday I was a little vexed (Preceded by blinding rage at the ineptitude of some people) with my current situation and I felt like maybe it was time to just do the flip out I have always wanted to do.I was dead set on pulling a Jerry McGuire meets Dave Chappelle when he knocked up Oprah moment when today started off even WORSE. I couldn’t get out of bed (Which is hella sad because I got up at 5:30am ANY-DAMN-WAY) after making up good time on my way to Denver (BOOOO!) and realizing I just don’t want to put up with the bullshit anymore…I got stuck in a 15 mile traffic jam because of an accident. So I turned on the radio to find out what the hell was going on but there was no signal in Larkspur because it sucks ass so I couldn’t find a radio station. That and I don’t listen to the radio anymore because I hate hearing Taylor Swift and Plies all fucking day. So I searched and searched until I FINALLY GOT A STATION and guess what song it finally stopped on? Wilson Phillip’s “Hold On”:
I wasn’t sure if this was my sign to hold on and just fight like a drunken ferret or snap and kill everyone on the highway due to the ultimate irony. Either way, I just decided to call Young Copper because if anyone knows about irony kicking you in the balls but giving you the Contra code at the same time…it’s YC.
Okay, I have asked this once and now I will ask this again: WHAT IN THE FUCK IS THE STANKY LEGG?!:
Seriously?! Can anyone tell me what the hell is going on around here?! I mean…WHAT THE HELL, MAN?! Is this what we have come to? Is this what Public Enemy fought the power for?! Is this what Tribe Called Quest went to El Segundo for?! IS THIS WHY HAMMER COULDN’T HURT EM?! God, just when I think hip hop has turned the corner to respectability they come out with this kind of shit. At least I still have Yuna Ito to keep me happy. No, seriously WHAT IN THE HELL IS THE STANKY LEGG SUPPOSED TO BE?! This is going to bug me until I find something else to dumbfound me. Little help?
Well, I am out. Just got some news from Griff that is stunning but at the same time…not so stunning. I’m gonna lay down for a bit. I will be back Friday, maybe on Thursday depending on how I feel. I am just disgusted and disappointed a great deal by how…some people just don’t change. Makes me want to holler:
Sad part: THIS ISN’T THE DAMN INNER CITY. People need to act like they have some sense, damn it.
Live, Laugh, Learn & Love
(Kicking it a bit old school, peeps)