So, first things first. Congratulations to Beth for placing 1st in kata and 3rd in weapons (YOU DISHONOR ME!) over the weekend at a Martial Arts Competition over the weekend. Oh, and big ups for going on after taking a South Jersey Special (slang for a chop to the throat for those not down with the lingo). You are made of sterner stuff (tell me what movie that came from and I will buy you a Coke). I would have personally pulled out one of these moves:
For those unfamiliar with Japanese that was an Emerald Fusion/Flosion to the floor. Someone correct me if I am off, but it should be called ' Your shit just got fucked up for taking a cheapshot at my air pipe.' Hey, that's just how I roll. Even still, congrats to you and the fam (especially Debberg who cant get anyone to step up to the challenge. THEY ALL FEAR WHAT THEY KNOW THEY CANT STOP! Print that up on a shirt, I won't even charge you).
So, time to update you on Kingdom Hearts 2. A whole lot of backtracking. I hate backtracking. Who sits around movingtreasure chests around any damn way? 'Oohhh, I found a fucking elixir.' Whoop-dee-doo, especially when you are getting your ass handed to you so bad that you dont have time to use it. I do like how they ratcheted up the difficulty level, though. I was just tearing through this bad boy for a while. Still pretty damn fun, even with the crappy ass Pooh side-story. Like I care that fat bear doesn't remember me. Tigger is just hilarious, because I keep hoping for him to slip up and say 'N-words love to bounce on their tails!' Sadly, I would find that funny as all hell. All in all, worth the buy if only for the Little Mermaid side-story. Shut up, I liked that movie.
Now to flip flop on to something I DONT LIKE. Which one of you got that crapfest 'Commander in Chief' bought back on the fucking air? Who?! Man, that show sucked, and I only saw one episode. Here is a fact: shows about presidents suck because the president isnt interesting. Aside from That's My Bush (the episode with the aborted baby that survived? Genius) all shows about Washington SUCK. I blame America for this crap. Freedom has limits. One of those limits is BRINGING BACK CRAPPY SHOWS!!! *sigh*
So, a good news bad news thing. Well, the kid is now back among the working. Yep, I just got a job offer today and I must say, it's about time. I guess there is no more waking up at 10am and deciding whether or not to wear pants that day. Fuck, I gotta wear pants everyday now! It's not bad either, good pay, good comapny and an office instead of mini-cubes. Not too shabby. Now for the bad's in Denver. And I HATE TRAFFIC. My god, I nearly used the beating stick today people were driving so shitty. That also means the blog updates will odds are be hella late (7pm ish) and short except for the weekends and when I'm hella pissed. Can't leave the peeps hanging for too long.
With that being said, the Darth Vader Badass Battle of Villainy is up and running! I may put the polls on the blog (32 matchups takes up a LOT of space) but all the polls are up on the website at under 'Badass'. Be sure to check it out. I will put the finalized brackets up tomorrow because...well I can't spell for shit and all of it is wrong. So far, Lo Pan and Sephiroth are at 5-2 odds on for the winners. Only YOU can make that choice, peeps!
Well, I am bored as hell so I am gonna head out for a bit. But first....what in the hell? You see, this is why men and women don't get along anymore: women HAVE this dumbass site and men have made women CREATE this dumbass site. It's a shame. Still funny as all hell though. I'm gonna create THAT is comedy. Oh yeah, before I roll out Grizzle asked who Jackie Guerrido is. Well...she's the greatest weather lady in the history of the world. Who happens to wear a skirt quite the nice. Oh, and damn just look at her.

Yes. All I can say is yes. Stay up, peeps.
Chachi out.