Sunday, August 09, 2009

Black On Black Crime: The Name Of A Gay Pornographic Movie Just WAITING TO HAPPEN.

Hey peeps. I am back with something to say. First off, YES I know this is the first time I have blogged twice in a week in a while. It happens. Anyway, something happened today that validated a previous blog in when I stated (And I am paraphrasing here) that rap will never be what it once was do the the random acts of niggatry. I keep hoping to get proved wrong…but then asshatery like THIS happens:

For those of you that don’t know, it seems that Joe Buddens (The guy that did the song…from…um…oh yeah the last dance battle in “You Got Served”) dissed Method Man (The guy from “How High” and…”Red and Meth.” Shocked that shit got cancelled) by saying he was better than him. All of a sudden the whole Wu-Tang Clan, who suck without the crazy glue that is Ol’ Dirty Bastard, got all in his ass about claiming that. To which I say so the fuck what? Arent all the members of the Wu in their god damn thirties? I think that is when someone dissing you should roll off your back because YOU ARE A GROWN ASS MOTHERFUCKING MAN! Yet, a few days ago someone decided it was a good idea to go all Michael Jackson’s “Bad” on Mr. Jumpoff and confront him at a festival and then one of them hauled off and hit him in the eye for some dumbass reason. Now that you are all caught up, I have a question for you. At what point do people decide what is a dumb ass idea? The whole concept of hip-hop beef is asinine to me but even more retarded is the thought process that acting like a fucking moron is actually LOOKED HIGHLY UPON BY PEOPLE. Especially Black people in which ignorance is bliss, but more on that later. When is it okay to bring a gang of people to confront ONE PERSON because he “dissed” your GROWN ASS FRIEND? I mean seriously? Is this shit needed? At what point does one just say “Chaaaa, you know what? I just got dissed by the modern day Rob Base. I’m good” rather than act like a 13 year old schoolgirl and spout off with a “OH NO YOU DI-ENT!” and slap their hands at eachother like Friday Night Sissy Fights (Chappelle reference? Anyone?) because they arent smart enough to just get a case of the Phukits? It’s why hip hop is fucking dead. I am just waiting for the “Hambone Comin” remix of Death of Autotune. And while I am talking about his trifiling ass, since when was Jay-Z an authority on anything musical? That nigga uses more samples than clinic and is going to state when a musical trend is over? You know, I’m not even upset at the autotune factor as much as I am upset at the statement about rap becoming “soft” which is something that I have been battling with for a long time. This is a problem that is all over rap now, and it has started a trend that I really am not a fan of:


Now that is a word that I don’t WANT to use. However I have just noticed in the conversations I have had recently with Black people on message boards and forums that there is a level of homophobia in the Black community that needs to be addressed and it is very heavy in the hip hop community:

Now as a straight male that…has “festive tendencies” I must say that the “how ya doin” and “suspect” comments about Blacks that the community things are gay ends up being closed-minded and overall bigoted. Now I am not saying that Black people and gays should join hands and sing “I Will Survive” at every rally but at least act like you understand that there is a plight and it isnt to be ridiculed or ostricized. Yeah, I went there. With all the shit that Black people have gone through, you are some of the most intolerant motherfuckers I have ever met. The only thing seperating Blacks and White conservatives are Confederate flags. Anyone remember the Prop 9 fiasco? Now I understand if you have your beliefs about gay marriage no matter what your race, age or religion. I am saying this, and I don’t care who you are and how well you know me. This is the truth about you, no matter who you are:

If you are against gay marriage, you are intolerant and bigoted. The fact you have the UNMITIGATED NERVE to tell someone that cannot (OR SHOULD NOT) get married to someone they love makes you the kind of person that wouldn’t give a stroller to a teen mother in need (Thanks for the awesome line, Kasey!) and I despise you more than I despise the Turks.

If Jesus was such a loving Jew, he would want ANYONE to pursue their happiness as long as it didn’t hurt anyone else. Two homosexual people together doesn’t hurt you any more than it hurts Black people that rappers sing. See the parallel? It’s there.

Oh, and for the people saying that marriage is a religious institution and the word of “God” determines what marriage is. Let’s do this: take all the LEGAL AND FINANCIAL BENEFITS from married people. THEN we will see where the skewers meet the meat, as Master Shake would say. Oh, and for those of you that say it says that laying with a man or woman if you are of the same sex is wrong in the Bible I have a few things for you to think about from your “book”:

1. There was a talking bush in the bible
2. A snake talked in there too, I believe
3. Fundamentally says that all humans are inbred because they were born from two people. All races came from those same people, too.
4. Murder happened every 10 minutes. Which is a sin I believe. More so than two chicks scissoring on their honeymoon, that’s for damn sure.
5. A multi-headed dragon. What the fuck is this, Final Fantasy VII? At least it made more fucking sense than the bible and FINAL FANTASY VII MADE NO FUCKING SENSE! Oh, and the movie of Sephiroth was better than the movie for Jesus no matter how many religious fuckbags lined up to see it. People say Transformers 2 and Scary Movie in droves, doesn’t make them any good.
6. Jesus was a Jew.
7. Jesus was a NAPPY HEADED Jew.
8. Jesus loved a bargain. It was why he was such a successful carpenter.
9. I’m pretty sure Judas was queer. You saw how he looked at Jesus. He wanted some divinity if you know what I mean. And I mean “teh gay savior sex.”

Offended yet? Good, that is how I feel about intolerance. Now I say a lot of shit on this blog that reeks of intolerance but at the end of the day, those that know me understand that I am actually one of the (shockingly) most liberal people you will meet. Why? Because who the fuck am I to tell someone who or where they can marry? Who am I to tell someone when or not to bring a child into this world. I think some people SHOULDN’T have children but to each their own. As long as we can make it a law, do what you want as long as it aint gonna hurt nobody:

Kid-N-Play were OBVIOUSLY GAY. Didn’t hurt nobody, though. I mean unless you messed up the Kick Step which was a concussion and a torn ACL waiting to happen. Anyway, it was a round-a-bout blog but the overall message is…um…knowing is half the battle?

YO JOE! GO SEE GI JOE RIGHT NOW!!!! That’s pretty much it. I will blog later on this week about something or another. Until then, stay up and quit being douchebags.

Chachi Out