Alright, peeps. Time for another update. I told ya’ll I would be back a lot quicker now. I’ve had a few days to look at the aftermath of the experience that was X-Men 3 – The Last Stand. I must say, I enjoyed the movie experience. It was nowhere NEAR as good as the second one, but it was better than the first and a lot better than the work Marvel has been putting out not named Spiderman. That being said, every gripe you have heard about the movie is dead on. It is short, borders on campy and just kind of jumps into it. With that being said, it is STILL a good movie and a pretty exciting blockbuster. I still think Superman Returns will be better by leaps and bounds, but that is just me.
Next, I believe it is time for a rant. Now I am sure that you are thinking: ‘Duece, what the hell else could you rant about?’ Hell, I have ranted about Jesus and the handicapped. What else is there, you ask? I am going to go back to an old staple. As you all know, I have come to the decision that common sense is dead. In all walks of life, at all levels, the thought of accountability has been replaced by passing blame and just all around asshattedness. Yes, that is a word I just made it up. Yet, something just hit me today. What if having common sense…doesn’t make sense?
Follow me here, peeps I am going somewhere with this. When I was in college, a female friend of mine and I were discussing political and social views (Yes, I am sad when that is what I want to talk about with a woman. Fucking sue me, I’m lame) and the discussion got on the fact of tuition assistance. I am a black male (yeah, like you didn’t know ) and I could not get grants because:
My grades were too high in high school (Why in the fuck did I try to learn if being stupid gets you into college?!)
My parents made a little too much (Being military, I was a dependent so that is partly my own fault. But my parents were the damn Hiltons, they had bills like everyone else)
She said ‘That doesn’t make any sense!’ Then she said, and I will never forget this; ‘I don’t understand why I went to school, got good grades, didn’t get knocked up and followed all the laws and yet I have to pay full tuition costs while some b***h with two kids by 18 gets grants out the ass so she can just drop out after 2 semesters. Just stupid.’ Now it may have been the alcohol thinking, but I was in love right then and there because she finally saw what I had been thinking for about 3 years. It's easier to be stupid.
Now before you get all up in a tizzy…I don’t care. I am right on this. Laws should be made to protect the innocent, not save the stupid. You have laws for seatbelts and helmets and other common sense things. I am not big on survival of the fittest as much as I used to be (money throws one hell of a kink into that chain of logic) but at some point, people need to learn the consequences of what they do. Think about it: I know my views piss people off (The 3 people that read this thing anyway. Lost a reader yesterday) and yet I know my bounds. There are a few places that I don’t go because I know that:
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility.
Sounds hokey, but I have used it before because it is a true statement. Who said comic books couldn't be deep? Whether it be the power of words, the internet or money you must know the routes you can go before you are abusing power. The greatest power humans have is free will because it is the most volatile power out there. Free will has changed the course of history more than anything (IMHO) else, and if you can’t use common sense in its most BASIC form (like not peeing on minors), how can you even begin to comprehend rational thought. I’m just saying. Long story short, we should NOT coddle stupid behavior. My original point (Yeah, I got sidetracked by a shiny object) was that common sense is not worth having because it is easier to be a dipshit. While that might be true, it is not the RIGHT THING TO DO. Ignorance spreads faster than intelligence. Remember that peeps. In closing, ACT LIKE YOU GOT SOME GODDAMN SENSE PEOPLE!! I'M THROUGH PLAYING AROUND WITH YA'LL!
Well, that is all for now. Break time and all. Just had to get that out. I will TRY to get something up when I get home. Till then, stay up peeps.
Chachi out.