The word for today is: Diversity. Now what is diversity in the workplace, peeps? Well diversity (in my opinion) is having a cross-section of all walks of life in the workplace whether they be Black, White, Latino, Asian, Arab, Gay, Indian (both kinds) and any other group you can think of including religions and handicapped abilities. Although I am a fan of diversity, something hit me today. What about people that want to be included as being a 'diverse culture' when they arent really recognized as a culture? I was thinking about people like Scientologists. Groups that...well...arent like the others. People that can SAY they are a culture that would bring diversity, but I really dont know if they fall into that category. Who is to say that a Scientologist doesn't deserve the same rights and treatment that a Christian or Muslim does when it comes to fairness in the workplace? Interesting theory when you put it into perspective. I was gonna say something about NAMBLA, but...they's just fucking WRONG. That ain't how I roll, peeps. They gets the gas face.
Sickos. Anyway, Just food for thought.
So, Griff and I had a discussion about jamming to music that others may find not the cool. He told me about a time he was rolling listening to Jordan Knight's Give It To You (badass track, I don't care who's hating) on the loud end and people looked at him like he was damn crazy. Sometimes when you are listening to music in your car you forget who is around. I am living proof of this, because I was listening to Soul'd Out yesterday on the way to the cleaners with the windows down with a Yukon full of what many of us would call thugs looked at me like I was listening to Toby Keith. Sometimes I guess I forget I'm black. *sigh*
So American Dreamz was pretty damn funny. Much like Grandma's Boy and Thank You For Smoking to an extent, I think that the marketing of the movie was rather off. The ADVERTISED target audience of the movie was teens (Mandy Moore, waste of space and life Chris Kline, John Cho) when instead it was for the 21-28 Daily Show/South Park crowd that knows just enough about world eents to not look like a dead fish when someone mentions anything about politics. I think it really went over the heads of the TRL/American Idol crowd because as Z said it wasn't a Bush slam-a-thon and the American Idol spoofing was actually kept to a minimum. There was actually plot and character development. WTF were they thinking?! Not a single poopy joke! Mandy Moore was AWESOME as the willing-to-kill-a-blind-puppy-to-win contestant and Hugh Grant actually didn't make me want to remove his head from his body. Don't even get me started on the awesomeness that is Willem Defoe as Karl Rove. Between this and The Life Aquatic, he is moving up the list of my favorite supporting actors, even if he does look like Skelator. Combine that with the acting of Sam Golzari as the Iraqi sleeper cell that loves show tunes (no one recognized the Donny and Marie record player!) and you had a funny movie. I recommend it if only for the fact that Chris Klien gets SERVED!
Oh, and Noureen DeWulf is damn fine. She will have her own TV show soon, I will be sure to watch:

Yeah, I'm in love. Too bad she's in a movie with Paris Hilton. Everything she touches turns to whore.
Well, I'm out for now. A hell of a commute for the next 2 weeks, so I need to get a lot of tunes for the ride. Until then, something for the small female demographic of this blog. Here is L'Arc~en~Ciel with Flower. LIVE. Gimme dat.
Yeah, I could see how Hyde is on the hot end. For a dude anyway. Well, stay up peeps. I may put something up tomorrow when I get back.
Chachi out.