Wednesday, March 22, 2006

I seem to have misplaced my pants.

First off, those of you that drink tequila: you suck. Second off, what is with the lime and salt crap? The burn isn't all that bad. Yesterday, I went around the town for a birthday party and had a 'few' drinks for his birthday. A few being double digits, I think. Seeing as aside from some sake a week ago I had not drank since December (not gonna lie, the last day at the Pack I was LOADED) it was a shock to go all out. No effects that night, and no hangover. All in all, a good sign. But drinking is bad so never again.

So, what is up peeps? Not much here. Not sure why it is still snowing but I guess I have to come to grips with the fact that mother nature is a bitch. There isn't really much on the news front so far, and I'm not bummed out like I was yesterday (those who know me know why) so there won't be a rant unless something hits me in the next 5 minutes. However, I did read about Microsoft Vista and it's delays. Well DUUUUUUUUUH. The last time Microsoft rushed out an operating system was Millenium Edition. And those of you that have it on your computer right now odds are are locked up. The only thing it can do is go uphill from here.

Man, I am SO close to modding my PS2 so I can play Dirge of Cerberus because it looks BAD ASS. Yet, the reviews from the Japanese gamers has been lackluster. Hmm...decisions. Also, just got confimation of the shipment of the new Heartsdales album. You know, YesAsia has some awkward ass pricing. Some cds are 30 bucks, some are 10. For the SAME CD. My copy of Bennie K (which was stolen a while back, so someone is getting down to Puppy Love and dare I say I'm still pissed) was a Korean version and I paid 11 bucks for it. Played fine, but when I went to buy a new copy it was $27.99 and to that I say the nay-no. Love j-pop music, hate j-pop prices. Speaking of the Heartsdales, if anyone knows what CD this song is on, let me know. It wasn't on M-Flo's or any Heartsdales songs I have.

That song reminds me of Morris Day and the Time. Matter of fact, time to kick it. 80's Jersey style.

Too bad Prince stole a lot of Morris Day's thunder. Morris and Jerome would have been a kick-ass reality show. Why in the hell haven't I ponied up the cash for the Clerks cartoon series? That show kicked ass! All...two episodes. Now take off your shirt.

Man, I may have to run and grab that. Well, I got some crap to do today. Stay up peeps, I may drop some knowledge on ya'll later in one of my few double dips. Until then, its time to outsouce the last few lines to Korean writes and animators. Until next time...