Issue #1: Furries Freak Me Out Officially
Now at first I never understood what my friends distain for furries was about. I mean from what I knew it was just people that liked to dress up as animals as a lifestyle choice when they had teh sex. Now I for one am not one to judge because my Japanese schoolgirl/Wonder Girls fetish is very well known if not complete public knowledge. So I for one cannot hate on anyone that wants to engage in a little role play. However, I actually was cool with furries until I found out that they don’t just dress up AS animals…they think they have ANIMAL SPIRITS and they are channeling it via dressing as them. Then fucking. Yeah…fuck no. YOU SICK FREAKS.
Now I will be the first to admit that I am not one to talk but god damn it I now believe that furries need to be rounded up and put in concentration kennels. Yeah, I so went there! As deviant as I can be (And a select few of you know that I am a creepy dude) I am not going to dress up as an animal because I believe I am a cat trapped in a human body. That is just dumb. Now if you excuse me, I am going watch me some Hinoi Team:
Two of them are legal! I will leave it up to you to figure out the two. Just so you know, in Japan that shit don’t matter and that is why that place is awesome.
Issue #2: Black Dudes With Bad Haircuts
Okay, about a month ago I was told that Bobby Valentino had a shag. First off, I am sure that is NOT his real name. If it is, that dude should be doing gay porn because that is the gayest name since Rumpert Thrusterton. Secondly, I didn’t really know much about the guy except from the “Slow Down” video from a few years ago and I said “Hey, Al B. Sure’s little brother must have made an album” because that is who he looked like. So the other day I actually saw him on TV for the first time in a few years and lo and behold…this grown ass man had a GOD DAMN SHAG IN THE BACK OF HIS GOD DAMN HEAD:
Aint that bout a bitch? I for one will admit that I had a shag. All of us did, so don’t front. The operative word in that sentence is DID! The shag went out about three weeks after it came to pass and this man is rocking it today! He just went to fucking Food Lion to get groceries and he had a god damn shag! That makes no sense! Now I love me some Kanye West no matter what people think so eat a dick and stop reading of you have a problem with that. Seriously, life aint that major. Yet…this mad a Afr-ullet:

How can someone leave the house looking like that?! I have had several folical faux paus but man that is just some godless shit right there! And now that I have your attention, what is it with Black men and the mohawk? I am sorry but unless you listen to punk or are Mr. T you DO NOT NEED A MOHAWK, BLACK OR WHITE:
I pity the foo that still has a mohawk and and down with moshpit! Or aint T! If you ain’t T, then you a foo! Aaaaahhh, the 80’s: when shit didn’t make sense and we were to coked up to care.
Well, that is all for now. I will try to be back up by Wednesday for something or I may put up my old rant on perfection from last year. It’s kind of long but it is one of my favorites and I have been putting up reposting it for a bit. Until next time, stay up peeps.
Chachi Out