Well, my first week at my new job has come and gone and I have to say it isn’t bad at all. The drive is UGH but next week is Thanksgiving and after that I can take the bus and work on getting up there permenantly. But that will NOT change the fact that every Friday you come here to see the biggest videos on the planet. And I give them to you once again!
Chachi’s Top 20 Video Countdown!
First off, let’s look at the videos that are no longer with us with Falling Out:
FLOW – WORLD END (Peaked at #2)
Fonzworth Bentley feat Andre 3000 & Kanye West – Everybody [Don’t Stop] (Peaked at #1 for Two Weeks)
I AM STILL WAITING FOR SOME NEW FONZWORTH! Well, let’s get started with a new video that may just be the catchiest song this year not by the Wonder Girls!
20. Ikimonogakari – Kimagure Romanteikku (New Entry)
Okay, first off it is about time! Ikimonogakari is back and all I have to say is this song is stuck in my head after three listens. The video is just…old school Nintendo goodness! I tell you, J-Pop is on its way to topping my list of favorite music and videos like this is why. I dare artists in America to do this!
19. John Legend feat Andre 3000 – Green Light (Last Week #16, One Week at #1)
John Legend has a new video! I believe it is out now and I am sure it is awesome! On another note, why has Andre 3000 not graced me with his own album?! WHAT THE FUCK, MAN?!
18. Paramore – Decode (New Entry)
Okay, I am getting sick of this “Twilight” bullshit. It is “Harry Potter” for dumb girls and that is fine but keep it out of my TV and off of my foosball. However, I guess I can tolerate it because it means Paramore is back! Can I get a woot?!
17. Big Bang – Number 1 (Last Week #15)
Big Bang falls two spots this week as I wonder if boy bands will ever rule the world again? I mean Asia is trying but we need more of this! I mean, I could do without SMAP (Ugh…) but the rest are palatable. The more funky fresh dances the better!
16. Yuna Ito – Miss You (Last Week #13)
Yuna Ito falls this week as we move on. Can I just say that the females in J-Pop are FINALLY creating some differences between them? For a while I couldn’t tell them apart musically but they are coming into their own I must say.
15. Halcali – LONG KISS GOODBYE (Last Week #19)
Halcali is moving up this week! It has been a while since they have been on here and I am still trying to turn this one into a ringtone but odds are I will be getting a new phone next week so the point becomes a tad bit moot. This will be one of the first ones on the new phone, though.
14. UVERworld – Koishikute (Last Week #12)
The World falls this week however you mustn’t feel sad…
13. UVERworld – Hakanaku mo Towa no Kanashi (Last Week #17)…because they are moving back up! Okay, do the math: GUNDAM + UVERWORLD = FUCK THE WORLD. Get it? Got it? Good.
12. Hyori Lee – Hey Mr. Big! (Last Week #10)
Miss Hyori falls from the Top 10 as her fall run of dominance seems to be over. She got a Chachi Video Award and maybe even a few Chachi Music Awards nominations as well. Tune in next weekend!
11. Alicia Keys - Superwoman (Last Week #9)
“Quantum of Solace” wasn’t bad. It wasn’t GREAT, but it was very watchable. Alicia’s newest song was playing during the intro and I have to say I have never been a fan of the intros. Except “Die Another Day” which sadly had Madonna but you can’t win them all.
10. YUI – I’ll Be (Last Week #14)
YUI is looking to break her SIX VIDEO STREAK of no number one videos as she moves into the Top 10 for the fourth time of 2008, behind only Kanye West. So…have I told you that I love you today because I so do…
9. T.I. – What Up, What’s Happening (Last Week #6)
The King falls a big three spots this week as we move along. Also, Rihanna isn’t pissing me off as bad so much anymore. Although it is mainly because my distain for Beyonce has grown so much but someone has to benefit from my hate. I guess it is her.
8. BoA – Eat You Up [Korean Version] (Last Week #11)
Okay, give me some damn news girl! I have no idea where the hell your album is and I am waiting patiently! Until then, BoA moves up three big spots to number 8 and into the Top 10 for the first time ever! It is about damn time, woman!
7. Hearts Grow – Sora (Last Week #5, Three Weeks at #1)
After looking like they were going to bounce back yet again, Hearts Grow falls two spots this week and out of the Top 5 for the first time in over two months. Can I just say that I am tired of them not having a real album, rather than just mini-albums? What is with that, Japan? MAKE IT HAPPEN!
6. HIGH AND MIGHTY COLOR – Remember (Last Week #7)
HAMC moves up a single spot this week as they hang on for the last time. It has been a great year for them and looks to be a great sendoff for one of my favorite bands out there. For shame…
5. Rain (Bi) – Rainism (Last Week #8)
BI IS BACK! He has his fourth Top 5 video, but his first since 2006 and all I have to say is it has been a LONG TWO YEARS! “Rainism” should have been nominated for the Best Dance Video but it didn’t make it in time. It WILL be nominated next year, though!
4. Wonder Girls - Nobody (Last Week #2, One Week at #1)
After holding on to the runner up spot last week, the Wonder Girls fall two spots. I wonder if they are going to come at us with something new or not. The disco version of this song is a tad bit of overkill IMHO. Just saying. We are down to three!
3. Kanye West – Love Lockdown (Last Week #1, Two Weeks at #1)
We have a new number one! After two weeks and a meteoric rise, Kanye falls two spots to number three this week. His album is out next week and supposedly his new video should be here any day now. I am so hoping it is “Coldest Winter” but I don’t call the shots.
2. Kumi Koda – Taboo (Last Week #3)
Kumi Koda is one step away! It has been a while since she has been this high and is it possible that the first artist with the first official number one video (Before UVERworld knocked her off) in Countdown history FINALLY takes back what is hers? Well, we will have to see and to do so she will have to knock off arguably the biggest artist in the Countdown’s history!
1. T.I. feat Rihanna – Live Your Life (Last Week #4, One Week at #1)
T.I. is back on top! This gives him his second number one video of 2008 and his fourth all time! He even brought along Rihanna with him which I guess is a good thing. This song is now my favorite after a long battle of not wanting to embrace a rap song that sampled “The Numa Numa Song.” I mean…IT’S THE NUMA NUMA SONG! Either way, they are on top!
That is all for this week! Tune in next Friday to see if T.I. and Rihanna can make it two weeks in a row! Or can Kumi Koda finally recapture the top? Or will Kanye West return to lockdown the throne? See you in seven to find out!
Well, I’m out. I am going to scope out the Korean karaoke spots in Denver tonight to see if I can Rickroll another zip code. Rickrollin around Colorado, fools! If anyone is down, let me know and you can meet me or we can go halfsises. Until Sunday, peace out ya’ll!
Chachi Out