Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Oh my god! They killed Keigo!

Morning peeps! Damn, early as hell, too. Anyway, Bleach no longer is sucking the ass. Two deaths (maybe, Renji gets his shit handed to him a lot so he may not be dead) and the return of Hollow Ichigo (HELL YEAH!!) means good times ahead! Unfortunatly, next week is a filler episode so we will see how that goes down.

So I just finished the last 20 minutes of Fearless, the last Jet Li martial arts movie. It kicked the ass I must say. First off, who knew Jet Li could act? I mean the dialog was mainly in the middle section of the movie but it was still well done for a Mandarin action film. Also, Li Woo Ping officially rules all. The fight scenes are kick ass (especially the one with Nathan Jones. Anyone who watched the guy wrestle knows he couldnt find right hand if it was shoved up his ass) and while not up to par with Hero or Iron Monkey (FUCK YEAH!) it was still well choreographed. Not only that, the plot didnt take a backseat to the fighting (usually the case in these movies) and even though they cut out about 20% of the movie it didnt lose any characther development. The only bad part? No Michelle Yeoh. Too bad that was one of the scenes pulled. Yeah, Jet Li vs. Michelle Yeoh is a fight I would like to see. Actually, Ms. Yeoh vs. myself in a nice dinner situation would be nice as well. Yeah, I digs the Yeoh. Hell Yeoh. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That's damn funny, peeps. All being said, it was better than Seven Swords and Promise (which was actually kinda cheesy aside from the love story) but a little behind Shinobi: Heart Under Blade. I need a region free DVD player NOW.

So the world didnt end yesterday. Hell, it wasnt even that hot! Needless to say, I am disappointed about that. I really wanted a Hellmouth to open or something, Buffy style. I mean come the hell on, if on 6/6/06 nothing even SLIGHTLY demonic happens what is the hope of it ever happening? I mean come on Lucifer, get on the ball.

So now that I am getting visitors again, this blog is gonna be more about the peeps. If you look at the bottom, you will see that the streaming music is back. I have some UVERworld (including the KICK ASS Colors of the Heart which I am listening to right now) and BoA up for your listening pleasure. I am back to taking requests. Seeing as I only got one request previously (for Afro Gunso, but the code crashed and File Lodge went all Dave Chappelle and freaked out) I am hoping for more people to request more stuff now that I have both the music player and the file share working. If you have any J-Pop, J-Urban, J-Rock or just generic requests of obscure songs you may have heard me mention just leave a comment or shoot me an e-mail at and I will put it up ASAP. Hey, I'm for the people. Except the Irish. Just kidding, just kidding,

Well, I am out for now. I will be back tomorrow I think. If not, until then stay up. And Walk On.

Man, Orange Range rules.

Chachi out.