Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Aqua Timez: Rocking My World Since 2006

FINALLY Bleach is done with that mind-numbingly bad traitor captain arc (Been there, done that, done BETTER because Aizen is a DICK) and back to the arc from the manga. Now that the anime is safely behind the manga (SPOILER ALERT! Urahra gets a DeLorean because they go BACK TO THE FUTURE!) and about two arcs back, we get to see the most kick-ass part of the storyline in animated form. Also, AQUA TIMEZ IS BACK!

I guess UVERworld was predisposed making the kick ass Gundam 00 opening:

However if anyone got their second opening theme for Bleach, if it couldn’t be UVERworld is should be Aqua Timez. Here is hoping that either UVERworld or Yui is next!
So a few things I need to go over before I go:

1. How in the fuck did people beat Mega Man games for the Nintendo? I downloaded Mega Man 9 off of XBOX Live and even though it took me back to a simpler time….HOW IN THE FUCK DID I EVER BEAT ONE OF THOSE GAMES?! That shit was hard for no reason! Man, kids nowadays have no idea what hardcore gaming is. Go back and get yourself some R-Type, Gradius or Bar & The Space Mutants if you think you are bad ass. Now THAT was gaming! Also, it was back when controllers could take a beating. Simon Belmont wasn’t killing Dracula with a whip; that was a motherfucking Nintendo controller!

2. GO FALCONS! They have a bye this week but after two close games against two really good teams (Green Bay AT LAMBEAU and the Chicago Bears in a game that I swore the Wolven had forsaken me but once again he delivered) things are looking up. At least they will be equal to their win total last year, which is about three more games than I thought they would win. People say that Atlanta doesn’t support their sports teams which to a certain extent is true but I for one have stood by the Atlanta Falcons during their multiple….and by multiple I mean all but three….horrendous seasons and aside from maybe the Arizona Cardinals, no fans in the NFL have been more maligned than Falcons fans. Get behind your team, Atlanta! Although whoever started the “Matti Ice” nickname for Matt Ryan needs to be raped. Dumbest nickname ever.

3. Keith Olbermann….I know we usually don’t see eye to eye on most things but you are DEAD ON about the flames of racism being stoked by McCain and Palin:

I have been saying this for a few weeks now because the simple fact is this: if Barack Obama was a terrorist or a threat, he wouldn’t be a Senator, let alone a Senator running for President of the United Fucking States of America. I don’t care if you are a POW and I don’t care if you have been in the Senate for 24 or so years and a I REALLY don’t give a fuck about how much you “deserve” to be president because of what you have done. Your rallies ARE invoking the ghosts of Americas ugly racist past. When you have my grandparents, who LIVED THROUGH those horrible events in the South that Lewis speaks of and KNOWS what that evil and hate looks at because they looked that evil in the eye and voted anyway you know you have done something FUCKED UP. I have always respected you and your record and let you get away with a lot of shit because of what we agreed on in the past (Hell, I was going to vote for you at one point. AND I’M BLACK) but your response to YOUR supporters and the rhetoric that YOU are insinuating that your voters should look at rather than this issues is disgusting. DIS-GUST-ING.

To have the audacity to say that you hear the same racial/ethnic epithets and bigoted bile at Barack Obama rallies that we have heard at yours is ridiculous, bordering on lying your ass off. Even if you have, that is the voice of the people being morons and intolerant. At no point has Barack Obama made that part of his campaign strategy, at least from what I have seen and heard. Your campaign is quite simply using what makes him “different from us” as a point of debate among people. Guess what? At its core that IS HATE MONGERING. Now I say a lot of things for humor and a lot of things to get a rise out of people (Especially women and Blacks. Turks and Irish deserve it, though) but at the end of the day I believe that prejudice and racism are both reprehensible. Shocking coming from me, I admit. As one who has Muslim, Mormon, Catholic, Irish (Ugh…), Jewish, JEHOVAH’S WITNESS (Whoa…I may be a bit TOO tolerant),gay, lesbian and even Christian friends I am understanding of all people, even if we don’t agree.

The fact that YOU have had to stop people from spreading lies about your opponent is either poor damage control because you don’t believe what your own campaign is pushing or what your constituents believe in or once again a bold face lie to America because you believe it or you are trying to save face. Understand this: no one on the planet deserves ANYTHING. If you want it, you have to fight for it and if you don’t want to fight fair that is quite alright. But call it what it is, sir. You are slowly stirring a pot of racism that has been brewing since Barack Obama first got into this race; much like sexism was brewing when Hillary got in the race. However, Obama never used the “women should be in the kitchen, not in the White House” attack that honestly would have been douchetastic (NEW WORD!) and reeking of awesomeness and hilarity at the same time. He focused on what he would do for the country and Hillary did the same, but did go into the “woman power” bullshit which….totally cost her my vote. Long story short, John McCain IS stoking ingrained, racist views in some people out there and HE SHOULD be taken to task for it. Now if people are just SAYING that stuff, that is one thing. However, he and Palin are encouraging the “kill him” and “bomb Obama” comments by their words and not shutting these wackjobs up when they spout off. America is free, but if you yell “fire” in a crowded theater or in this case “TERRORIST” in front of some really stupid White people (Or to be fair, “nigger” at a 50 Cent concert although they might think you are singing along to “In Da Club” so you may get away with it) you should be held accountable. To not is….well….Un-American. Or totally American if you believe in Manifest Destiny and all. Either way, John McCain has officially made the list. Take a seat behind Dane Cook….jackass.

Well, off the soapbox for now. Stay up, peeps.

Chachi Out