So, time for the big laugh of the day: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Balmer, you are a funny dude. As a famous animated squirrel once said, 'squirrel please!' I am willing to guarantee that the number of PS3 preorders will outsell the TOTAL NUMBER of Xbox 360's sold by January 1st, 2007. Mark that statement down, because I am standing by it. If I am wrong, I will get each of my peeps a Coke. Sony, you know you can do it.
You know it's kind of a shame that Microsoft botched the launch of the 360 so bad. I mean the numbers are good, but imagine what they would have been if they had been able to meet demand and had better games? Not a lot, just a few. I was looking forward to a good old fashioned console war. Remember that, peeps? I remember defending the Sega Genesis to against Griff and his Nintendo loving ass for years. Even the PS1/Saturn/N64 battle was fun to be around (two words: Panzer Dragoon) for a while. Let's also not forget the awesomely underrated Dreamcast against the powerhouse PS2. Those days are over. It was a good run, video game fans. Strong Chachi.....strong Chachi....I need a moment....
Let's remember...the good times. Remember this intro? Soul Blade blew my mind back in the day. Almost married my Playstation. Wouldn't have worked out.
Man, think I'm gonna cry. On to a game that no one played but still kicked the ass. Anyone remember Space Channel 5 for the Dreamcast? I rented it and downloaded the mod (that didnt WORK) and it was pretty bad ass. They made one for the PS2, it wasnt as good, though. Check it out.
What in the hell? Free HBO? Kick ass! So, Pretty In Pink is great for nostalgia, but the acting was kind of bad. And Ducky was a punk BITCH. Not gonna lie, still love the movie.
So, it's the first day of spring today....and it is 19 nipple hardening degrees outside. Congratulations, Mother Nature. Your ass is on the list. Eh, thems the breaks. At least I get to bond with the pets. It's fun watching the cat find a new warm up spot when its cold now that I have a flat panel monitor.
So, lastly I have a confession. I have come to like the PSP Squirrels. I'm sorry, and I am ashamed. The dustballs aren't as funny (actually, they are kind of offensive) but the squirrels
Well, I'm cold so I'm gonna get some tea and chill. I'll see ya'll tomorrow. Until then, for the male demographic here is Maria Menudos.

Chachi out.