What is up, people! I know it has been a while since my last update and I apologize because back then things were in a lot of flux. I was at a job that for the first time ever made me want to Sprewell a motherfucker just for seeing said person breathe, the Falcons lost in the playoffs (To Aaron Rogers, of whom I have been a Stan for about 4 years now and prior to that at Cal so it wasn’t as painful but MAN THEY GOT WHOOPED ON!) and I was coming to grips with the fact that Pimp-C was really gone:
Sweet Jones, peeps. Sweet Jones. Anyway, I now have a new job that actually treats me like a human being that breathes air and can put sentences together (I got a Batman yo-yo! SCORE!) and I have FINALLY gotten the riffraff and hangers-on out of my area (For now, we all know that haters are like roaches. They can live forever and show up when you least expect or want them). You will be surprised how much relieving yourself of things that are a detriment, professionally and socially, will help you progress. See previous blogs because I am not going to quote the Eminem line again but if you know it then you understand that it’s time to rock. You don’t get a do-over in life so maximize when you get a chance to do right. Yeah, sometimes I am fucking deep.
So now that we have gotten the pleasantries out of the way, it is time to talk about something that is near and dear to my heart. Sorry, couldn’t keep a straight face about it. Today, it is time for another rant on the most pointless day on the calendar aside from Martin Luther King Jr. Day because I celebrate that day all year round!
Passion of Chachi Presents: Valentine’s Day
First off, for those of you that refer to Valentine’s Day as “V-Day” understand there is only ONE V-Day, and I celebrate it every day. That is VADER DAY!
IT’S VADERTIME! On the Vader Clock, it is just twelve faces of Vader. Well, much like Vader’s White Castle of Fear, I refer to Valentine’s Day as “The Pain Game” because so much is put into a holiday…that doesn’t need to exist. Don’t get me wrong, love is a grand thing. Well, it is for other people because for me love was a plate upside the head followed by a trail of anger in [Insert her native tongue here] while I wonder if I leave will she stab me in the back with something. Yeah, it was a hell of a ride in the 2000’s.
So after the last six days or so of being asked about “Hey, are you taking out your special lady Valentine’s Day?” and the response of “Well, if the court will let me within 100 feet of her I will” not sufficing, one would think that my response to “How do you feel about Valentine’s Day would be best said by Apacolypta:
On a side note, it is interesting on how the musical tastes of your best friends and yourself overlap after a few years of knowing them. Anyway, I personally have never been AGAINST the day. Much how I don’t have an issue with Macs as much as I think their users are pretentious pricks, the same thing with Valentine’s Day. The day itself is just a day. Much like St. Patrick’s Day and Cinco De Mayo, they are days important to some but excuses to party for others. My issue comes with people that think that Valentine’s Day is anything more than just a day to spend with someone special. The people that think you HAVE to be with someone on Valentine’s Day or your life is incomplete. The people who think that if their partner doesn’t do something for them on that day then they don’t care about them at all and they are no better than a baby-punting Hitler lookalike. THOSE are what I hate about Valentine’s Day: the masses.
I think people need to understand that love isn’t something that needs a day to be expressed. Now people say all the time that people that don’t like Valentine’s Day are “bitter” and “lonely” which can be true. I look at Valentine’s Day much like I look the spirit of Christmas. The meaning of Christmas should be decided by the individuals, not by YOU. At Christmas, my family watches The Wiz and reenacts “Ease On Down The Road”:
Okay…I may have made that up. Still, if we DID do that does that make it not Christmas because we didn’t sing Jesus based Christmas songs and drink cocoa? Christmas is what you make of it whether you believe in the nonsensical story of Santa Claus…or even the slightly more nonsensical story of Jesus Christ’s birth. I mean people believe in the Immaculate Conception but don’t believe in chipmunk that sing and/or solve crimes?:
Right, next you will tell me that you don’t believe that a bear can fly a plane. If you get that reference and you are female, single, over the age of 21 and wont mace me…I love you. Back to the point. You make your own Valentine’s Day. For someone to sit back and say you have to be “in love” or “with someone” to enjoy a day for what you want it to be is like saying you can’t enjoy Black History Month pie if you aren’t Black. Yes, White people we have Black History Month pie and it is THE BOMB!
So this whole thing went on a major tangent but the end result is this:
Valentine’s Day is what you decide to make (or not make) of it.
So those of you that hate Valentine’s Day and take every chance to talk about how the holiday is bullshit and just an excuse for people with someone to validate love that should be shown at all times any-fucking-way: SHUT THE FUCK UP. Quit being bitter and have some Black History Month pie. You are single for a reason so relish it before you have to end up splitting Twix bars with some woman or man while you pine for the days when you could enjoy the awesomeness of two Reese’s cups.
For those of you that think that Valentine’s Day is a day that important enough to constantly inquire about other peoples’ plans for the day and you feel the need to put in your worthless two cents about how not having someone must be “so sad” despite no one giving two shits about you or your significant other or what you do at any point EVER let alone now when you act like going to dinner is a novel concept that hasn’t been done before: SHUT THE FUCK UP. Your relationship is exactly that: yours. No one gives a fuck about your happiness and quite honestly if you have to flaunt how happy you are then odds are you aren’t truly that happy. It’s like rappers: the more you flaunt, the less you got. Subtly is a lost concept in the 2K11 but try it. If you don’t, it may be about that time. VADER TIME!:
If every day was Vader Day, there would be a lot less dipshittery. I think Vader-Bombing someone that walks to EVERY OFFICE to show the flowers and bear their boyfriend got them like they are the first person to ever receive anything ever would stop a lot of that stuff. Just saying.
Well, it is good to be back. I will be back up soon and may actually do the Omnibus I was going to do in December if there are enough questions from the readers. Until next time, stay up.
Chachi Out.