In case you haven’t heard, Barack Obama is the Democratic Nominee for the President of the United States of America. You heard that right. A (half-)Black man is a nominee from a national party for the President of the United States. Say what you will about him or his race or even his politics. This is a momentous occasion and probably the biggest moment for America since the Miracle on Ice. Now I say the same for Hillary Clinton’s campaign despite the fact I really am not a fan of her politics and her actions in the closing months of the campaign. For a woman to get this far in the electoral process as a Presidential nominee makes Shirley Chisholm proud (If you don’t know who she is, look her the fuck up. She embodies the word “trailblazer” mainly because the White people tried to set her on fire wherever she went) and really galvanizes what she attempted to do for not only women but the Black people of America as well. It isn’t just about the politics it is about the change of the status quo. Just a different look brings people out in mass.
A lot of you are shocked by Hillary’s loss and all I can say is this: it is called a process for a reason. You don’t win a game by racking up the most yards. You win by scoring the most points. Whether you win by 20 or by 2, you are still champion. That is not an insult as much as it is a statement to help her supporters realize that voting out of spite isn’t why women fought for the right to vote as much as Blacks did. There were many times there was a Black candidate (Okay…four or five) to vote for and because that candidate didn’t get the nomination didn’t mean they didn’t vote for the person that closest fit their politics. You vote for the representative because this is a REPRESNETATIVE. You vote for the politics as well as the person, which is why (Until she and Bill went batshit crazy) I was more than willing to vote for Hillary…kind of. If you are against McCain’s politics why would you vote for him out of spite against Obama? Eh, thems the breaks. All I know is that this race has been historic and tonight was a night that win or lose will be a milestone for America. If you don’t think so then not much I can say to change that. Congratulations, Barack Obama. You officially have my vote…for now.
Before I check out, I want people to understand something. Always Remember: A Chrysler 300….Is NOT A BENTLEY.
Now I heard Katt Williams talk about this a few years ago and it totally rings true. You see, this is a Bentley:

A very nice, high-class vehicle. Now THIS is a Chrysler 300:

Not a bad car in its own right. But understand this: IT IS NOT A BENTLEY. Stop modifying the frame, stop taking off the emblem and for the love of everything STOP WITH THE BUTTERFLY DOORS:

It just looks tacky. Well, that is all for now. I will try to be back up tomorrow with something new.
Chachi Out