Alright, peeps. I know it has been a while since I updated but I had a busy week. I haven't hit ya'll up with anything for about a week and for that I say 'my bad'. I will try to get more updates now on a schedule at least, perhaps 4 times a week or something like that. Can't have a following without a set schedule.
With that being said, how has everyone been? Like I said this has been a busy and awkward week, but that is just to be expected now days for me. Homer Simpson was right, alcohol is the source of and solution to all of lifes problems. Aside from the weirdness, things have been pretty good. Still have all my limbs and I'm learning that sometimes its better to let shit go. Big ups to a certain someone that laid that down to me. Actually three people but hey, I respect anonymity.
Now it is time for the Douche of the Week! Now, I really didn't want to do this. I really felt like I may have been going too far with this rant, but you know what some times shit needs to be said. I am living proof. Two words: 'obsess much?' The answer is yes, and although it took me a LONG ASS TIME to get it through my skull, I understood it was my own mind that was doing the stupid shit and I had to get over it. Here I am a better and wiser (and less drunk) person. That being said, the Douche of the Week is....
Okay, I just read about this article this morning because....well I didn't believe it when I heard about it earlier. I saw it on Save Manny so it must be true and I had to say something. Okay, I know that sexual assault is WRONG, especially on a minor (some needs to explain that to R. Kelly, but that's neither here nor there) and that there is a certain naivete to teenagers that just EXISTS because they don't know about some things. That being said, how can you sue MySpace because you are an idiot? Homer Simpson once said 'It takes two to lie: one to lie and one to listen'. On the internet, for the most part, there is an accepted truth that people are lying about something. There is an anonymity to your personal attributes that can be fabricated to suit a goal. This dude lied about being 18 (that's the age of High School seniors unless you are Doogie Howser or a fucking dumbass) when he was 19 to attempt to meet a girl that was 14. Now you see, this is where lying ends and common sense begins.
When a man lies to a woman in the club (which is all I see MySpace being, an internet club with no age restrictions), buys a woman a few drinks and says he's the Duke of Fucking Earl A#1 solely for the purpose of getting in her pants that woman has a decision to make. She can either:
1. Call that dude on his bullshit.
2. She can say 'Hey, maybe he IS the Duke of Fucking Earl A#1 and I think coming to the conclusion to fuck him is a COMPLETELY rational thought process'
If you as a female do the latter then you are a FUCKING IDIOT WITH NO COMMON SENSE and everything I have ever said on this blog about irresponsibility and women is true. If you do the previous, you rule and I love you because you aren't a complete idiot. We should go to a play or the theater sometime because you appreciate the intricacies of a great show rather than having a prowess to 'drop it like it's hot' or 'getting your eagle on' or whatever new dance moves strippers have created that club-hoppers have made there own.
Now back to the MySpace situation. this becomes a little more difficult because there are teenagers involved. You know what, I am going to level with you. I have six friends (Welcome to the friend list, Jen! I'm hoping to be up to ten by the end of the year!) and one is only a teenager. Despite that, she may be the most brilliant person I fucking know because she GETS IT. She understands where being naive about not knowing ends and where common sense begins. She is rather alert about her own personal safety and unless I am missing something, she knows the difference between having fun and putting herself in danger. The lies men tell (or boys in her case) don't effect her because she CAN TELL THEY ARE LIES and responds accordingly! Quite simply, at five to ten (and more in some cases) years younger than some women I know, she is about twice as smart and is leaps and bounds ahead of them in the common sense department. Why did I say that? Because I honestly believe that we should give more credit to kids and teenagers than we do. They don't need to be sheltered and protected as much as they need leadership. If you give your kids a concept of right and wrong and safety and danger, there is a high probability that situations like this will be avoided.
Now odds are I am wrong and she is the EXCEPTION and high schoolers really do need to be put in a bubble away from the outside world until 16 and then all of a sudden receive a culture shock. Well, that is fine but where do we place the blame? We as Americans love to have a target for our anger from Blacks to Arabs to The Dixie Chicks. It makes us feel like nothing is really our fault even when it is. That is what makes America the greatest country in the world, all the power and none of the blame...from ourselves anyway except for hippies and they aren't real people. Think about it, can we really blame MySpace? In the late 90's and early 2000's the same thing was happening on Yahoo, AOL, ICQ and other messaging and online community site of teenagers meeting with adults and unfortunately getting sexually assaulted. What was done to regulate them? Jack shit. People need to understand that there are just somethings that are gonna happen, and sadly predators on the internet is one of them. It is not like putting restrictions are going to stop older people from getting into the younger sections of the site because its like Griff always says 'If some one REALLY wants something, no matter what you do or how hard you make it they will find a way to get to it because they want it'
I am not saying to not protect kids on the internet. I AM saying that the best protection for a teenager (except for guns because I believe that we all need one. NRA, FOOL! WHAT!) is knowledge. Yes, I am a thinker. Telling your kids what to do if they feel uncomfortable with one someone is doing or saying while on the internet is the first step to preventing situations like this. Second off, I have said this a THOUSAND TIMES. Never give your address or phone number over the internet to people because you don't know them from Adam or Eve. My BILL COLLECTORS don't know my address and phone number! Let alone random people on the internet! Fuck trust, that's just stupid. In closing, you can't blame MySpace for creating a service that people abuse because its like blaming highways for drivers than cause accidents. They are an unforeseen variable that fuck up things for the rest of us. It's just easier to teach people how to be more conscious drivers so they can avoid the idiots. We should teach children to be better internet uses to avoid the perverts. See, I'm not all complaining and hate. I love the kids. JUST NOT IN THAT WAY!! sadder news Paris Hilton has a new single and video out. Great job, America. First Kevin Federline now this shit. I never thought I would pray for a new Nelly album but I think that is what I have been reduced to. IZ U IZ OR IZ U AIN'T?! No, that man SUCKS. You know who doesn't suck? Sowelu.
Man, that woman is so damn fine I cannot fucking concentrate. You know who she reminds me of? A Japanese Mandy Moore. Just so impossibly cute like a damn kitten. Except you don't want to rub her head. This video makes me wanna rub something if you get my drift. Oh, my sexual innuendo is priceless.
(O_o) Yep, That was GOOOOOOOOOD.
So I can't stand Tyler Perry. I just can't. Oh, and about meeting directly with North Korea? How about NOOOOOO. Find me one person that can look at Kim Gong Il and not laugh at that afro and I will show you someone with no concept of funny. Oh, that and he is BATSHIT CRAZY. I still say we just let Trey and Matt of South Park make fun of him until he finally loses it and threatens us and then we give him the business. Jersey Style.
Well, that's all for now. I will have something in the middle of the week (I PROMISE!!) for the peeps. Gotta keep on track. Well, stay up peeps. De arimasu!
Chachi out.