Today's update is gonna be short, but I do want to comment on something real quick. As many of you know, I am not an uber-patriot. I will say it once, I will say it again: I don't hate America, I just can't stand AMERICANS. With that being said, I think we need a new Axis of Evil. Well, I am not a fan of that name because that sybolizes some threat to the world. Quite simply, Iraq wasn't a threat and had no weapons they were just first on the list. Sad that we HAD a list that didnt include China or Canada (those bastards are plotting) but that is neither here nor there. So now, brought to you by the good people of The Passion of Chachi, I give you the new threats to free thinking, oil guzzling, border defending countries everywhere. I give you the
NEW Legion of Dumb!
Leader: Kim Jong Il (North Korea)

Sidekick/Comic Relief: Hugo Chavez (Venezuela)

Whiny Dude: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (Iran)

Also, you can toss in Ali Khamenei as the old man that always talks about the time he almost beat the good guys and how villians now a days don't respect their elders or the golden age of villainy. Hell, even have Saddam Hussein as the wacky buddy who got tossed in jail. I'm telling you, this could be a kick ass reality show. Put all these guys up in a house and have their lives taped. All they would have to do is bitch about the Evil Empire for 24 minutes. Comedic gold, especially listening to Hugo talk crazy about how the US is trying to kill him. Have a confessional with Mahmoud talking about how America doesn't call him anymore. And Kim Jong Il...just needs to stand there because he is fucking funny looking. I mean just a show looking at his face in different situations with the Benny Hill Theme playing in the background is ratings gold. The Legion of Dumb, Thursday nights only on FOX! Because they will play ANYTHING.
So The Omen...I may just go and see it. I dont know WHY, but this is the closest I am going to get to the complete opposite of Passion of Christ. Unless you count The Hebrew Hammer, which RULED ALL but just isnt the same as a movie about the spawn of Satan. So peeps, if you decide you want to see this movie, I won't be pissed at you. Even though it has Julia Stiles not in eyeshot of a black man. That's gonna be a new one for me.
Well, I am hella tired. I'm about to head out for a bit and then hit the hay. I will have an update tomorrow, hopefully better than this. After the massive updates this weekend I have earned a little filler. I won't let it happen too often. Until tomorrow, KORRIKI FOOLS! WHAT!
You know I am THIS close to saying screw it and going to Nan Desu Kan as Korikki. It would scare the kids, but it would be worth it.
Chachi out.