Saturday, April 01, 2006

Spring Forward...Into PAIN!

This will be short peeps. I am sadly addicted to Kingdom Hearts. Although I am kinda miffed about Pooh not merging with Jenvoa. That would have made for a rather interesting plot. Anyway, 10 hours of work in three days (and not playing at all yesterday) is actually pretty damn good. Did I ever mention that I hate Hercules? And that Chicken Little as a SUMMON is the lamest thing EVER? If I havent, I am saying it now. LAAAAAAAAME.

So Ice Age 2 was pretty damn good. That squirrel needs an Oscar. George Clooney got one, the Ice Age squirrel deserves one. After threatening us with another Oceans movie, I think it's time to give him the business.

Oh, about Deeyah, that I had on earlier this week. This is her video. A tad underwhelming:

Yeah, that was kinda lame. Still, I'd hit that.

Anyway, I told you this would be short. I gotta get the hell out of the Hercules level before I get pissed. I'll be back tomarry-o. Stay up peeps.

Chachi a-hoy!