1. It is hot as FUCK outside. Seriously, there is no need for this. I want to say Al Gore’s boring ass was right, but I am NOT going to do that.
2. Codename: Cleaner may just be the worst movie ever made. If it wasn’t for Lucy Liu's fine ass I would be killing Cedric the Entertainer as you read this. That woman is DAMN FINE.
3. The dubbed voices in anime suck ASS. I am watching some "Tenjho Tenge" (Everyone spells it there own way it looks like) while I do my laundry and the voices make me want to bite a kitten in anger. It isnt even like the show itself was any damn good, at LEAST try to make the voices not suck. Between Bleach, Naruto and Highlander: The Anime (Which kicks ASS. I was pleasantly surprised) I am giving up on all attempts to do voice-over work. If “Death Note” and “Darker Than Black” suck I will snap. I swear it.
4. Preseason football is boring. Anyone tell me that the Titans/Redskins game had ANY REDEEMING QUALITY aside it ended. If you say it did you are a moron. The NFL is about 18 games from September to January and that is all that matters. Even those are fixed. Fuck Peyton Manning.
5. “Hanazakari no Kimitachi e” rules all. The manga was pretty damn good and the j-drama is rather entertaining. Oh, and Hirokita Maki is FUCKING HAWT:

Hell yeah. She is quite the nice. She was in Otaku Densha too, which makes her my baby boo because that was the greatest show in history. Like my life in the form of a Japanese man….except he had cooler Gundams and his woman didn’t have anything against him being an otaku. That will sadly get you shot in my hood. Sentai equals street warfare. Enough of that, here is some Hana Kimi!
Now that is good TV. We have 20 years of “The Real World” but no shows like this? It’s why this country has remakes of remakes.
6. Women have a REEEEEEAL ego issue. I know I have a high level of confidence (As I have been told by women it is bordering on conceit and megalomania) but I am…what’s the word…realistic. It seems that every woman, no matter how unattractive or devoid of common sense and personality, believes they are the shit and all men want them. And if you DON’T want said woman, there is something wrong with YOU because she is hotter than two lions fucking in the savannah. Well, the truth is you aren’t all that. I am wondering why you left the house looking like a reject from 50 Cent’s “I Get Money” video and expecting to be respected or viewed as anything but a whore. As a man, I can’t say “Oh no you didn’t” without sounding gay. It’s a conundrum. There is nothing wrong with confidence. There is something TOTALLY wrong with delusion.
7. Women don’t know good music. I have been to Abingdon Boys School isn’t any good because it is in Japanese but women will listen to T-Pain like he is fucking Marvin Gaye. I am saying this one more time: T-Pain sucks. These are NOT LYRICS:
Oooo she made us drinks, to drink
We drunk 'em, Got drunk.
I am sure that when Ray Charles boycotted Georgia and Motown fought to get their music on the radio…that is what they envisioned. Shawty getting’ dranks. People, don’t support stupidity; T-Pain sucks. He is like Keith Sweat with half the talent. And you KNOW how I feel about Keith Sweat.
8. In case you didn’t know, I like Keith Sweat:
Old school, fishes!
9. As much as I complain about not liking my jobs, I sure as hell missed going to work. It's good to be back, Mr. Kot-ter!
I am McLoven. This will be the 2007 “Accepted”.
And lastly…
11. Jessica Alba has the herpes. That’s what she gets for BREAKING MY HEART YOU WHORE! We had something special, woman! I hung outside your windows and filmed you and you had me arrested. That’s love! Then you had to get a fucking restraining order. Look who is laughing now. Not me, I miss my baby boo.
Well, that is all for now. Have some things to do before suppe time. All about “Superbad” on Friday. Until then, stay up peeps.
Chachi Out.