Thursday, August 03, 2006

Justice Will Be Ours, Peeps!

Morning, peeps. I really have got nothing today. Nothing at all. No updates, no cool videos, no rants....who the hell am I kidding. Three words:


My god, if there is anything hotter thank a disco dancing Yuki and Cico I don't know what it is. Maybe put Kumi Koda and Jessica Alba in that's some action.

Man, I had to get that out. I have been jamming to that for about a week and it kicks the ass. So this Saturday, since my only other friend in the world has a family event to attend I will call to order the meeting of the Council of Awesomeness! Team of Badassitude ASSEMBLE! I need a conch shell or something, that would kick ass. Or a viking horn thingie. That would rule all. Anyway, I want to have the Chachi's finalized by the end of next week (Sunday) so I can FINALLY get this thing rolling. I am also noticing a lack are participation by the peeps about picking their own nominees. Don't be shy, ya'll. Let your voice be heard!

So on another J-Pop note, I heard Sowelu's new album, Twenty Four. It's not shabby, kind of overly poppy but thats to be expected. She's damn hot. Also, out of the blue, Kumi Koda has an EP or a mini-album because she has new work. It's not her best stuff, but give it a try. She's a saucy lady. Check out Juicy. Unfortunatly, its not a remake of the Oaktown 357 hit Juicy Got'Em Crazy. Maybe that is for the better.

My god, that woman should be a controlled substance. Although the bottle thing was kind of too far into the Paris Hilton realm of whoredom. Kumiko, that was not needed. Yet, I shant complain because I love you.

Speaking of unreturned love, the Duece is single. Has been for a while. And quite simply, he needs to change that. So from this point on, the Duece is looking for a lady friend. Someone to spend quality time with eating gelatto or watching a nice play or jazz festival. And doesnt mind someone who destroys all electrical and mechanical objects by looking at them. Let me know if you would like to go out for coffee sometime, ladies!

Oh, one last thing: Heath Ledger has to fucking die. NOW. Or at least before the Batman Begins sequel stars filming. I have a posse (up to five people now. SWEET!) that are down to stop that Hollywood fucktard from making the movie. If you would like to enlist, shoot me a comment or an e-mail to and I will go through the interview process. Again, The Passion of Chachi is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Yes, even the Irish now. Bastards and their lawsuits. Join the...

Beat Down Heath Ledger Crew!

There will be punch and pie at all meetings. Once I have a set group, I will announce the dates and times. Well, that is all for now peeps. I will try to be back tomorrow morning. Stay up, peeps.

Live, Love and Laugh.