So I have decided to return after a double dip yesterday. Sometimes I just decide to get on and toss a few thoughts up for fun. That and I am staying awake to see Rain on the Colbert Report! America, prepare to feel the RAIN!
Until then, here are some of…
Chachi’s Random Thoughts!
Random Thought #1: Sake Is Damn Good
I said it once to my boss outside Mile High Saloon (Copper…how awkward was that?) and I stand by this statement: the only thing that keeps me from being an alcoholic is the cost. That and the total lack of knowledge on how to make my own, of course. However, if I could make my own alcohol it woud have to be sake. That shit is fucking awesome and with sushi it is even better. Oh, and as the Hoag learned you better be able to put it down when you hang with me because sake and I go together like…well…schoolgirls and I:
Before you complain, two of them are 18. Two of them….aren’t. That is the fun of Korea: that shit don’t matter!
Random Thought #2: Hillary Should Stop
If Hillary loses North Carolina (Which all signs point to) and loses or barely wins Indiana (Which all signs also point to, as well) she needs to drop out. Seriously, you are fucking the Democratic Party up worse than Ronald Reagan could have ever dreamed. I swear if you sue to get Florida & Michigan votes in after deciding eaerlier the votes wouldn’t count you will destroy (Repeat: DESTROY) the democratic party. No more than Howard Dean did, but still. BYAAAAAAAH!
Random Thought #3: Hockey Is Still ON?
I really want to like hockey. I mean I really do. I know that Canadians are the only ones that are playing it and that it comes on a network I didn’t even know I had until Saturday but I mean at least TRY to get the attention of people. I mean, I know the Stanley Cup is going to be on SOMEWHERE but can anyone tell me where? As the only person in Colorado that could give two shits about the Colorado Avalanche it makes it hard to watch hockey because people are always drunk when hockey is on. I guess it helps slow the game down for the bros and when they say “man down on the ice” it also means bending your bro over the Nati Ice keg. Fuck you, that was funny. Oh, and I am really looking forward to a Penguins/Red Wings Stanley Cup. That actually might make me find the game on TV for once.
Random Thought #4: Midgets Piss Me Off
They just do. Creepy little fuckers.
Random Thought #5: You Know, If You Don’t Want Your Cootch To Be Seen In Public…Wear Underwear.
I have only mentioned this once on the blog but it bear repeating after someone had the never to defend the stance of celebs not wearing underwear. If you know you are being photographed at all times, wouldn’t you take safeguards to make sure that you are covered and things you don’t want seen? So with that being said, if you don’t want your naughty bits to be seen on TMZ or Egotastic then just cover them up? Is it really that hard? Are panties and bras that confining that you must toss them aside at the risk of having your naughty bits exposed? This doesn’t only go for celebs, this goes for random women, too. Life is life, ladies. There are people that are going to take pictures of your goodies if you let the flash in public just like women will marry a man for money just to divorce him and get half. It is a fact of life and all you can really do is protect yourself against it. You can thumb your nose to logic and go for the comfort of no drawls but when you do, you can’t complain about your gullyhole being plastered on text messages. Sad but true. Besides, don’t women have their goods almost hanging out half the time any-damn-way? Geez, how dumb.
That is all I got for now. I may be back up tomorrow with another short update. All depends. Until then, stay up peeps.
Chachi Out