Friday, June 02, 2006

Yeah, You Know It

Good morning peeps. First off, good morning to all. Hope you had a good nights sleep. I sure as hell didn’t, I had a dream that I was in the movie ‘Snakes on a Plane’. No shit, it was horrible. Even worse, my doppelganger is in there and we had a battle over a detonator. I can’t make this up peeps. Needless to say, it sucked the big one.

So, why such an early update? I will tell you why: gays settling down. If you don’t know my stance I will let you know: marriage is no longer a religious union in the eyes of god. It is now a parody (Britney Spears, I am looking at your ‘Pimp and Ho’ debacle) that as far as I am concerned can happen between a bear and a howler monkey. I believe that if two people are in love enough to say that they will stay together forever then hey, more power to them. People who say that marriage is between a man and a woman are just splitting hairs because marriage is no more sacred than a cell phone contract. Fuck the phrasing, as long as two people are willing to make the union they should be able to do so. Quite simply, any two people should be able to get married, male or female.

So with that being said, what is the big deal? I am really not a fan of people picking and choosing words from the holy books to prove points, but discount all the others (have you ever met someone that follows EVERY WORD of the bible or Koran? The answer is no because they say some WEIRD SHIT). If your issue with gays getting married is them being gay then the problem is with you. Let’s get this straight right now: gays are people like everyone else. People who discriminate on gays (sans Clay Aiken because he has transcended gay into a realm of his own existence) are stupid and not really a righteous person because loving all people is supposed to be the right thing to do. Therefore, quit being a hypocrite about loving all people, because you need to add a long fucking list of who isn’t included in your lovefest. Lastly, why is the GOVERNMENT (albeit State) passing legislation on a RELIGIOUS UNION?! Just like science, I want my government and religion as far away from each other as possible.

Oh, and in another news update….Anna Nicole Smith is pregnant. Um…yeah I got nothing. Just the thought of Britney and Anna Nicole living in nine wide trailer parks next to each other fighting over K-Fed on Cops is all I can imagine. And I don’t think I am ready for that vision right now. You know, I RARELY say people shouldn’t be allowed to have children because they are unfit, but Britney nearly DROPPED her kid (Jacko style) while Anna Nicole is just…let’s say I say an episode of the show. Yeah. This is not gonna be good.

Well, that is all for now. I will try to be back tomorrow or maybe tonight, depending on what happens this evening. Stay up peeps.


Chachi’s (Coming) Out!

Just joking, I like boobies.