BIG BABY JESUS, MOTHERFUCKER! I gotta have my small victories, you know. Oh, and I quoted A Pimp Named Slickback to boot. Yeah, I find ways to be happy.
So a few things I need to get off my chest…
Issue #1: Stop Doing The Electric Slide
Okay, I understand that people think that because I am Black that I am supposed to LOVE the electric slide. Well, first off I am not that good at it. Yes it is an easy dance and I know the movments but it is a dance that has passed its service. I mean seriously:
I mean I hate the Soulja Boy now with a passion (There was about three weeks when I liked it…then I sobered up) but at least its recent. This dance is 108 years old! I am not going to say it’s an old dance but Jesus did this at the last supper! I mean, it was before his feet got nailed so he was a lot better on the good foot. Yeah…I’m going to hell. Anyway, who still does the electric slide? Old Black people and old White people. Yeah, line dancing is just the electric slide sped up to accommodate even those with the most lacking of rhythm. I think that it is officially time to retire the electric slide. Instead we need to bring back dancing in prisons!
I’m sure Chris Brown will be able to do this better once he gets in. Aw, snap! Yeah, I gots Chris Brown jokes for days. Also Rihanna jokes but they are all about not being able to take a punch and the size of her forehead.
Issue #2: Chasing Is For Coyotes
So the other day I had a discussion with a friend about a situation a few weeks back where I was forced to mingle with people at happy hour. I am not really an engaging person but when I have to be I can so some semblance of a personality. It seemed that I was having an okay time taking to some friends of the person I went with and after the fact we went to have sushi and she asked me if I asked her friend for her number to which I responded no. Now after this there was a pretty interesting discussion about what pursuit when it comes to attraction really means.
From what I gathered, it pretty much means that a man is supposed to chase a woman until she decides otherwise. As a man you have to know WHEN she is ready to stop lest you get hemmed up by the party patrol and I don’t mean Loverboy. You see, I stood by my logic that attraction should be two ways and if it is then both parties should acknowledge interest, whether covert or overly. If a man opens up to a woman and shows interest and she backs away for any other reason aside of lack of interest she is wasting both peoples time. You see, no means no so if a man stops chasing because you are being coy and back away you can’t get pissed off. In this case I didn’t say anything because I run under the assumption that everyone hates me. It sounds like a bad outlook but you are always happy to meet new people when you think everyone wants to drink your blood. However if the other party is interested, just conversation isnt really a way to show that you want to go past the cordial hello. If that is the case then I am a whore because I will talk to anyone at a party, bar, convention or club because if you are going to sit on the wall and judge people or be a party-pooper then take your ass somewhere else. You don’t HAVE to be at a party so make the most of it or get the fudge out. With that being said, I have mentioned on here before that I understand the logic behind the chase. Everyone wants to be desired. However, the PROBLEM with the chase is the same problem I see with trying to get attention. If you wear something revealing you are going to get attention and not always from the people you want it from. You have to accept that. If a man drives a nice care he is looking for attention but some times he doesn’t get the attention he wants. Like somebody jacking his shit. You know where I am going, I have went there before so I am not going to go into detail. Just know what I mean and the correlation.
So is the chase really pivotal? Well…no. I think that the chase should be negated by getting to know someone. That is just me, I’m usually wrong but I think finding out that a person is borderline insane is better than seeing if he will call you back after you ignore his first call. I’m just saying…you avoid a lot of shit by doing research wather than playing grab ass. Wasting time doing that makes it your own fault when that nutty nigga is playing beat ass with your face. Yeah, I said it!
Well, that is all for now. Kind of sleepy and I have been late for everyday for like a month or so. I will try to be back Thursday. Definitly back for the Countdown on Friday. Until then, stay up.
Chachi Out