Okay, a full update on Sunday but now for a quick synopsis of what I learned this week.
1) Women are still pretty weird. Doesn’t ever really change; just have to kind of roll with their weirdness. Getting the hang of it, though.
2) There is nothing more ballin’ than making your own spring rolls. That was some good fucking eatin’. Saigon CafĂ©, peeps. Good stuff.
3) I may be manic depressive. No joke, it is beginning to freak me out. I went all over the place about having to go to work on Monday from unbelievable joy to wanting to murder my waitress at the Broadmoor. BTW….waaaaaay too many white people up there. Only other black dude was holding the door open for me. Dare I say…that shit is racist.
4) So ‘Knocked Up” was pretty damn funny. Katherine Heigl is fricking HAWT (ever since that one movie with that chick from ‘On The Line’ with one of the N’SYNC-ers) and it had Jonah from ‘Grandma’s Boy’ and ‘Accepted’ in it! Although it did have crowning….yeah, I wasn’t ready for that.
5) Even though I get my rant on about how my life sucks it dry…it’s really not so bad. I like where I am at right now. Except the being single thing, but thems the breaks on that. Women may be stupid sometimes, but I have to give them a lot of credit. I mean, they don’t date me just jerks that fuck them over for years at a time. Maybe it isn’t all that deep. It’s the Riley Pissing Theory. I see piss, I move. Some women see piss….they stay. Can’t win them all. This plays more on the first thing I learned yesterday but eh, I’m full circle.
6) Rebelde: Greatest TV show ever:
Giggidy giggidy, giggidy goo. I’ll be back tomorrow for a full round-up at some point.