Morning peeps! What is up! I told you I may be back today and I am. I have a few things to get off my chest. It's rant time, peeps.
Like I have said once before, my life is an open book. Aspects about me are for show and I keep some things secret (some people who would prefer not to be named, where I work, etc). However, there are some things that I will tell and not care about who hears because it is fucking stupid. This is one of those times.
I have had the priviledge (or punishment as I see it) to work in corporate America for the lat 8 years of my employment. The last 3 years or so have been in middle management style work where they give you all THE WORK of a manager and none of the fucking pay. I have to say that although the pay is better than Wal-Mart, the job isnt any better. Let me get one thing straight: work is for chumps. Everyone knows that and it takes varing degress of time to figure that out. I learned that working for my last employer when the lied to me about whether we were going to get laid off. It was clown shoes and they know it. The reason I am ranting about this is because of one thing:
You know, Teq had a song about dress codes. The hook went 'We dont give a damn about a dress code'. Neither do I. Now I understand in some jobs they support communist beliefs by having everyone dress alike to remove individuality and break the spirit of the worker. LONG LIVE THE RED STAR! Best Buy, Target and Wal-Mart come to mind. With that being said, those are rather entry-level positions. When you get to a mid-career position, I believe that you have worked long enough and created a track record so that you should not have to be made to dress like a fucking Men's Warehouse or Macy's reject. Yet, it seems that when you get higher up in the world, the more autonomy there is. Mo money, mo problems.
Preach it, Diddy. Anyway, back to my point. What does a dress code do exactly? At the end of the day, we are all people and we want to be comfortable. It is like the whole nose ring at Macaroni Grill fiasco. Who in the FUCK ARE YOU TO TELL ME WHAT IS APPROPRIATE?! I can gauge what bothers me, thank you very much. The fact that some people believe that there is a set way to dress in corporate America is stupid. Think about it. I do all my work over the fucking phone. I could be in flip flops, chaps, a wifebeater and a 1987 Rediskins NFC Wildcard shirt and do the same work as if I was dressed to the hilt. You know why? Work is about the person, not the dress. Those that believe that dressing well in a phone based enviournment makes you better is a fucking idiot. I said it, a FUCKING IDIOT. People are people and no amount of clothing or training will change that. It is almost like a damn placebo.
Long story short, dress codes are there and you have to abide by them. End of story. I dont have to fucking like it and you cant make me. This is America, bitches! Anothing thing about corporate America while I have a second: I am a human being. I have emotions and feelings no matter how illogical. That being said, you cannot force me to agree with you. I will do it because it is the rule or the company line but I sure as fuck dont have to care or like it. Quit tring to make me see your point of view how something is 'beneficial' or 'great for business' because I already know and couldnt give a donkeys floppy cock about your reasons. Let me have my fucking views, you red commie bastards. Free thought, fools! WHAT!
Now that I am off my soapbox (for the next three minutes), I must say that the new episode of South Park was NOT OFFENSIVE to Steve Irwin. Or Biggie Smalls for that matter. That shit was funny as hell. Not as funny as last weeks, but still. Lay off of it. Nothing humor-wise is out of bounds as long as it is funny.
Look what I found! Ah, to be a kid again...
*Sigh* Back in the time before the weight of the world crushed my dreams like a midget versus King Kong Bundy. Well, I am out for now. I will be back soon peeps. Go with Christ. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....shoot....funny stuff. Stay up, peeps.
Live, Laugh and Love.