Good morning, peeps! First off, I have to give a big welcome home to Lil Kim! It's good to see you out of prison, girl! Now all we have to do is get Shyne free and all our hip hop plotical prisoners will be free! Free to run the streets and fill the airwaves with more shit. Greaaaaat.
In less important news, North Korea just pulled a 'if you want some, come get some' to the rest of the world. Yeah, this is a great idea Kimmy Jay. I'm gonna be honest: no one gives a FUCK about your DPRK (odd how a 'Democratic Republic' has state run television. You are a fucking idiot, Jong Il) and with all of your stupidiy of the last three years I don't think anyone has your back. Except maybe your heterosexual life partner Hugo Chavez but he is too far to be of any real assistance. And he has what, seven jets and a Trojan Horse? We would be through Venezuala before the commercial break. You know what Kim Jong Il needs? Just a hug. You sad, little man? You want a soda? A sooooooooda? He's just roonrey...
He just wants some attention. Well now you have it and odds are you are gonna get your ass WHOOPED ON!
So tomorrow is America's birthday! Hell yeah, it's time to par-tay like R. Kelly is free! What? He is free? Oh....well it is STILL gonna be a party, peeps! Also, I have decided to give out a few Lifetime Acheivement Awards at the Chachi's next month. More details as my mind thinks of them.
Well, I will try to have a post for America's big day tomorrow. Oh, one last thing. I got my 500th vistor yesterday afternoon! That is 500 visitors since May 27th of 2006. I am so happy the peeps love me! Or at least find humor in my pain of being an asshole, lack of a love life, the fucking up of the little love life I DO have and nonsensical rants that are usually alcohol induced. Either way, it is great to have you here. What better way to celebrate my 500th visitor than with a little Bennie K?
Mmm, Yuki. Well, that's all for now. Stay up peeps.
Chachi out.