What is up! It is another Friday and it is about that time! I give to you this grandtastical Friday….
Chachi’s Top 20 Video Countdown!
We start off with some sexy…sexy ladies dancing for my K-Pop enjoyment…
20. Tenjo Chiki (TSZX) – Pirhrana (New Entry)
Yes. Yes. YES. YES. YES!! This is my new favorite video. I have been watching this (for the…dancing) video for a few weeks now and all I can say is DAAAAAAMN! These ladies are hawt like nobodys business. So needless to say…Foxxi MisQ has some competition.
19. Foxxi MisQ feat Zeebra – Luxury Ride (Last Week #17)
The ladies of Foxxi MisQ are on the verge of falling out of the Countdown after a VERY impressive run of two videos in the Top Five at the same time. I am still digging “Gloss” and…I am still digging me some Dem. She’s hawt.
18. FLOW - Answer (Last Week #15)
FLOW falls three places this week after a short stint on the Top 20. This video has fallen to the wayside with some big (AND I MEAN BIG) new videos out, this video slides down a bit. I still loves me some FLOW, though.
17. Yui – My Generation (Last Week #13)
16. Sowelu, EXILE & DOBERMAN INC – 24 Karat (Last Week #18)
So there are two versions of this video so far. Type “S” has a whole lot of Sowelu (The “S” is for SAUCY) and the “E” version which has a whole lot of EXILE. As cool as EXILE is, Sowelu is where the hell its at. Me loves me some of the ‘Lu.
15. Gackt – RETURNER ~Yami no Shuuen~ (Last Week #11)
Gackt falls another four spots this week with this epic. I am officially demanding some more Gackt and NOW. The man makes Zac Efron look like Zachary Taylor. Do some reading, I cant hold your hand.
14. Nelly Furtado – Do It (Last Week #16)
Mmmm, Nelly moves up two more spots this week with her new video. Nelly is looking for her fourth Top 3 video (“Promiscuous” and “Maneater” both hit #2 and “Say It Right” went to #1for three weeks earlier this year) and that would be a feat only you guessed it, UVERworld has achieved. They kind of run this.
13. Chamillionare – Hip Hop Police (Last Week #14)
Cham moves up another spot this week. He is part of the “Hip Hop Kind Of Doesn’t Suck” movement that has started recently. Between Kanye, Common, UGK and Talib Kweli (“Eardrum” is bad ass) I am no longer AS MAD as I was about three months ago.
12. Foxxi MisQ feat. Miss Monday – Party Booty Shake (Last Week #8)
Mo Foxxi Too bad they are on their way down because they have had a good year. If not for Abingdon Boys School and Daughty, they would be a shoo in for the Chachi Award for New Artist of the Year.
11. Aqua Timez - Alones (Last Week #19, Biggest Mover)
Bleach is going back to the manga! Ichigo vs. Grimmjaw Part Deux! Urahara cuts loose! Orihime wears tight clothes! It gets no better! Wait, it does. Aqua Timez is a step away from the Top 10! Can I get a ‘BANKAI?!” Hells yeah.
10. Gym Class Heroes – Clothes Off (Last Week #10)
Gym Class Heroes makes a stop this week at #10 for the second straight week. They have a new remix with Lil Wayne for “Viva La White Girl” which isnt all that bad. Lil Wayne has grown on me over the last 10 months or so, not gonna lie.
9. UVERworld - Shaka Beach~Laka Laka La~ (Last Week #12)
Yeah, you know it. The boys are back in the Top 10. Like we havent seen them up here before. Can they make it five for five in the Top Three? We will have to see!
8. L`Arc~en~Ciel – Seventh Heaven (Last Week #4, One week at #1)
HYDE AND COMPANY ARE BACK! A new video is being downloaded as we speak and if is rocks (WHICH IT FUCKING WILL) it will be on here ASAP. Yeah, its all about the J-Rock.
7. AI – Brand New Day (Last Week # 7)
AI stands pat at #7 this week. Now we begin to get into the big players on the Countdown. Can AI crack the upper echelon? It has been over a year since she has been this high…
6. John Legend – Stereo (Last Week #9)
John Legend is BACK and is primed for another run at the top! I love this song and the video is growing on me. Seeing as “Once Again” won the Chachi Award for Album of the Year you kind of knew that this was going to be great.
5. Common – The People (Last Week #2)
Into the Top 5 and Common falls from #2. He could not topple the juggernaught that is UGK and Outkast. The People arent mad, though. His video is great and “Finding Forever” is AWESOME. Trust me, it is that damn good. Great run, though!
4. Abingdon Boys School – Nephilim (Last Week #5)
TM and the crew are making their bid for the top spot! After hitting #1 with “Howling” which is the rockingest song of 2007 by far, they look to have this video follow suit. I am still waiting for the album! Onto the Top 3!
3. Kanye West feat. Daft Punk – Stronger (Last Week #6)
Kanye has is second Top 3 video this year (Kanye hit #3 with Game with “Wouldn’t Get Far” earlier this year) and is looking higher this time out! I am trying to find when “Graduation” comes out but I see nothing. I am actually rather excited for this album. Also, the video isnt too shabby either. Better than “I Get Money.” Fuck 50. I’m right here…what do you want to do? I’m right here.
2. Hearts Grow - Mimawari (Last Week #3)
They youngsters of Hearts Grow are officially they youngest people to make it this high on the Countdown! It has been a long trek but they have made it this far. They take the runner up spot and are looking to maybe…just maybe be video that knocks off the longest reigning #1 in over a year…
1.UGK feat. Outkast – International Players Anthem (Last Week #1, Seven weeks at #1)
Seven weeks. This video has been at #1 for SEVEN WEEKS. That is almost unheard of. But Bun-B, Pimp C, Andre 3000 and Big Boi have not only conquered the mountain for 7 weeks but have been in the Top 3 for 10 weeks to boot, the longest EVER. Yes, this video is that damn good. And that is why it is at #1 for another week!
Well that is all for this week! Tune in next week to see if UGK and Outkast can set the record and hold on for their eight week! Or can Hearts Grown be the owners of the video that finally ends the streak? Or can Kanye West prove he is stronger than the competition? Find out next Friday!
Oh, and one last thing. This week is officially one year that I have been doing the Passion of Chachi Top 20 Video Countdown. I put this up for my own enjoyment last year it kind of took off from there. I would like to thank everyone that reads this (about 21 of you, give or take per Friday) every week and I have only missed one of the 52 weeks (it was done late so I didn’t really miss it, but I have to keep it real) I have been doing this so I am dedicated to the peeps. I want to send a special thanks to Roxanne for giving me the link on her site and for anyone that ever gave me a shoutout (there are like five of you and you know who you are). Again I thank you for reading because without you, I am just a nutcase with a computer. This is for you! The first #1 video ever….”SHAMROCK” by UVERworld!!!
Thank you again, peeps. It’s about the love. “The Little Mermaid” on Saturday so an update on Sunday maybe. Until then, stay up.
Chachi Out!!