Yay, thank Dr. Martin Luther-the-so-called-King for a free day off! Hopefully we will have a Rosa Parks Day soon! You know, people aren’t going to be happy with this statement but how come our most revered people were just rabble rousers? Martin Luther King got the insane notion that Blacks and Whites should be treated equal as human beings. The White man deserves better! Rosa Parks refused to get out of her seat and give it up to a just as tired white woman. What the hell?! The back of the bus is safer any-damn-way! People shouldn’t be rewarded for being lazy! Congratulations, Rosa Parks. You just cemented the welfare mentality. Don’t even get me started on the women and the damn Suffrage Movement. Voting is a privilege, not a right. A right that no one should have except for the white man in all his infinite wisdom. Electoral college? Primaries? Just more big words my Negro brain can’t possible comprehend. Leave the hard things to the White man and everything will be alright. It worked for the last two elections, right? Am I right?
FUCK NO! Geez, people take a fucking joke. Either way, today is the day we celebrate the dream of one Martin Luther King. Which I believe was for little white girls and little black boys to be able to run hand and hand in the park of freedom. Then have hardcore sex that could be purchased in DVD for $39.95 in a piece of great series cinema called “Chasing The Black Ones”. Nothing says freedom like a 3 on 1 gangbang to Belladonna or Ashley Blue. With that in mind, today I give you something that I haven’t done before. I will give you my own vision of America. A land where Blacks, Whites, Latinos and Asians live in harmony. And then proceed to break that harmony in a good old fashioned gangbang. The fact is that the greatest thing to come (literally) from the dream of Martin Luther King has been a new world of pornography. Therefore, I believe his speech should have been called…
I have a dream that two black men, one white man, a white girl, an Asian girl and maybe two or three Puerto Rican girls can engage in hot, hot loving on camera for the enjoyment of ALL AMERICANS! And maybe one day we can all watch “Chica Boom” or “Miso Horny” together as a united nation of races! All believing that the awesomeness of a Jasmine Byrne anal scene (Which brings a tear to my eye even more than seeing the flag wave during the Star Spangled Banner, but mainly because that must HURT LIKE EIGHT BITCHES IN A BITCH BOAT) can bring us together for freedom and the pursuit of happiness! Watching great films like “Big Wet Asses” will show Americans that all men are created equal….except for Mandingo because he could crush a Le Sabre with that thing. It’s like a black crowbar being used as a phallus. Either way, Martin Luther King’s dream was for all people in America to be united as one people, one race, all loving each other. And nothing has more races loving each other than porn. So look to porn to see all that is good in America! One day, we will ALL LIVE IN HARMONY like they do in porn, on all fours yelling…
Yeah, that don’t fly in porn. It’s in her face like bass!
So in all seriousness, the MLK holiday is a day to take a look at the state of race in America, remember his dream and remember that MAN, THAT DIDN’T WORK OUT AS PLANNED:
This is like the third time I have posted this and even being well over two years old…this rant reigns true more than anything I have ever said. Black people suck, White people suck even more and Asians….are ignored. But don’t worry, I am down for my Oriental brothers and sisters. Far East Side, stand up!
Yeah….that pushes whatever Asian-American movement that was happening here back to the fucking railroad. ZING! What is sad is that Malcolm and Martin were the ying and the yang and they created a balance in not only Black people, but all people that showed that shit was fucked up and needed to be changed and force wasn’t needed but a stern kick in the pants was. Marching didn’t work and threatening to break a boot off in whitey’s ass didn’t (Although who HASN’T wanted to break a foot off in whitey’s ass? I know white people that want to do that) work but a healthy mixture of protest and action is what creates change. With Blacks too happy with whips & chains and whites all too happy to sell them the state of race relations sucks balls and may as well be back at square one. It is sad, but true.
Those that say “Well it’s better than it USED TO BE” are obviously from the South (In which I must say I am proud your inbred ass can work the interweb. Nice to see you took time away from shooting squirrels and inappropriately touching your daughter to visit. Take a load off and crank up some Georgia Satellites!) or really miss the point of things like….the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. But hey, to each their own. And Black people, whoooooo you fuckers aren’t getting off so easy. Maybe people wouldn’t look at us like we were fucktards if SO MANY OF US WEREN’T FUCKTARDS. Take your grills, chains and Chrysler 300’s back and get a goddamn real fucking job. A pimp, drug dealer or rapper isn’t a real job. Oh, and playing a sport aint a job. It is an overpaid hobby. Thank you for putting more stock in 50 Cent and Jay-Z than Obama. Seriously, thank you for fucking it up for the rest of us. God damn n-words.
The dream is dead, people. Unless someone wants to take the ball and run with it, we are pretty much relegated to seeing Diddy as a social leader and the closest Blacks will get to the White House is when the NBA champions visit. Hey, it’s not all bad. At least we can hope for a Kid ‘n’ Play reunion:
Rather see THAT than a Wu-Tang Clan reunion. Without Dirty….it ain’t right.
Big ups to MLK. And to theODB. That will be the first and last time you probably ever hear those two names in the same shout out from anyone. Enjoy it. Be back on Friday, enjoy the day off if you got it.
Chachi Out.