What is up, peeps?! It's early as hell, but I didnt give the knowledge to ya'll last night so it's the least I can do. Like I said, it's about the peeps. And they say I am anti-social.
First off, big ups to the gays! Gays can settle down (for now) and I must say, I am all for it. I got really sick of this 'marriage is between a man and a woman' bullshit. Marriage is about love, not the sex of the couple. Plain and simple. And if marriage is a religious union, get rid of all the tax breaks for being married. Debates like this are what happens when you mix religion and government. I love how we attack countries like Iraq, Iran and Syria for using religious doctorine in their working government (or China's lack thereof) but we attempt to keep people from being married due to a religious stance on what marriage means. That is hypocritical for your ASS. And I should know because I am a hypocrite myself. Quite simply, I am glad to see that Amendment not pass. Any time stupidity loses, an angel gets it's wings. Remember that, peeps.
Also in the news (almost a fucking coincidence) is that a US airstrike killed Iraq's Al-Queda head Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in a 'precision' airstrike (as if the ones that missed and killed civilians were 'fucking practice') yesterday. Well ain't that just grand. I really want to say about time but that would discount the work the US (and 4 UK troops) have done so far. You know what? I would be happy never having to see anything else about the war until Bush finds a legit link between Iraq, Al-Queda and you-know-what. You know what is eerie? In my summer class in August of 2001 my group and I decided to do a report on the Taliban (a female group memeber was all against their stand on women and I hated terrorists so it worked for all of us) and had a small section about a radical subset (how do you have a radical subset of a radical faction?) called Al-Queda and how it had carried out attacks on American sites around the world and was attempting to strike America but failed. Almost a month later...yeah. It was fucking WEIRD. It freaks me out a little when I think about it.
Sorry to get all deep on you. Anyway, I downloaded the MTV Video Music Awards Japan last night (day late and a dollar short, as usual) and here is a rundown:
Koda Kumi is fine. DAMN FINE. And she won video of the year to boot. Did I mention she looked good?
Se7en can dance Usher and Justin Timberlake under the table. Seriously. I was suprised on how well this dude did in a live setting. I gotta take back my rant on the guy because he has SKILLS. And I won't lie, I like Passion.
Ken Hirai beat out Kanye West. And that my friends is how it would be in a perfect world. Because Pop Star kicks ASS.
John Legend has a chance to be the next big R&B star. With the closest thing to an R&B superstar being Usher (O_o) I think we need to hop on the bandwagon before Marvin Gaye becomes a zombie and starts eating brains. Wait, that would rule. Oh, and Ken Hirai and John Legend on the same stage we pretty bad ass.
No UVERworld, Bennie K. or BoA. WHAT THE HELL MAN?! Three of the biggest names in Japanese pop in the last 6 months to a year and not even a clip?! Man, I wanted to see some Yuki so bad, too. Mmmm, Yuki.
Kelly Rowland is still alive? Who knew? I am willing to wager that Beyonce will have all the surviving members of Destiny's Child offed pretty soon. Mark my words. Oh, and the song she did SUCKED.
Aside from that, go ahead and check it out. No worse than the Grammys. And no one cares about those, I have three and no one remembers. Best Contemporary Folk Rap Sung Album in 1996, 1997 and 1999, fools! Hell, I don't even put them on my resume anymore.
Well, thats all for now. Depending on what I do Friday either I will update tomorrow night or Saturday. I will make the Suday post worth the while for the new Monday readers. Until then, stay up peeps.
Chachi out.