Friday, August 04, 2006

Mid-Day Update?! Who knew?!

You better believe it. FUCK MEL GIBSON. That is all. Leave the Jews alone, Mel. I did, so should you. As for being an anti-semite...did you see The Passion? That is as damning to Jews as...hell Woody Allen. Oh yeah, I went there. Fuck Woody Allen, too. Anyway, just had to get that out. It was bugging me.

Stay up, peeps.

Live, Love and Laugh.

Party All The Time!

Morning, peeps! It's finally Friday and I must say....IT'S PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME!!! No seriously, Friday rules. Ballad of Ricky Bobby tomorrow and if my car makes it, Strangers With Candy, too. I'm hoping for a big Sunday update if I'm not too damn tired.

So now Penelope Cruz is in on the Suri Conspiracy as I call it. You know, maybe there is a baby. But it is deformed. Like the scene in Aliens. You know the one. Pretty soon the nanny is going to be getting a face full of alien fury. Yeah, that would explain a lot about Tom Cruise's behavior. That man is so getting a Chachi. I just have to make up a category for him.

So about the Kumi Koda video...WHOA. I just watched the whole thing last night and my dear god. Paris Hilton is the only woman I will ever call a whore (you have to be really exclusive skank company to break that barrier) but Kumi Koda has just become nasty at her old age of....24. What she does to that bottle is just wrong. WRONG I TELLS YOU. Because it aint me. Man, I would give all the money in my pocket to be that bottle. Which is all of...7 dollars. Shit, I'm never gonna get that 10 speed.

So Nolan makes his triumphant return this evening. And with that, he is now an official member of the Council of Awesomeness. Nolan, your badge will be in the mail soon. You can use it for 5 dollars off at Jamba Juice.

Well, I gotta go for now. I may put a rant up tomorrow morning but until Sunday, here is some M-Flo to put you in the mix. Check out his greatest hits album. The second CD has some pretty good remixes.

Stay up, peeps.

Live, Love and Laugh.