Good morning, peeps! It is a cold, windy and wet Tuesday and all I can say is ‘bleh’ to this. Thems the breaks, though.
I usually do some commentary on Tuesday and we all know what happened yesterday. New J.R.R. Tolkien book! Just kidding! The tragic events in Blacksburg on the Virginia Tech University campus rocked the United States yesterday morning. As one who was in college when Columbine happened (I think it was Griff, Jimmy Dean and I at the Citadel Mall getting ready to head up to Park Meadows when we saw it on the news) and having several friends not only in college but living on campus it hits home. I feel for the families but I feel most for the students. No one should ever have to go through that, especially in a place of learning where you figure people would know better. I don’t really pray to a deity, but may whoever you believe in give you strength to make it through this.
Yes, I actually have feelings. It aint Dick Time 24/7. However, now IT IS Dick Time. Where in the FUCK does the world get off criticizing us? I may not be the biggest flag waving, gun-toting, beer drinking NASCAR loving patriot (I believe that America isn’t the BEST country, but it sure is in the Top 5) but I will stand up for what is right against what is damn stupid. For any country to get all on their high horse about our gun laws and our violence needs to realize one thing: no matter what the culture violence exists. PERIOD. The Australian Prime Minister John Howard can suck my fucking balls. You have the AUDACITY to take shots at our ‘gun culture?’ Wasn’t Australia colonized by fucking criminals? Don’t your people oppress aborigines? Get off your high horse, fucker. I will be the first to admit that guns cause a huge problem in the United States but at the end of the day we DO have gun laws. Very stringent gun laws. The problem is the people.
People are fucktards. Plain and simple. Guns don’t fire themselves, except in video games and even then they are easily tackled because they fire in a pattern. The simple fact is that we can take away every single gun in this country and people would just find other ways to inflict harm. You think violence started in 1999 at Columbine? You think violence started with Killeen, Texas? You think violence started in a clock tower at Kent State? No, violence has always been. Guns or not. DO guns make violence easier? Yes, much like the internet has made piracy easier. People will find a way to accomplish what they want. To blame this SOLELY on guns is petty and downright asinine.
Now everyone knows I am (borderline) for the ‘Right to Bear Arms.’ I mean, vests are the new black. Joking aside, until they change the Amendments (you know what that means, right?) I am all for that as a right. However, with great power comes great responsibility. I know I run with that phrase a lot, but it holds true in everything we do. You have the power to hold a gun, but you have the responsibility to make sure that yourself and others are safe with you having it. Not every chucklehead should have a weapon. There are background checks, classes and other prerequisites before you can LEGALLY handle a firearm. No one knows where the shooter at Virginia Tech got his firearm but if it was legally aquired and he went through all the necessary steps to be able to LEGALLY hold a firearm then you know what? That motherfucker was a motherfucker. Had he not had access to a firearm, odds are he would have done the exact same thing with something else. You can’t fix stupid, even if you take away all the guns and other weapons on the planet. The stupid are resourceful, they would probably start killing people with M&M’s.
As my theories are always proven correct, I said before that America loves to cast blame. Boy has blame come out of the woodwork. Jack Thompson is blaming video games, which comes as no surprise. Once again, stupid is unavoidable. I played God of War II for two weeks straight and not once did I decide to jump off a building, stab someone in the back of the head, twist their neck and impale them on a 10 foot mace. Although…that would have been SWEET. Then we had the Liberals and the rest of the world blaming guns and American gun culture. Well, movies everywhere glorify violence. You think anime doesn’t glorify violence? It sure as hell does. But you don’t see me attempting to unleash my Bankai (Which is totally bad ass. I summon a dragon that spits fire and sings Journey songs) or trying to morph. You think India doesn’t have violence or intolerance? One word: Pakistan. Fix that, quit trying to blow up a neighbor no one gives a shit about and then we will talk. Pretty brash talk coming from a country that is burning Richard Gere in effigy because of a little P.D.A. America doesn’t even give a fuck about the former The Gerbil King and India wants him dead. Congrats, you made it to 1989. Oh, and don’t think we forgot about your nuclear testing. A peace-loving country that was going to launch a nuclear warhead at the country RIGHT NEXT TO IT? Yeah….YOU have a right to talk. Americans may be douchebags, but we are CONSISTANT douchebags.
Now we have the Conservative Hard-On-For-Jesus crowd that is blaming the lack of religion in schools for this problem. Listen you dickholes, if Jesus couldn’t stop nails, there is NO WAY HE CAN STOP BULLETS. Nuff’ said. I am sick of people saying this is a Christian nation and bringing God in will solve all of our problems. You know what place was a religious State? Iraq. You want to end up like Iraq? If this was a Christian nation it would be just like Iraq with Billy Graham for Saddam Hussien and John Michael Montgomery playing ALL THE FUCKING TIME. I’d rather be a damn Marxist and you know how I feel about him. Besides, more people die in the name of God than any other person. Maybe in the name of Harrison Ford. He totally kicks ass.
Back to the events in Blacksburg. At the end of the day, we can blame no one but the shooter. By picking a scapegoat (guns, culture, no God in schools, rap music) you might as well blame the students and teachers for not running fast enough. It isn’t fair and it is tasteless. Unless there is a definite link (Like he says on a video tape ‘This is for CJ in GTA! One love!’), to try to ban something isn’t going to help the situation. We say the shooter is at fault. We come to grips with the how, learn from the why and mourn for the when. Life is life; all we can do is live it.
Yeah, sometimes I do the somber rants like this. It was a somber moment, even I have a heart. Back to the Chachi! I may be back before the Countdown, odds are not because I have a busy Thursday and Friday. I will try to be back up Sunday if I am not up this week. Until then, stay up peeps.
And Big Ups To Blacksburg:
Chachi Out.