I am still kind of happy it won because I liked Hustle and Flow a lot. And Brokeback fans shut up, Crash was the best movie of 2005, followed by Munich and Geisha. I told you Heath Ledger couldn't act, Zach. Anyone who saw those clips and saw The Order and 10 Things I Hate About You knows that fucktard CANNOT ACT. The fact he was even nominated showed that they were just looking to nominate someone to draw interest for a rather dull show. I had no idea Capote was flaming like Moe. So see, a homosexual DID win the award. Times are a changing.
Now, aside from the Atlanta Falcons, sports can kiss my ass for the most part. But in line with Douchebrawl 2006 (polls close tomorrow at Midnight for the Regional Finals!) I think I should weight in on the NCAA bracket geniuses out there. I usually watch College Basketball Tonight while I update the website, so I learn a lot and see games as background noise. Everyone loves the Duke's and UConn's and Memphi of the world. According to ESPN, they are all that exists and that is why I am not a fan of sports like I used to be. However, after looking at the ESPN Bracketology (that is SO not a real word) and using my limited college basketball IQ, if all works like planned (and it usually does in college basketball because selection committees are fuckers) here is my Final Four:
Washington DC Region: North Carolina. Young kids and they don't know they are overacheiving right now. After beating Duke at Duke, they could pull off a run and repeat. I know UConn is here and they DOMINATED me in NCAA Hoops like they do teams in real life. But Carolina matches up with them in talent, but not experience. It's a toss up, but I pick the Heels.
Oakland Region: Ohio State. Now this is based whether they get a #1 seed or not (which is a possibility IMHO if they win the Big 10 tourney) because Memphis is good but not great. OSU shoots the three well and matchup against every team in a really underwhelming bracket. Can't say that about any other team in any other bracket. Florida State could shock people if they get past Memphis, though.
Atlanta Region: Illinois. I like this team. Illinois has a kick ass system up there AND they are tourney tested over the last few years. Dee Brown doesnt have the numbers of J.J. Reddick, but he has a Championship game to his credit and that will help. They will run Duke out of the building if they make it that far. I don't think Duke will. Upset special if this bracket sticks: West Virgina over Duke in the Sweet 16. I hate Duke, always have always will.
Minneapolis Region: Tennessee. I LOVE watching this team. I haven't liked a style of basketball since Nolan Richardson at Arkansas and the '40 Minutes of Hell' style. Texas impresses me with their resume (beat Memphis, Villanova, Kansas) and Villanova's 4 guard style is based off driving and shooting which is important. With no real big man, Tennessee will run them ragged and I just think that they can wear down Texas. Boston College can rebound like champs (ask Maryland) and board play is important. I don't see them running with Tennessee, though.
I see Illinois winning the National Title over Tennessee, North Carolina and Ohio State. I just realized this, but I have picked the last 5 (FIVE) Final Four's correctly and didn't even know. I even picked GT vs UConn two years ago and the gimme last year of NC vs Illinois. So I'm confident this year. Just some dude making a guess, though. March Madness, baby!
Okay, I'm for some J-Pop. I have Orange Range on here a lot (I've had Asterisk, Hana, Locolotion and Kirikirima up so far) and for good reason. i think they kick ass. Albeit this song is two years old, it is still my favorite. It's on the website, but here it is in better quality:
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God, I love that song. This next one is the live performance of Zung Zung Funky Music. the song is an acquired taste and the video is...er...not so good. But I digs the song and I really need to see these guys live.
I know they sound odd, but these cats are the biggest selling band in Japan since 2004. Yes, I know they also have the panty vending machines but give them a chance.
So, Superman Returns is coming this summer. If Bryan Singer screws this up, I will never forgive him. I liked X-Men and LOVED X-2 and Apt Pupil, so I know he can do a good job.
My god, this movie should be great. I just filled the cup. I'm really worried about X-Men 3. The Ratner dude that worked on the Rush Hour films is doing it. So I would expect Chris Tucker and a scene with Wolverine and Cyclops about the radio. Don't ever touch a wolverine's radio, boy! Nah, not the same. Anyone else feel like Beast looks like Frasier at Halloween? Thought so.

Man, they had so many ways to go with this third one (Phoenix Saga, sentinel's, adding Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver to the Brotherhood and having an all-out battle) and I am really concerned the series will take a step back with this one. What do I know, I said the same with Batman Begins and BOY was I wrong on that.
Well, the Chachi is about to chill for a spell. I leave you with my lady love, Kumi Koda. Oh, yeah she's goooooood. Cutie Honey, fools! Old school anime!
Dear GOD that is a short outfit. I don't have the legs to pull that off, I tell you what. Before you start calling her the Japanese Paris Hilton, take a look at these:

See, she's is a very nice young lady that I would like to take out for coffee and a movie. maybe a little bit of dancing.
Well, the Chachi is out for a bit. Update will be a little late today, as I have some things to do. Don't forget to vote in Douchebrawl 2006! Stay up, peeps.
Chachi out.
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