So after WAAAAAAY too long of searching, I finally found Shinobi: Heart Under Blade DVD rip on bittorent with subtitles. It has acually been out for about 3 months, but my dumb ass kept getting the one recorded in the theater. I am way late on the draw with this one. I actually thought this was based off of the video game and that would INDEED suck. Instead, it is a kick ass flick that makes Crouching Tiger and Hero look like flaming piles of shit in a German fetish movie. Ok, maybe that is a little much, but from what I saw in its dark, poorly shot glory two months ago it was pretty good. That and I need my subtitles. Once I get money to buy a region free DVD player, I will buy a copy from YesAsia. See, I'm against piracy! I just think the RIAA and MPAA can eat my ass. With all they gouge from us in the theaters and record stores, they should really shut the fuck up about piracy. I think Americans deserve a free download for every movie they have had to sit through with Tara Ried, Michelle Rodriguez, Heath Ledger or ANY rapper not named Mos Def. Pay what you owe, bitches cuz The Revolution is back.
Now, for the two or three ladies that read this site (Beth excluded because you sure as hell better not be drinking) read this article. I'll wait. Did you read it? Not glance I mean READ it. I'll wait again. Finished it? Okay, here goes. NO FUCKING SHIT. I have been saying stay away from Spring Break since 1999 because that shit is stupid and dangerous. Now it is officially science. Science has my back, ladies. Who has yours? Let's recap some of this article:
More than half said they regretted getting sick from drinking on the trip. (That's everyone though, male and female. Can't hold it against you)
About 40 percent said they regretted passing out or not remembering what they did. (I have said it once, I will say it again: THERE IS NO REASON TO DRINK UNTIL YOU BLACK OUT. None.)
10 percent said they regretted engaging in public or group sexual activity. (You know why Solid Snake only holds one gun at a time? Because you lose accuracy when you fire two at a time. Lara Croft should take a note, and so should you. More than one wang at a time is not cool unless you are getting paid handsomely for it. And I know it didnt say at once but lets face it, thats what they mean.)
13 percent said they had sexual activity with more than one partner. (Hey, get your freak on if you want. Just remember, the crap in health class about having sex with everyone that person has had sex with? You are now officially a statistic. Men and women, dudes are just as dirty.)
More than half were underage when they first drank alcohol on a spring break trip. (Now this shit is just sad. Not because I am against underage drinking because I really dont care what kids do anymore. I just wonder when you are 14-18, what in the fuck do you need to drink for? The real world hasnt crushed your dreams yet. Adults need to drink to shut up the voices in their heads and the voices of their bad-ass kids. Kids who drink need their ass whipped. Like my grandma said: ain't a problem some Crown and a beatin' cant fix.)
In closing on this, women the proof is out their. If you are gonna drink (which you shouldnt) do it in a safe enviournment and for gods sake if you don't know him, don't fuck him. It's just that simple. Like Jermaine Stewart said:
You dont have to take your, clothes off. To have a good time. No-oh.
You can dance and party, all night.
But dont drink any cherry wine cuz odds are a frat boy or swarthy forigener spiked it. Uh-huh.
New Bleach, fool! I was going through withdrawl for a minute, needed my Kon fix. Kind of a story slower of an episode, but more has still gotten accomplished than in DBZ. For those who STILL havent seen it, you can still get on the action. It's 71 episodes deep, though. Gonna take a bit to catch up but it's worth it.
So, it's time for What The Chachi Likes. You know what I have been digging lately? James Blunt. And I dont fucking know why. He's okay, but he's not great. But I have been listening to the album for a few days and I likes it. This is the video for High. I have never seen it, but I dig the song. Check it out:
The second thing is BoA. You have seen the videos for Love Bug with M-Flo and La La La Love Song (remix is better, I will post that here in a bit) and I must say that Miss Boa Kwan rules. Her new album came out last month and I spaced on ordering it. the kick ass thing is that it is only 11 bucks and has free shipping at so its actually cheaper than buying that new L.L. Cool J or whatever the kids listen to now days. Anyway, here is her new single from the Outgrow album, Ready~Butterfly. Check out the krumping. I'm not fan, but it's BoA so it's cool.
More BoA, for my sake.

That is a pretty young lady right there.
Peeps, today is your lucky day because you get TWO updates! I will drop some more bitching on you in a bit, I gotta run to Castle Rock and reportedly its snowing. I still say fuck the weather people. So until then, stay up peeps.
Chachi out.
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