Thursday, April 10, 2008

Keeping It Real Is Harder Than It Looks....

What is up, peeps! I am back for a bit as I act like I am doing something. Good news is I am going to land on my feet (YAAAY!) but the bad news is whether where I will land (Here is a hint: the abuse will continue if I go there) is really where I want to be at. Let’s just say that I am sick and tired of being hit for not having dinner ready on time. But they gave me flowers and told me they were sorry! No….I won’t fall for it again!

Speaking of falling for it, I have really….REALLY gotten sick and tired of women and their all around stupidity about the most LOGICAL of acts. Now what has been weird is that ever since college when I engage in a discussion (Which women call an argument but you really aren’t arguing if you are using logic. That is what a debate is if you want to nitpick) which a woman and refute all their so-called points with…what’s that word…SENSE they get upset. Then I get asked how I know so much about women. First off, I don’t know a lot about women. Bitches (Yes, I called you bitches. I keeps it gully…whatever that means) always get defensive about my “minor” in Women’s Studies” because they believe it means I am some sort of shrink and a threat to their supposed mental acumen. First off, I am officially going to refer to myself as “Dr. Chachi” because I have a Bachelors degree in Communications and a minor in Women’s Studies (Because it didn’t exist as a major at the time but I have the credits for it now) but like Dr. Orpheus I have been bestowed the title of doctor by a much HIGHER AUTHORITY! That authority…the Para Para God that is Aaron Kwok:

He pretty much trumps out all the medical bodies with his HOT BODY. Did you catch the vapors? Because I did. Back to my point. Yesterday I went off about the wordsmithing and semantics of women and how they use words to make their simple plights seem like Earth-shattering breakthroughs in womanhood. If you are trying to find yourself at any point past…25 years old then by all reasons get a search party and get to cracking. However, do delude yourself or try to pass your late life stupidity as a vision-quest to find yourself. You want to be irresponsible and give a reason for it that SOUNDS like you are growing yourself when in actuality you are regressing. That is FINE, just call it what it is. If you want to have sex often because it feels good that is one thing. I am masturbating as I type this because the thought of being with a woman is icky (And vice versa, I’m sure. Some people find fat people sexy but I sure as hell don’t. I hate myself and that’s why I eat…) and no one knows how to please me like me. However, at the end of the day when you have sex often it is considered promiscuous behavior. When people are promiscuous they are thought of as whores. That is the social name and link to those actions. That is life, whether or not you want to accept it or not. I don’t want to be considered Black; I want to be considered an American. However the color of my skin and the perception of some of my choices (Love of hip hop, I like some jewelry, I always say “knamean”) lead people to consider me Black because that is the social name….and the physical name but you get the idea. If you don’t, then just stop reading now and come back tomorrow. I’ll have music videos up. If you act a certain way and follow the processes of a certain sect of people then you will be considered that. No matter how much YOU think you aren’t that and no matter how much YOU say that you don’t care what people say. You DO care and that’s why you are doing it in the FIRST PLACE.

You see, every action should have an equal reaction. Now for something major you need a major response. It isn’t only the response and how you implement it (*ahem* Iraq War *ahem*) it is about how you accept your response. When you respond in turn to an action you have to be ready for the fallout and brush back. Look at basketball. Someone delivers a hard foul in the lane to someone that has gotten several points in the paint. Now as a coach and player you have a decision to make. Do you return with a harder foul? Do you just give a little lane push to say you aren’t having it? Do you do nothing and just play the game? Each one of those are GOOD answers but you have to be ready to either be seen as a team of thugs, a team that takes no shit or a team of giant pussies that can be pushed around and they will fold like a Jew playing poker (Oy vey, that’s a lot of shevekas!). Now teams can say “we don’t care what the league thinks of us” but remember a few things:

• In the late 80’s and early 90’s the Pistons were thought of as a dirty team. They embraced it, calling themselves “The Bad Boys”

• The Redskins of the mid-80’s were seen as showboats. They began to refer to themselves as “The Fun Bunch” with team celebrations. BTW, those celebrations would be 15 yards and a $25,000 fine per person now, I believe.

• The Indianapolis Colts were always thought of as a team that was a finesse team that would give up if they were challenged on the defensive end by bumping receivers and pressuring their quarterback. This was proven correct as they were beaten by teams that played them aggressively. So they addressed that and got bigger players on defense and one HELL of a running back (I am a Joseph Adai fan, sue me) to matchup and make the naysayers statements then invalid.

• Bobby Brown was once known as the bad man of R&B, getting into fights and drinking heavy. He embraced that and became the “Bad Boy of R&B.” He then married a pop diva, turned them both to drugs and did a song with Ja Rule. They ALL can’t be winners.

My point is this: when you do something that is against social norms you need to be ready for the labels. I am sorry but that is just reality and the more you detach yourself from it the harder it is to get back there unless you find someone just as out there in their own little reality as you are. Even then, as once again Bobby and Whitney proved, love doesn’t last forever….even crazy love. They looked so perfect together!

It’s not labeling if you fit all the charactaristics. If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck and quacks like a duck….it could be a platypus. But odds are it is a FUCKING DUCK. Nothing wrong with being a duck, some make a good living out of it. Just like being a whore. Nothing wrong with it at all, just know what you are. Hillbillies want to be “sons of the soil” and janitors want to be “custodial executives” but they are still what they are. Mostly because you cannot agree on what is a whore and what isn’t.

This in itself is why women should not be able to label themselves. You see, you can tell the difference between a nigga and a Black person. Hell, I have some niggerish traits. But you can tell a nigga from Black people because….well they will tell you. You’ve heard rap songs:

Hell, he is telling those other niggas to fuck off because he is down for HIS NIGGAS. It is kind of obvious that you can see niggas and what they do and as long as you TOTALLY don’t go down that route of niggerdom (Except for snitching. STOP SNITCHING!) you as a person should be okay. I say as a person because despite the epithet itself the word “nigga” is based off “nigger” which actually means “ignorant.” So if you avoid doing things that are ignorant (Pretty much the EXACT OPPOSITE OF WHAT A RAPPER DOES) you are going to be okay. If you DO those things then you are pretty much a nigga. And niggas don’t care about being called niggas. Much like hoes and belts, they love that shit.

Back to my point, though. Women can’t even agree on WHO IS or WHAT makes a whore. Take in point Paris Hilton. Now I do not want to DEFEND Paris in any way, shape or form. But let’s logically look at this. Women go through a phase where they think that their vindication is based on sexual freedom which would be having sex for pleasure. Which is fine like I stated before, there is no real social stigma to enjoying sex (There is with being GOOD at it because if you are you should be getting paid for it like a porn star. Instead you do it for free and “self-gratification” which can’t get you bling-blong. Suck wing-wong for bling-blong! I AM A FUCKING HUMOR GOD!) so there is nothing wrong with that aspect. If the enjoyment of sex is the case then more power to you. However, women are ingrained from birth about the social and physical ramifications of promiscuous sex whether it be STD’s or KIDS or of course being known as the chick that could suck the hubcap off a Thunderbird. Women for the most part fear that stigma and usually end up either marrying the first person they get knocked up by (Despite knowing FULL WELL how babies are made. Maybe I am missing something here by not actually infiltrating the good place on a woman but…isn’t that what the money shot is for? Take a shot in the eye, your future depends on it!) OR just saying “fuck the world” and they go out and literally “fuck the world.” The latter is okay because at least they accept the stigma and roll with it. What is funny is the girls that got knocked up call those women that decided to say fuck social norms “whores” and yet once they realize they missed out on life and married a fucktard they do THE EXACT SAME THING and say it’s “discovery” when it’s their actions. Guess what? You can’t have it both ways in society. Whether you murder at 10 or your murder at 35 you are still a murder. If you have random sex at 18 or 28, society sees you a certain way no matter how you want to spin it. Just say “I want to fuck for a while because I missed out” because that is what is going on. You are “finding yourself” because what does THAT have to do with finding you? Don’t forget, sex is something that in the Christian faith (Well…all faiths but mine) is reserved for a MAN AND WIFE so to have sex outside of your marriage as a sin. PERIOD. Now you can spin your OWN words for your own gain but you CAN NOT SPIN THE BIBLE TO MEET YOUR OWN WHORISH NEEDS! YOU CAN’T! God….I am using the Bible to prove my argument.

Let’s tie this all together. The reason I even do this is that the double standard that women have against themselves is why you never get anywhere in terms of changing societies view of you. Comedians and R&B singers may say that vaginas run the world but at the end of the day it really doesn’t. That distinction belongs to the almighty dollar. Now you can say “fuck what society thinks” all you want to but at the end of the day….you need society more than society needs you. You know who else lived outside of social norms? Hitler. Ladies, are you better than Hitler? You can’t change how society views you if you don’t know how to view yourself. 50 Cent said it best:

Look in the mirror
Ask yourself who are you, if you don't know who you are
How can your dreams come true

FUCK! I am using the bible AND 50 Cent to prove my point?! Man…this is NOT a good day. Anyway, women will defend what they do as “sexual liberation” but call what Paris Hilton does “whoredom” when they are the EXACT SAME THING.:

Just because you fuck dudes for free (That aren’t me, and I thank you for that. Seriously, I like not having diseases or children) doesn’t mean you aren’t a whore. It makes you WORSE than a whore because they are getting that cash money dollars cheddar scrilla for their work while you are fucking the waiter at Bennigan’s or sucking the wang of a dude that works at Famous Footwear because you feel “vindicated.” That is what we in the mid-90’s called a….”playa hater”. Do not take umbrage with the playa. You must direct your issues to….the game:

Call it what it is, people. You gots to live by two words:


Peace out. The Countdown will be up tomorrow. Oh, and USHER IS FUCKING BACK, BITCHES! See where he lands! I’m out!

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