Wednesday, April 09, 2008

I Feel So Used....So Used....

What is up, people? I am back up today, mostly because it is April 9th and that means that THE NEW BLEACH INTRO IS HERE! Man, this Kelun song should totally fucking rock it out. If it doesn’t….I will be kind of pissed off. Ever since I found out that it would be the opening (And the Raw cut of Bleach 165 magically disappeared that had the commercial so I have yet to hear a sample) I have been waiting with anticipation for this intro. I haven’t been this pumped up since Bobby Brown rejoined New Edition:

Word to the mutha.

Now there is something that has been bugging me lately how people (If you can consider women people. BURN!) use wordsmithing to the point of bastardizing the English dictionary. At least niggas create NEW slang to show how ignorant they are. Women take real words with REAL MEANINGS and use them either out of context or ad nauseam for something it has no fucking bearing on. Case in point: since when did “cheating” become “vindicating” solely for the broken logic that women feel that cheating shouldn’t be a male only action. CHEATING SHOULDN’T BE ANYONE’S ACTION YOU BRAIN DEAD FUCKTARD! First off, from this point off women cannot use these words without first looking them up and putting them in the correct fucking context:

· Enlightening (Great for a trip to Mecca or Jerusalem. Not for if you realized that if you click your own button, good things happen. I learned that shit playing Nintendo and I am better at that than ALL OF YOU)
· Vindicating (The end of apartheid? Vindicating. Tearing down the Berlin Wall? Vindicating. Realizing that you can pour your size seven figure into a size four and not get punched in the stomach like you should? NOT VINDICATING. You piss on the memory of those that have truly been vindicated when you compare your decent into whoredom with their legitimate triumphs)
· Liberating (Um…you see…FUCK YOU. You liberate political prisoners and hostages. You are not liberated because you realized that it’s free drinks for you on Wednesdays before 10pm when you were married to someone that wouldn’t let you out after the street lights went out. You married him; it’s your own fucking fault. It’s not liberation, its Asshat Bail)

Now this goes for both women AND men but since the bro vocabulary is limited to “BRO!” and “SHAAA!” and “DON’T TASE ME!” we don’t have to worry about them using words out of context because they don’t know those words exist yet. Now I am not trying to be a dick here. Or maybe I am, who knows. The simple fact is that you cannot trivialize these words by using them for every little epiphany that happens in your life. Now I know that I may use several obnoxiously large words but either they fit or they are for ironic humor. Saying “counter-intuitive” is funnier than saying “That shit is fucked up, son!” You weren’t “oppressed” because you can’t fuck as many men as you want to without being thought of as whore for having no traction in your action. That is YOUR decision and it is YOUR life. People judging you is how they world works, tough shit. I get judged all day by women and men alike and I tell them to eat my ass because at the end of the day I know I have problems like the next person. I don’t rationalize my being fat by saying “it’s my body!” because being overweight is (supposedly) a health risk and I could die early. I could ALSO die from a rabid mob squirrel attack but if people want to focus on the fact I could die from my love of chicken then that’s quite alright. Being a whore not only has a harsh social ramification but a horrible physical one as well: STD’S and KIDS. Herpes: it’s the blistery badge of whoredom whether you are a male or female. In other words, call a club a club and a spade a spade. It’s not liberating that you can wedge your size ten body into pants that are two sizes smaller than you should be allowed to buy. That shit is NOT COOL. Just because you are a woman and you THINK that you are hot and all men want to look at you no matter how much you are overflowing out of your clothes (and not in the good way) doesn’t mean that shit is true. Much like the cake, you are a lie. PORTAL REFERENCE, FOOL! At least I cover my shame up.

Speaking of shame, why are all McDonald’s commercials ethnically charged? They have commercials for Blacks, Whites, Latinos and those creepy ass Japanese commercials for Asians:

I get it; penguins love McFlurries. No, wait a fucking minute! Penguins don’t eat ice cream! Fucking McDonald’s and their corporate lies! THEY DON’T EVEN HAVE THUMBS! As for commercials for Blacks, check out this disturbing expose:

Disgusting. Just disgusting. I got the new McDonald’s slogan for Black people right here:

Mickey D’s: Get Yo Grub On, Nigga!

I am very sure that will show up SOMEWHERE and I will be damn hell ass rich! I will try to be back up tomorrow for a short one and Friday is the Countdown so stay tuned. Until then, stay up.


Chachi Out

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