A2B (Average Boy Band)!!!
Yes, AB Squared is in full effect, ya’ll! As of right now, we have four members of the band set and ready to rock the world of all the ladies out there, but we are open to add members with…you know…talent. We have already filled these roles:
The Leader: The Chachi
Yours truly. It was my idea, therefore I am the leader of this get fresh crew. As the leader, I get full authority to take all solos, hooks and breakdowns as well as the occasional bridge. I also will be providing the majority of songs and dance steps. As usual, this is a group so everyone’s input is encouraged. Just not used.
The Dangerous/Mysterious One: Zach (Tenative)
Mainly because this was the only one left. That and he has a multitude of weapons and isn’t afraid to use them. I see a lot of legal issues to come along with that, which will be AWESOME for record sales. Especially when he snaps and leaves the band because he tries to kill a member. I smell a reunion tour already!
The Young One: Nick (Tenative)
At 22, he is officially the youngest member of the group. Hell, aside from Justin Timberlake and QT from 2Gether (GREATEST SHOW ABOUT A BOY BAND EVER!!) he may be the youngest member in boy band history. This is tentative due to the fact that as auditions move along there may end up being younger members. Probably not, underage tang isn’t what we are after. I am so trying to keep a straight face. I’M KIDDING. Just like Fabolous says, no sitting on minors.
So far, that is all we have. So peeps, that leaves TWO OPENINGS as a member of A2B. We will be looking for these members:
The Sensetive One (Puppy dog eyes and soprano voice enhances the Guttenberg Effect)
The Tough, But With a Heart of Gold One (You know the one. Prize fights by day but save cancer ridden orphans at night. Having a motorcycle and spiked hair is a plus)
The Cute One (This is to bring in the teen market. Face it, teens buy stuff they don’t need. And they don’t need our albums, posters or band-aids)
The Sexy One (Yeah, can’t be me because…well I know my limits. Actually, the more you look like Gackt, the better)
The Experienced One (Or the ‘Fatone’ to some. Not TOO old, I don’t want to give benefits until we make it big)
Depending on group dynamic, if chosen as one of these members you will be in or on call when one member leaves and goes solo. Which will happen, egos and all. Join the biggest band to hit music since Duran Duran! Yes, Duran Duran. They kick ass. As a matter of fact, we are going to cover the Duran Duran song ‘Girls On Film’ because it RULES ALL and was the Speedgrapher theme song. Anime + Duran Duran equals HELLS YEAH.
Anyway, send your resume to Lo_Chachi@yahoo.com or leave a post letting me know what YOU believe that you can bring to A2B and hopefully we can begin with the auditions. A2B coming at ya soon, peeps!
Now for the Friday that just keeps giving, it is time for the...
Let's get started with a new entry....
20. Bowling For Soup – High School Never Ends (New Entry)
Man, this song speaks the truth. Anyone in the workplace that has to hear about gossip and isn’t a member of the ‘cool crowd’ knows what I mean. I DO want my fucking money back. Fat Mike is my hero. Funny ass video, too.
19. Bi (Rain) - Freeway (Last Week #15)
So I just saw Bi’s new video and got his new album. My god…he IS the Korean Justin Timberlake. I swear it is like the whole Darkside of the Moon/Wizard of Oz thing. Play the albums at the same time and I bet they sync up.
18. John Legend – Heaven (New Entry)
MORE JOHN LEGEND?! WHO KNEW?! This song just oozes of Kanye West, but it is cool. John Legend can really work a Kanye beat. I think that is why he is so hit or miss; he will do a beat for anyone with cash and his work doesn’t transfer as well as Pharrell’s beats. Even still, kick ass song.
17. Evanesence - Call Me When You're Sober (Last Week # 12, Plunge of the Week)Man….Amy Lee and I need to mate. I mean date. No, I stick with my original statement. I don’t care what people say about the whole goth look, she is HAWT. Too bad the video has gotten annoying.
16. Young Dro - Rubber Band Banks (Last Week # 14)
I needs more Young Dro! This song…it just aint like Shoulder Lean. Man, that was the jam right there. This song is cool but just not the same.
15. Game – Let’s Ride (Last Week #19)
Straight west-coastin, fool! You know, The Documentary was kind of crappy. He sounds a whole lot better. Although he is trying to be the next Snoop, and the last thing I fucking need right now is another Snoop-Fucking-Dogg.
14. Bi (Rain) – Move On (Last Week # 7, Plunge of the Week)
The pettiness continues. That and he has a new video. And it is fricking sweet. As in awesome with dancing and explosions. Name ONE THING better than dancing and explosions. I dare you!
13. Bennie K – Joy Trip(Last Week #17)
Hmm. I guess I found two things better than dancing and explosions. So Zach was kind of confused about how a j-urban group can use country and get away with it. If you make me happy in pants like Yuki and Cico, you could do Irish Clog House music and I would love it. On another note, I finally got to see all of the Japan-a-Rythem concert (my file was corrupted and wouldn’t play for months) and all I can say is that Cico is packing some HEAT. I mean day-yum! I like her. Is niiiiiice.
12. Rascal Flatts - What Hurts The Most (Last Week # 10, #1 for one week)So is it just me or is Lance Bass the lead singer of Rascal Flatts? Look at him. It kind of looks like his young brother. Because Lance is like 37 or something.
11. Soul’d Out – Starlight Destiny (Last Week # 13)
You know, I wonder what Diggy-Mo looks like with an afro? His cornrows have gotten quite the long. Just curious. Soul’d Out just missed the Top 10 this week, falling short behind a certain someone’s comeback…
10. Jay Z – Give Me What You Got (Last Week # 16, Biggest Mover)
Three weeks and Jay-Z is in the Top Ten? Awkward, but still I like this song. The video is kind of ‘bleh’ but most Jay-Z videos are. It is more of the lyrical delivery of Jay-Zthat I dig. No one can take that away from him, behind Rakim he may be the best PURE lyricist ever. Yes, I just defended Jay-Z. I’m softening at my old age.
9. Justin Timberlake feat. T.I. – My Love (Last Week # 11)
Okay, I have gotten a LOT OF SHIT about my liking of J.T.’s music. If you don’t like his new album, something is wrong with YOU because it is actually pretty original, going with the Prince vibe. Even better, he has T.I. on a song. Beat that!
8. Bennie K feat. Tsuyoshi – Rensou Game (Last Week # 9)
This is a groovy little ditty right here. Like I said, dancing rules. No explosions though but when you have Cico dancing, it makes up for a lot of deficiencies.
7. The Game – It’s Okay (Last Week #4)
So with the rise of Let’s Ride, It’s Okay tumbles a little. It’s weird, for 6 days straight this song was playing on the alarm when I woke up. Cosmic. Even still can’t wait for the album to come out.
6. JoJo – Too Little, Too Late (Last Week #8)
So I believe that JoJo is tempting me on purpose. I mean…why do you mock me?! Why must you tease me with your feminine wiles?! Damn you, JoJo! Oh, great album, too. Except that shitty Swiss Beats song.
5. Se7en – I Wanna… (Last Week #5)
So Se7en has a new single and video. I also downloaded his album and its okay (although I Wanna wasn’t on there for some reason). For Bi being Justin Timberlake, Se7en is definitely Usher. Note the constant lack of a shirt.
4. UVERworld - Kimi no Suki na Uta (Last Week # 6)
Aaahhh, this song KICKS ASS. The video reminds me a little too much of Mr. Big’s Be With You (HA! Bet you haven’t heard that in a minute!) but it is still the mad notes. And the single comes out next week to boot! Everything is coming up Milhouse…
3. UVERworld - Shamrock (Last Week #2, #1 for three weeks)
Well, UVERworld played chicken with John Legend and lost. Even still, this song kicks ass. Also, I can’t find the Diaori (SP?) Drill Team subtitled. It’s the show this song is the ending theme for. If anyone knows where I can find a fansub, you will be greatly rewarded with…a gift card. Yeah, my life sucks.
2. Nelly Furtado – Maneater (Last Week #3)
Oooohhhh, sexy! Nelly Furtado is inching toward the top spot. After the success of Promiscuous, I would say she has had a good year. Also, Nelly has not one but TWO new videos out! I haven’t seen them yet, but I will keep the peeps updated! Well, that means….
1. John Legend – Save Room (Last Week #1, #1 for four weeks)
The Champ is HERE! John Legend is the first full month Countdown champ, blocking UVERworld from that same achievement. This song is still my favorite, and Heaven isn’t too far behind. Congrats to John for breaking the record!
Can he make it a fifth week at number one? Or will Nelly Furtado finally get to be the Queen of the Countdown? Or will UVERworld go two for two at number one, or even tie John Legend for a 4th week? Tune in next week and find out, peeps!
So more from the greatest movie since Big Trouble in Little China. It seems the fucktards in the RV are suing for defamation for being...well drunk, racist frat boys. Well, if I get filmed doing anything while drunk (which I have been photographed and I must say I looked STUPID) I would just do what I always do: CHALK IT UP AS A LOSS AND CHARGE IT TO THE GAME!! For you people that don't know what that means...go to Urban Dictionary or something. You can't believe you can sue for being stupid. I have said it before and I will say it again. I love America, can't stand Americans. I am going to see Borat again just because of this. That and it is funny as all hell.
Well, I think I am going to have to leave the peeps for now. I will try to be back on Sunday. Until then, stay up.
Live, Laugh and Love.
Ed Bradley

You made Andy Rooney tolerable. The news won't be the same without you. Respects to a pioneer in the news field, no matter the race or gender.
May you rest in peace
Update: NOT GERALD LEVERT, TOO!! Man, what a crappy week. Rest in peace, Gerald. Kick it old school one time....
Man, no LSG reunion. *Sigh* you will be missed.
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