Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Mother Nature Needs A Dr Tran Dicking.

Yo yo yo, peeps! Another mid-week update for you! Well, kind of. If you don’t know, it is ball-shriviling cold outside and it was snowing like a bitch this morning. Mother nature needs to get FUCKING LAID because she is taking it out on me. Stay together for the kids, bitch!

Since I’m on here, a few things I need to update you one. First things first: Bleach has ended the sucking a bit. The Bounto are in Soul Society and HITSUGAYA WAS KICKING ASS AND TAKING NAMES IN EPISODE 104!! My god, if there was anyone that could hang with Chuck Norris, it MAY be him. Emphasis on MAY, because Chuck Norris would kill my dog for saying anything more than that. Even still, Bleach is starting to get up there with Death Note in the awesome department. Oh, and by the way: DEATH NOTE IS FUCKED UP. Wow…just kick ass.

On the note of TV shows, I just got caught up on Heroes a few weeks ago and watched over the last few weeks to finalize things. That show is average. It is kind of interesting to see how comic books are still looked at as ‘kiddie mediums’ yet Heroes has obvious roots in comics like Freshman and even the younger teams like Runaways and Young Avengers. Nothing says angst like teens with superpowers. Or mecha, but we won’t see anything like THAT here because it rules to fucking much. Even still, I guess it is watchable, just not as good as The Tick. Greatest superhero show ever. The cartoon, I mean. HONK IF YOU LOVE JUSTICE!

On to something that is truly sucking. Aqua Teen Hunger Force officially is pissing me off. After a kick ass 3rd/4th season (The Gorgatron is in love! Shoot him in the head!) the new episodes I waited for SUCK IT DRY. Aside from Handbanana, the new season has been shitty. Frylock has cancer? A grill that destroys the environment? An episode about marijuana use? What the fuck is this, an after-school special?! Geez, the movie better rule all because if it doesn’t I will never watch another episode of the Aqua Teens. It hurts me to say that because that was the best show on Adult Swim.

Okay, its commentary time. I can’t really call this a rant because I’m not upset as much as I am noticing something. After the Handbanana episode of Aqua Teen, the Health Inspector episode of The Boondocks and the Bro Rape investigation circulating the internet (BROOOOOOOO!) I have noticed something. Rape is kind of funny.


Now let me explain. Each of these episodes focus on one thing: man on man sodomy. Has it become socially acceptable to find humor in the back-door robbery of male virtue? Let me be the first to say….yeah. I myself have never been raped and don’t want to. So I cannot comment on the emotional or physical ramifications of the act of being sexually assaulted. However, I am going to say this. ANYTHING is funny as long as it is context. Now rape (no matter what the sex) is an act of violence backed by the delusion of sexual gratification and the dehumanization of the victim. Which is fucking funny if someone is being raped by a dog made of a gloves’ DNA. I am not an advocate of rape by any stretch of the imagination. I am a fan of comedy, though. So the question is, if contextually done, can rape be a punch line? Racism, murder, anti-Semitism, diseases, drug abuse and domestic violence have all been used as punch lines for decades. Is rape any different? Just food for thought, peeps.

Holy shit; there was a Miami Vice movie?! Talk about a rape of the mind. I completely blocked that out. Speaking of Colin Farrel and failed conquests, anyone seen the whole Britney Spears/Paris Hilton/Lindsay Lohan Triangle of Terror? Or as I like to call them, The Gullyholes (Ok…that is supposed to be a FF X-2 reference. If you didn’t play the game you kind of won’t get it…sigh I’m a nerd)? My god, only Britney Spears could follow up the best move of her career with the worst one. To go from K-Fed as a husband to Paris Hilton as anything but a walking stick (because she’s skinny…eh, fuck it) is a true step down. Fuck the woman being famous, fuck her being the only woman aside from Madonna and Angelina Jolie (YOU BROKE UP BRAD AND JEN, YOU BIG LIPPED WHORE!!!) I can call a slut and not feel bad about it. She is just worthless, and I don’t toss that phrase around lightly on people except…well, Kevin Federline. I don’t know if Britney just lives to make bad choices or if she is desperate for attention since she aint had a hit that wasn’t Bobby Brown’s in three years or so. And by the way, that was not cool to put out a reality show about being a fucked up former pop star married to a dumbass. Whitney and Bobby invented and PERFECTED IT. Anyway, its none of my business what she does but…IT’S PARIS HILTON! If Britney didn’t catch something from K-Fed, she probably got infected with the airborne virus that is the SyphilAIDSorrea by being around Paris. Eh, people are stupid. Only someone completely stupid would wear this:

You know who is REAL stupid. Hayden Panettiere. Yes, I KNOW she is only 17. Yes, I know that putting her in a box and marrying her when she turns 18 (August 21st, 2007 but who is counting) is kind of against the law. I know that her unrequited love (see, it DOES sound better than stalking!) should tell me that she is not interested. Even still, I think she is….quite nice. When I saw these pictures….I cried peeps. I cried:

Yes, my future wife (If the ‘love restriction’ imposed by Sowelu isn’t renewed. Yes, it is known to laymen as a restraining order) is shopping with Paris Hilton. Oh, but it gets worse peeps. Look if you dare at THIS!

And even worse...this:

My god….I’m hyperventilating…remember the good times…

OH YES YOU CAN. Yep, I’d hit that. Aaahhh, and you WONDER why I want to marry that woman, Jen?! Look at that. I mean LOOK AT HER, don’t glance her over. Ain’t nowhere to go after that but up because she can only get older! AND HAWTER! That was until I saw THIS:

Are you dancing on a pole? Okay, I know that should make me happy in pants, but it doesn’t. Not at all. Especially since Paris doesn’t know her way around a pole. I saw the movie, I’ve seen better pole work from Batman and Robin. I mean when they slid down the pole into the Batcave, get your minds out of the gutter. Hm, that didn’t sound less innuendo laden. I just…I hope she gets out of this ‘hang out with the albacore’ phase soon. You saw what it did to Nicole Ritchie and Lindsay Lohan. Or didn’t because they disappear into cracks because they don’t fucking eat anymore. Please leave her Hayden! Leave and come to me!

Well, it’s about that time. Seeing as how I have to leave for work in like…eight minutes I bid the peeps adieu. I will be back on Friday to return to the regular schedule of the Chachi Top 20 Countdown! Until then, stay up peeps.

BTW, did you know that Hayden was Kairi in Kingdom Hearts 2?
Wow, if Hayden dressed as Kairi maybe…nah even I’m not THAT dirty. Screw that game anyway, Jiminy Cricket and his dumb ass side quest. Still haven’t completed that damn book.

Live, Laugh and Love.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

The King Of Kings Has Returned!

What is up, peeps! It is Sunday and BOY, am I late on this update. First off, I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Being with your family, overeating and lots of football. Yep, it is what makes America great. Except for the Indians because…you know.

So because I was out of the loop on Thursday, Friday and Saturday (especially Friday and Saturday, mainly because I got a fucking ticket on Friday and ranted until 2:30am about stuff at Nolan’s on Saturday) my schedule is all off whack. So today is a Very Special Sunday edition of….


20. RBD (Rebelde) – Ser O Parecer (New Entry)

IT’S ABOUT DAMN TIME! Picked up Celestial with Nolan, Zach and Nick before it was released to the public (yeah, we gots it like that) and after just dumping it on the iPod…I have no idea what they are talking about. But it doesn’t matter because they are HAWT. Except Diego, who fucking sucks.
19. Nelly Furtado – Say It Right (New Entry)

Mmmm, can’t go wrong with more Nelly Furtado. I just heard this song the other day because I STILL don’t own the album yet. Also, All Good Things (Come To An End) came out I think two weeks ago and I likes that video, too. I may just run and grab the album today. Anyway, enjoy this video.
18. Young Dro - Rubber Band Banks (Last Week # 17)
Well, no new single out and a video that doesn’t have the same luster to it. However, check out some of Young Dro’s freestyle work. It aint too shabby.
17. Bi (Rain) – I’m Coming (New Entry)

DID YOU SEE THAT VIDEO?! Can you say epic, peeps? Hells yes. J.T. and Se7en are officially on notice. This is the greatest dance sequence EVER. Pelvic thrusts = screaming fans. Note to self: work that into the boy band dance moves.
16. Pushim, RHYMESTER, HOME MADE KAZOKU, MABOROSHI, May J – I Say Yeah (Last Week #19)
Yeah, this song is beginning to annoy the people that ride with me. It is on all the time and for good reason. This song is pretty damn bad ass. Oh, and I must mention again; May J is hot. Really hot.
15. Bennie K feat. Tsuyoshi – Rensou Game (Last Week # 13)
Yeah, this song drops a little more this week. You know, The Bennie K Show 2: On The Floor wasn’t bad for an EP. Had five good songs and well worth the purchase. Unlink the Kumi Koda DVD/CD I got. And the DVD isn’t region free like the box says! Assholes. Even still, there is more Bennie K on the way. Don’t fret peeps.
14. Game – It’s Okay (Last Week #10)
So it is finally out. The Doctor’s Advocate is in stores now and I got a good listen to it while out on Saturday. It actually wasn’t that bad. It was surprisingly good. Nowhere near as good as RBD (few things are) but it was one of the best hip-hop albums of this year. Good job, Game. Your reward is falling 4 spots.
13. Bowling For Soup – High School Never Ends (Last Week #15)

The more I live life, the more I see that this video speaks the truth. For some people, high school never DOES end. People still act like idiots around the opposite sex, people still have their little cliques and people still are jealous of the smart. Yep, first the banana man at NDK and now this. Carry on, Bowling for Soup. Carry on.
12. Se7en – I Wanna… (Last Week #7, Plunge of the Week)
Yeah, Se7en has officially fallen behind Bi in the coolness factor. After I’m Coming, he needs come correct to top THAT. I’m just saying, pelvic thrusts make the pop video. Rapid pelvic thrusts just RULE. I am taking note for the boy band.
11. John Legend – Heaven (Last Week #14)
Just outside the Top 10, John Legend has his first video of the Top 20 Countdown. Still pisses me off to see R. Kelly getting more airplay, but thems the breaks because people don’t know good music for the most part.
10. Game – Let’s Ride (Last Week #12)
The Game has his second video on the countdown this week. Like I said, I am a fan of Game (well, I’m more of a non-fan of Curtis ‘Silverback’ Jackson) but I am not a fan of the video as much as I am a fan of the song. Like I have said before, it harkens back to the days of middle school. A simpler time when the West Coast ruled the Springs. WESTSIDE!
9. UVERworld - Shamrock (Last Week #6, #1 for three weeks)
So I finally have my crew digging the UVERworld I must say it is about time. After hearing Just Melody a while back I thought they were awesome. Then I heard D-Technolife on Bleach and it has been all about the ‘World ever since. Also, this song has not only been on the Countdown since the first one in September, it has been in the Top 10 the WHOLE time. That is staying power, peeps.
8. Bennie K – Joy Trip (Last Week #11)

Yes. All I can say is yes. This song initially seemed kind of hokey, but it has grown on me quite a bit. Besides, you KNOW you wanted to see J-Country. I know I did.
7. Jay Z – Give Me What You Got (Last Week # 8)
So I just bought Kingdom Come on Tuesday. I got it, listened to it at work (because I fucking HATE THAT PLACE. Yeah, I said it) and all I can say is….


My god, man. Don’t get me wrong, it was OKAY. But much like Micheal Jordan, his come back was kind of average. Maybe it was expectation; maybe I have just lost my mind. I just think that this album isn’t his best work. It isn’t even his third best work. It is just average. After hearing what the man can do, it is kind of a letdown.
6. Soul’d Out – Starlight Destiny (Last Week # 9)
Diggy-Mo and company are slowly and surely making their way to the Top 5. This song is up there with Dream Drive and To All Tha Dreamers (GREATEST. DANCE SONG. EVER.) in their body of work although all of their videos look the EXACT SAME. Even still, it’s a diggable jam.
5. JoJo – Too Little, Too Late (Last Week #4)
Ooohh, a short stay in the Top Five for JoJo. She kind of (DEFINITLY) needs a new video. The album aint bad, get to cracking. Also, I am not a fan of jail. And she is kind of hot. In a jailbait kind of way. Which is WRONG, peeps. Wrong, but oh so right.
4. Justin Timberlake feat. T.I. – My Love (Last Week # 5)
Well DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! J.T. and T.I. in the same place at the same time is a guaranteed hit! Second Top Five hit for J.T. and second guest appearance Top Five hit for T.I. Oh, and pop kicks ass. I don’t care what anyone says.
3. John Legend – Save Room (Last Week #1, #1 for five weeks)

The king has been removed from his throne! John Legend is out of the top spot after holding it for more than a month. Congrats to John Legend for his five weeks at the top. I still groove to this when I drive back from the Mouth of Hades on Fridays. Oh, and give the album a spin. It is a great listen. Time for the top two…
2. Nelly Furtado – Maneater (Last Week #2)

Once again, Ms. Furtado is held to number two. Not a bad spot, seeing as she has a new video on the countdown. Even still, she is holding on and there is no shame in number two. However, we have a new number one. Well, maybe not so new.
1. UVERworld - Kimi no Suki na Uta (Last Week # 3)

Yes, that number next to that name is a 1. UVERworld has their second number one video in the short time this has been going on. This jam is on the MP3 deck in the car quite often, only being out listened to Sakura Kiss (the opening for Ouran High School Club which is so damn awesome!) Congrats to the guys! Oh, and the CD maxi single has an acoustic version of Yasashisa no Shizuku which is the MAD NOTES.

Well, that is all for the Countdown. Can UVERworld hold on next week? Or will Nelly Furtado FINALLY take her spot on top? Or can Justin Timberlake not only be the new King of Pop (oh yeah, I went there) but the new King of the Countdown? Tune in Friday when I return to my normal schedule!

Well, that is all for now, peeps. I will try to be back up during the week. Stay up, peeps. Chachi is out.

Live, Laugh and Love.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Yep....It's Monday.

Morning, peeps! It is a beautiful Monday here in the Centennial State and….yeah it still sucks. At least its only three days until Thanksgiving! The day the Indiana Hoosiers were defeated by the Pilgrims for the NCAA Turkey Title. Or something along the lines of that, I really never listened to the story. I would ask an Indian, but you know…there are none. ZING!

So this weekend was uneventful for the most part aside from the Michigan/Ohio State game. I was wrong in my prediction about the special teams, as Ginn and Breaston were non-factors in the punt/kick return game. Even though Michigan lost, respect to Mike Hart. He took some MAN-SIZED HITS on Saturday and kept on getting up and laying a few of his own. That deserves a ‘big ups’ because that was a physical game, despite the score. Not like it matters, there will be a rematch on January 8th anyway. Just kidding, I don’t think that will happen.

So it is time for this weeks installment of…


Well, this weekend the temporary AB2 members (Nolan, Zach, Nick and I) checked out Happy Feet. First off, I am not a fan of kids. However, they don’t need to see military recruitment commercials before a kid’s movie. The last thing kids should be wanted to do is bear arms for their country. They should be bearing arms for their country, but in Call Of Duty or Halo 2. Or to a better extent, Gears of War. Man, I need a 360 NOW! Anyway, back to the movie. Lets run this down:

Hugh Jackman singing (Yes, Wolverine can sing)
Brittney Murphy (Never been a fan of her voice. Sorry)
Robin Williams as a Hispanic character (Ramon muy es bueno!)
Lack of ACTUAL latin characters
A Spanish rendition of Frank Sinatra’s My Way (FUCK YES!)
Nicole Kidman singing (LOVE her voice, hate her body. Sorry, she makes my penis soft)
Fat Joe as a penguin (Funniest thing I have seen all year!)
Boogie Wonderland (Greatest. Dance song. Ever)

A Great Movie!

As kids movies go, the producers stuck in a lot of adult humor (innuendo…in YOUR endo!!) and sight gags that kids may or may not get. Seeing as how they watch the MTV now I am sure they have seen worse. However that being said, the animation of the dance numbers and the movie in general is enough to go. Although the benchmark for animation has been set by Advent Children (the movie was bad, but the animation was the best EVER) this movie was pretty damn good. The voice-acting was good albeit over the top in come cases (I am looking right at Robin Williams, although he was HILARIOUS as Ramon) but all-in-all, the movie was a great watch even with the lame ass enviournmental ending. Oh, and Elijah Wood is a fucktard in animated form as well. My god, I loathe his existence. Even still, he couldn’t spoil this movie (and he tried, boy did he try with his ‘acting’) and it is well worth the watch. Chachi gives this movie…

An 8 out of 10!
(A great watch, a little low-brow and self-indulgent but still worth the watch. Aside from Cars, the best cartoon movie of the year.)

Well, the year is wrapping up which means I will FINALLY be finishing up The Chachi’s! I told you I would do it! The categories are the same but there will be new nominees. I will work on it odds are Friday with Zach, Nick and Nolan to have it up on Monday. Oh, and before I go I just picked up the Civil War #5 and wow. Tony Stark got SERVED. Man, Daredevil just made up for his shitty movie with one line. Well, that is all for now. Stay up, peeps. I will be back soon, hopefully tomorrow or Wednesday.

Live, Laugh and Love.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Failure To Launch....Again

Good morning, peeps! I know it has been a few days since I have been up, how have the peeps been? The Duece is doing a little better after a Martin Lawrence-type episode on Tuesday. Minus the running around in the street waving a gun. I had a bat. Luckily, it was a rather uneventful week so there wasn’t much to talk about….


I almost forgot! So the HUGEST LAUNCH since the 3DO happened last night. Seeing as how Sony only made three of those mother-fuckers it is hard to call it a success. I really don’t think I am going to buy a PS3 for about 6 months. Out of spite. The fact that Nintendo has 4 MILLION Wii’s (Heh, Wii’s) on the market at release while Sony has ONE TENTH OF THAT with a supposedly larger market is fucking clownshoes. Combine that with Gears of War (Which has officially applied for a restraining order against me for…you know…hiding out of its window and making creepy phone calls to. Geez, it’s just like a woman. WHOA!) for the Xbox360 and Sony can officially SUCK MY BLACK BALLS. We as gamers don’t need this shit. Overpriced system (who gives a fuck about Blu-Ray?! After buying the system you cant afford to buy a TV to fucking take advantage of it any-damn-way!) with few good launch games and LAAAAAAME marketing equal a system that wont (or cant since it sold out in 2001) be purchased by me anytime soon. I am getting a Wii and Xbox360. For the same damn price of a PS3. Eat my ass, Sony. Well it seems SOMEONE really wanted a PS3. Enough to shoot a n***a for it. You know, that is fucking sad. No one ever got shot for an Atari Jaguar. Well that one guy, but he shot him to put him out of his misery because if you bought that you were fucking slow. Just sad.

Well it is about that time again, peeps. Last week John Legend topped the chart. Who will top it this week? Let’s find out because it is time for the…


Let’s start off with an old favorite making his last run….

20. Bi (Rain) – Move On (Last Week # 14, Plunge of the Week)
So it is time to say goodbye to Bi. However, I have been listening to his new song NON-STOP over the last few days. It is the mad notes. Too bad for this song, I used to really like it. But I’m petty.
19. Pushim, RHYMESTER, HOME MADE KAZOKU, MABOROSHI, May J – I Say Yeah (New Entry)

Now THIS is a jam. I just got the video the other day and needless to say, it is pretty good. The song is on point, and May J is HAWT. She may be taking over Kumi Koda’s spot in my heart. That and the more Home Made Kazoku the better.
18. Evanesence - Call Me When You're Sober (Last Week # 17)
You know; if they have a new video or single I haven’t seen it. I can’t bring myself to buy the album, either. Oh, and Amy Lee is still hawt. Carry on.
17. Young Dro - Rubber Band Banks (Last Week # 16)
Bouncing down a spot is Young Dro. This song just doesn’t have that bounce like Shoulder Lean did. It’s a shame because his verse on the Diddy ATL remix of ‘Come To Me’ is on point. Here is to another single soon.
16. Rascal Flatts - What Hurts The Most (Last Week # 12, #1 for one week)
Still hanging on for dear life is Rascal Flatts. I keep on meaning to get a copy of their album but…I don’t want to explain why I am buying a country album. It was hard enough buying the Yoko Ishida album in public. I can’t afford that kind of scrutiny.
15. Bowling For Soup – High School Never Ends (Last Week #20)
Now THIS is music. Man, this song is my new national anthem. Although I have been saying this same fact for two fricking years it is good to see that the mainstream sees the crap as well. That and poop jokes can still be funny.
14. John Legend – Heaven (Last Week #18)
With the dominance that Save Room has had over my ears, I nearly forgot about the rest of the album. This song and video is pretty sweet. Looks like Mr. Legend has another hit on his hands.
13. Bennie K feat. Tsuyoshi – Rensou Game (Last Week # 8)

Yeah, I’m sad to see this, too. However, Joy Trip has grown on me a little too much and this song has to suffer for it.
12. Game – Let’s Ride (Last Week #16)
So Game is low riding his way up the countdown. I’m not a fan of the constant work with Snoop Dogg but eh, what can you do. He’s everywhere. He is sitting with me right now. Fo shizzle.
11. Bennie K – Joy Ride (Last Week #14)
Just outside the Top 10 and Bennie K is knocking on the door yet again. I just got a non-PV rip of this song on my iPod and yes it is that fucking awesome. Cowboy Troy WISHES he was half this good. Black bastard.
10. Game – It’s Okay (Last Week #7)

So we have our second appearance by Game. Like I said, it has been a slow year for hip hop because there have been no big releases (Aside from T.I. and Diddy. I just shuddered, peeps) and this is the only new rap that is tolerable. Keep it up, Game.
9. Soul’d Out – Starlight Destiny (Last Week # 11)
Diggy Mo and cru in the Top 10, ya’ll! Hells yeah! This song is quite the fricking awesome. Still waiting on the album and just like UVERworld, an American release from Soul’d Out would kick ass right now.
8. Jay Z – Give Me What You Got (Last Week # 10)
I have nothing to say. I like this song. On 11/21/2006 I will be buying his album. I am ashamed.
7. Se7en – I Wanna… (Last Week #5)

Uh-oh. Se7en is falling down to Earth after a stint in the Top 5. Congrats, that in itself is an accomplishment. He also has a new single with La La La. Just saw the video and it is sad. Made me almost cry, if I had a heart and all. We may be seeing it soon.
6. UVERworld - Shamrock (Last Week #3, #1 for three weeks)
Well, the dominance of this song in the Top Five (In the Top Five since the beginning!) has finally ended. Don’t feel too bad, they still have another one and a single WHICH I MUST BUY in stores now. In Japan, anyway.
5. Justin Timberlake feat. T.I. – My Love (Last Week # 9)

Well it was about time. JT and T.I. have leapt into the top five and have their eyes on the top! This song is the mad notes. Nolan pointed out that the album was 3 songs and 19 interludes and he was correct. Aint a song in the bunch, but it still RULES ALL. Oh, and is that Rosario Dawson in the video? Mmmmm….
4. JoJo – Too Little, Too Late (Last Week #5)
Oh, man. JoJo is hanging tough to the Top 5, mainly because every three minutes this song is on somewhere. I mean seriously, it is on all the time. Needless to say, I love the song nonetheless.
3. UVERworld - Kimi no Suki na Uta (Last Week # 4)

UVERworld, back again! With their second song in the Top Six you have to give them props. They are THAT FUCKING GOOD. I mean seriously, even if you don’t understand a word (or even worse understand six or seven like me) you can still rawk out and vibe to Timeless. And this video and song rule all. Every band needs a ballad, right?
2. Nelly Furtado – Maneater (Last Week #2)

Ms. Furtado hangs on at # 2 for the second straight week. I must say, she really wants the top spot. However, she was thwarted like all the competition by a certain Legendary individual….
1. John Legend – Save Room (Last Week #1, #1 for five weeks)

Holy crap, five weeks at #1?! He is a record breaker, peeps! Save Room tops the chart even as Heaven is moving up the Countdown. John has a lock on this bad boy. Congrats, John you have earned it!

Well peeps that is it for this weeks countdown! Can John Legend hold on for an unimaginable SIXTH week? Or will Nelly Furtado FINALLY take her spot at the Top? Or will UVERworld make it 2 for 2 and take #1 with their second video? Find out next week!

Tonight I am going to try to see Happy Feet. Hugh Jackman + penguins + singing = FUCK YEAH. Too bad there will be kids there. They are my nemesis. Oh, and check out #2 Michigan at #1 Ohio State tomorrow! I know I will! Oh, and the new Bond is out today, too! Greatest weekend ever? Maybe, peeps. Maybe. I will be back soon, peeps. Stay up.

Live, Laugh and Love.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Holy Crap, Filler Day.

Hey, peeps! The boy band is going through some re-tooling (AWESOME re-tooling) and I never thought this idea could kick more ass but I think I may have created something that would impress the great Pop Gods' themselves. It will rule all, peeps. Still send your videos and resumes in. Let’s just say I will need more people to make this work. Hells yeah.

So it is only Tuesday and I want it to be Friday. Man, this year has gone by fast. It is almost Thanksgiving. Hard to believe I was given my walking papers less than 8 months ago. What is even harder to believe is that my dumb ass has been commuting to Denver for 6 months. What the fuck is my major malfunction. I will blame it on the fact I love too much.

Speaking of love, I put up a while back that the Chachi himself was looking for love (the love of a WOMAN or a Gackt). I have decided since that maybe that aint right for me. You know why? Because…well…I’m kind of an asshole and am hard to get along with. I never knew how much of a jerk I could be until I took a step back and looked at how I talk to women. I am the most condescending, arrogant, conceited, apathetic person ever. And you know what, peeps? I RULE ALL!! I am bloody hilarious! And if you can’t dig the humor of the Chachi, then my friend you don’t know funny. So if any ladies out there want to kick it with a nice, you know what to do. Stay away from me because I’m an asshole. Yeah, it’s lonely at the top. *sigh* I WANNA KNOW WHAT LOVE IS!!!

So I don’t talk about sports much on this blog, but this has to be said. Ohio State vs. Michigan is going to be an interesting game. Mainly because I can’t see it being close because neither team has proven much to me (I am not an expert, though) because aside from Wisconsin (who OSU didn’t play) the rest of the Big Ten is average. Personally, I believe that NEITHER has the defense or offense to beat Florida (they beat Georgia, Tennessee and LSU. The SEC is THE conference in college football, fuck the Big East) on a neutral field if Urban Meyer gets his head out of his ass, but that is neither here nor there. I still think that this game will be good. I think Ohio State wins it 31-20. I don’t see Troy Smith having a monster game, but Michigan is untested on special teams and I think that is where Ohio State has a HUGE advantage. Watch a punt return change the course of the game.

Well, that is all for now. I have some stuff to do today (wink-wink) so I will be back soon. Stay up, peeps.

Live, Laugh and Love.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Ladies First. Kinda.

Morning, peeps! It is now Monday which means it is the beginning of another work week. Hoo-ray. Cover your ass, the excitement will be deafening. Well as you know, on Friday I made the announcement that I am finally putting the band together. I have space for five more members, including a wildcard member. A wild card member, you ask? Why do I need one of those? Well peeps, I have come to an important decision. I have decided to open up the slots of AB2 to women. Yeah, I know it’s a stretch, but S Club 7 worked, right? Oh, shut up. S Club 7 ruled! Oh, and Rachael Stevens was tight banging. Or maybe like a Rebelde.

Mmmm, hells yeah. I don’t know enough hot chicks to make it work (Well three, and one is jailbait so it almost works out!) and even if I did I would have to put up with them on tour and I don’t believe in that. Even still, I want the best of the best in AB2. That means that acceptance into the band will be based on talent, although we want to try and fit the boy-band mold for the open slots. There is a formula and science to creating a boy band, peeps.

So this is how it is going to work (hopefully). Send your resume to with your skills, previous boy-band employers (there will only be a background check if you were employed by a previous boy-band) and awards and honors. If possible, to speed up the process, please send a short video file of about 30 seconds to a minute of your funky fresh dance moves and singing prowess. Those that do automatically make it to the next round, depending on talent. I hope to have members in line by January/February, so we can release our first single via YouTube in March. It will be a cover of ‘Girls on Film’ by Duran Duran, followed by an original track called ‘Luvin’ You (Oh, So Nice)’. Trust me; it will be the mad notes. Stay tuned more details as I think them up!

Well, with that being said that was the main big announcement I had. The Chachi’s still exist (Thought I forgot about that, didn’t you?!) and they are coming in December. Also, I need to get cracking on Douchebrawl 2007 because I am going to start it in February this year so I can have time for more people to vote. Last years 5 day thing was good, but it could be bigger. I will have more information as soon as I can peeps!

Before I go, I want to speak about something. Over the last few weeks, I have been told my posts have been rather negative about women, politics and life in general. Well, there is a difference between being negative and being realistic. Think about this: is anyone ever seen as negative for getting a prenuptial agreement? Sometimes they are but that is being realistic. Knowing that sometimes shit doesn’t work out is being smart. People get divorced at about a 41% clip (they like to round up that half number) so it is smart to make sure you have a clean break. That is better than having a nasty court battle because you were TOO OPTIMISTIC in thinking that dude wouldn’t bang his 19 year old secretary or your wife wouldn’t play ‘clean the pipes’ with the pool guy. It’s realistic to get a prenup, just like it is realistic to know that your job is a job. The odds of you being with an employer forever are slim. Marriages last as do jobs but at a higher measure than usual neither one lasts. I know that at anytime my employer could chalk it up as a loss and eliminate me. I have been there and seen them do it at my last two jobs. People say that at 26 I am jaded about too much and need to be a little more optimistitc. I AM optimistic. I believe my boy band will work. I believe I will get the work I have always wanted. I believe in life after love. I just don’t believe that companies give a fuck about people anymore and people couldn’t give a rat’s ass about their company. That is a true statement. Company loyalty is gone and employees killed it. Because we refuse to work for lower wages, they move jobs overseas. Whose fault is that? Since employees average a job every two years, companies don’t like to invest resources in training or compensation because trends show they will leave. Whose fault is that? That is neither a pessimistic or optimistic view, it is reality. I just had to get that out.

Man I hate ending posts on a bad note. I will be back soon. Here is some boy band goodness for you.

Stay up, peeps.

Live, Laugh and Love.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Time To Make The Band!

What is up, peeps?! I am back and I have a HUGE announcement. Monumental. Massive. Gargantuan. EPIC. I have talked about this, planned it out and I believe it is ready to come to fruition. I give to you the greatest idea ever concocted by man. The boy band for the new millennium. I give to you….

A2B (Average Boy Band)!!!

Yes, AB Squared is in full effect, ya’ll! As of right now, we have four members of the band set and ready to rock the world of all the ladies out there, but we are open to add members with…you know…talent. We have already filled these roles:

The Leader: The Chachi
Yours truly. It was my idea, therefore I am the leader of this get fresh crew. As the leader, I get full authority to take all solos, hooks and breakdowns as well as the occasional bridge. I also will be providing the majority of songs and dance steps. As usual, this is a group so everyone’s input is encouraged. Just not used.

The Dangerous/Mysterious One: Zach (Tenative)
Mainly because this was the only one left. That and he has a multitude of weapons and isn’t afraid to use them. I see a lot of legal issues to come along with that, which will be AWESOME for record sales. Especially when he snaps and leaves the band because he tries to kill a member. I smell a reunion tour already!

The Young One: Nick (Tenative)
At 22, he is officially the youngest member of the group. Hell, aside from Justin Timberlake and QT from 2Gether (GREATEST SHOW ABOUT A BOY BAND EVER!!) he may be the youngest member in boy band history. This is tentative due to the fact that as auditions move along there may end up being younger members. Probably not, underage tang isn’t what we are after. I am so trying to keep a straight face. I’M KIDDING. Just like Fabolous says, no sitting on minors.

So far, that is all we have. So peeps, that leaves TWO OPENINGS as a member of A2B. We will be looking for these members:

The Sensetive One (Puppy dog eyes and soprano voice enhances the Guttenberg Effect)
The Tough, But With a Heart of Gold One (You know the one. Prize fights by day but save cancer ridden orphans at night. Having a motorcycle and spiked hair is a plus)
The Cute One (This is to bring in the teen market. Face it, teens buy stuff they don’t need. And they don’t need our albums, posters or band-aids)
The Sexy One (Yeah, can’t be me because…well I know my limits. Actually, the more you look like Gackt, the better)
The Experienced One (Or the ‘Fatone’ to some. Not TOO old, I don’t want to give benefits until we make it big)

Depending on group dynamic, if chosen as one of these members you will be in or on call when one member leaves and goes solo. Which will happen, egos and all. Join the biggest band to hit music since Duran Duran! Yes, Duran Duran. They kick ass. As a matter of fact, we are going to cover the Duran Duran song ‘Girls On Film’ because it RULES ALL and was the Speedgrapher theme song. Anime + Duran Duran equals HELLS YEAH.

Anyway, send your resume to or leave a post letting me know what YOU believe that you can bring to A2B and hopefully we can begin with the auditions. A2B coming at ya soon, peeps!

Now for the Friday that just keeps giving, it is time for the...


Let's get started with a new entry....

20. Bowling For Soup – High School Never Ends (New Entry)

Man, this song speaks the truth. Anyone in the workplace that has to hear about gossip and isn’t a member of the ‘cool crowd’ knows what I mean. I DO want my fucking money back. Fat Mike is my hero. Funny ass video, too.
19. Bi (Rain) - Freeway (Last Week #15)
So I just saw Bi’s new video and got his new album. My god…he IS the Korean Justin Timberlake. I swear it is like the whole Darkside of the Moon/Wizard of Oz thing. Play the albums at the same time and I bet they sync up.
18. John Legend – Heaven (New Entry)

MORE JOHN LEGEND?! WHO KNEW?! This song just oozes of Kanye West, but it is cool. John Legend can really work a Kanye beat. I think that is why he is so hit or miss; he will do a beat for anyone with cash and his work doesn’t transfer as well as Pharrell’s beats. Even still, kick ass song.
17. Evanesence - Call Me When You're Sober (Last Week # 12, Plunge of the Week)Man….Amy Lee and I need to mate. I mean date. No, I stick with my original statement. I don’t care what people say about the whole goth look, she is HAWT. Too bad the video has gotten annoying.
16. Young Dro - Rubber Band Banks (Last Week # 14)
I needs more Young Dro! This song…it just aint like Shoulder Lean. Man, that was the jam right there. This song is cool but just not the same.
15. Game – Let’s Ride (Last Week #19)
Straight west-coastin, fool! You know, The Documentary was kind of crappy. He sounds a whole lot better. Although he is trying to be the next Snoop, and the last thing I fucking need right now is another Snoop-Fucking-Dogg.
14. Bi (Rain) – Move On (Last Week # 7, Plunge of the Week)
The pettiness continues. That and he has a new video. And it is fricking sweet. As in awesome with dancing and explosions. Name ONE THING better than dancing and explosions. I dare you!
13. Bennie K – Joy Trip(Last Week #17)

Hmm. I guess I found two things better than dancing and explosions. So Zach was kind of confused about how a j-urban group can use country and get away with it. If you make me happy in pants like Yuki and Cico, you could do Irish Clog House music and I would love it. On another note, I finally got to see all of the Japan-a-Rythem concert (my file was corrupted and wouldn’t play for months) and all I can say is that Cico is packing some HEAT. I mean day-yum! I like her. Is niiiiiice.
12. Rascal Flatts - What Hurts The Most (Last Week # 10, #1 for one week)So is it just me or is Lance Bass the lead singer of Rascal Flatts? Look at him. It kind of looks like his young brother. Because Lance is like 37 or something.
11. Soul’d Out – Starlight Destiny (Last Week # 13)
You know, I wonder what Diggy-Mo looks like with an afro? His cornrows have gotten quite the long. Just curious. Soul’d Out just missed the Top 10 this week, falling short behind a certain someone’s comeback…
10. Jay Z – Give Me What You Got (Last Week # 16, Biggest Mover)
Three weeks and Jay-Z is in the Top Ten? Awkward, but still I like this song. The video is kind of ‘bleh’ but most Jay-Z videos are. It is more of the lyrical delivery of Jay-Zthat I dig. No one can take that away from him, behind Rakim he may be the best PURE lyricist ever. Yes, I just defended Jay-Z. I’m softening at my old age.
9. Justin Timberlake feat. T.I. – My Love (Last Week # 11)

Okay, I have gotten a LOT OF SHIT about my liking of J.T.’s music. If you don’t like his new album, something is wrong with YOU because it is actually pretty original, going with the Prince vibe. Even better, he has T.I. on a song. Beat that!
8. Bennie K feat. Tsuyoshi – Rensou Game (Last Week # 9)
This is a groovy little ditty right here. Like I said, dancing rules. No explosions though but when you have Cico dancing, it makes up for a lot of deficiencies.
7. The Game – It’s Okay (Last Week #4)
So with the rise of Let’s Ride, It’s Okay tumbles a little. It’s weird, for 6 days straight this song was playing on the alarm when I woke up. Cosmic. Even still can’t wait for the album to come out.
6. JoJo – Too Little, Too Late (Last Week #8)

So I believe that JoJo is tempting me on purpose. I mean…why do you mock me?! Why must you tease me with your feminine wiles?! Damn you, JoJo! Oh, great album, too. Except that shitty Swiss Beats song.
5. Se7en – I Wanna… (Last Week #5)
So Se7en has a new single and video. I also downloaded his album and its okay (although I Wanna wasn’t on there for some reason). For Bi being Justin Timberlake, Se7en is definitely Usher. Note the constant lack of a shirt.
4. UVERworld - Kimi no Suki na Uta (Last Week # 6)

Aaahhh, this song KICKS ASS. The video reminds me a little too much of Mr. Big’s Be With You (HA! Bet you haven’t heard that in a minute!) but it is still the mad notes. And the single comes out next week to boot! Everything is coming up Milhouse…
3. UVERworld - Shamrock (Last Week #2, #1 for three weeks)

Well, UVERworld played chicken with John Legend and lost. Even still, this song kicks ass. Also, I can’t find the Diaori (SP?) Drill Team subtitled. It’s the show this song is the ending theme for. If anyone knows where I can find a fansub, you will be greatly rewarded with…a gift card. Yeah, my life sucks.
2. Nelly Furtado – Maneater (Last Week #3)

Oooohhhh, sexy! Nelly Furtado is inching toward the top spot. After the success of Promiscuous, I would say she has had a good year. Also, Nelly has not one but TWO new videos out! I haven’t seen them yet, but I will keep the peeps updated! Well, that means….
1. John Legend – Save Room (Last Week #1, #1 for four weeks)

The Champ is HERE! John Legend is the first full month Countdown champ, blocking UVERworld from that same achievement. This song is still my favorite, and Heaven isn’t too far behind. Congrats to John for breaking the record!

Can he make it a fifth week at number one? Or will Nelly Furtado finally get to be the Queen of the Countdown? Or will UVERworld go two for two at number one, or even tie John Legend for a 4th week? Tune in next week and find out, peeps!

So more from the greatest movie since Big Trouble in Little China. It seems the fucktards in the RV are suing for defamation for being...well drunk, racist frat boys. Well, if I get filmed doing anything while drunk (which I have been photographed and I must say I looked STUPID) I would just do what I always do: CHALK IT UP AS A LOSS AND CHARGE IT TO THE GAME!! For you people that don't know what that means...go to Urban Dictionary or something. You can't believe you can sue for being stupid. I have said it before and I will say it again. I love America, can't stand Americans. I am going to see Borat again just because of this. That and it is funny as all hell.

Well, I think I am going to have to leave the peeps for now. I will try to be back on Sunday. Until then, stay up.

Live, Laugh and Love.

Ed Bradley

You made Andy Rooney tolerable. The news won't be the same without you. Respects to a pioneer in the news field, no matter the race or gender.

May you rest in peace

Update: NOT GERALD LEVERT, TOO!! Man, what a crappy week. Rest in peace, Gerald. Kick it old school one time....

Man, no LSG reunion. *Sigh* you will be missed.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

A Change Gon' Come

Good morning, peeps! It has been a very eventful week nationally. The Democrats (or as I call them the party of little goals) took the House of Representatives AND the Senate from the Repblicans. Well…okay now what? I was really confused by people that said that this was going to ‘change the country’ because they are in control and not the war mongering Republicans. People fail to realize that it doesn’t matter WHO is in control shit is fucked up. I don’t care what anyone says, Iraq is a disaster and was from the beginning (and good riddance to Donald ‘Lets Rumble’ Rumsfeld because he is really playing Warcraft with out troops. LEEEERROOOOY JENKINS!!! If you don’t get that reference, you are so an r-tard) and we totally botched any chance of scaring Iran into cooperation in the war on terror by failing (yes, we fucking FAILED in Iraq). Not only that, we lat Daffy Duck himself put the world into fear with the North Korea warhead fiasco. Combine that with all the scandal (Foley cohorting over the internet with little boys was…special) and the state of the country for those not in the upper middle class (Tax breaks for all! Just more for the wealthy…) and the United States of Awesome (which is what I will begin to refer to the USA as from this point on) is in peril. Can the Democrats fix this? Hells no.

They don’t even have a plan! Ask them what their plan for the troops in Iraq is. They will say NOTHING because they have no plan! How are they going to get the economy out of stagnancy? They don’t fucking KNOW! They ran on the platform of ‘At Least We Are Not Them’ and it worked. That is why democracy doesn’t work because people are stupid. A representative democracy is (sadly) the only way to not have Spongebob Squarepants become the president. People don’t know how to handle freedom. I’m sure Iraq is just LOVING this right now. Who is next in the let Democracy fuck up your country? Venezuela? China? Burkina Faso? Come on down!! Just joking, Democracy rules.

Also, BRITNEY SPEARS GOT DIVORCED!!! It is about damn time! Too bad it took two kids and two years of ridicule to do so. I will be the first to say that I was never a fan of Britney, but I felt sorry for her. Mainly because K-Fed was such a damn fucktard. I mean seriously, what did he offer to society? Well, hopefully he will fall into obscurity because it seems that unlike Nick Lachey, Mr. Dumbass actually signed a prenup. Good job, asshat. Now you are stupid AND poor. Maybe life ain’t all so bad.

Well, I am out for now. Tune in tomorrow for the Chachi Top 20 Countdown! Until then, stay up peeps.

Oh, and rape CAN be funny.

Aaaahhhh....I expect some backlash for THAT. And wear your visor right, jerkass!

Oh, and wearing blackface to a party at a college called Whitman? WHITE MAN COLLEGE?! Yeah, you knew THAT was gonna happen.

Live, Laugh and Love.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Man, The Myth, The Chachi.

Konichiwa, bitches! It is Tuesday all up in this mug and I’m just glad it is not Monday because Mondays kind of piss me off. Beginning of the work week, end of the weekend. Just an overall downer. Anyway, it is Tuesday and today will kick the ass!

So Britney has a sex tape. Can I get an ew? Maybe in 2001 I would have been interested, but not now. If I wanted to see trailer trash sex...I wouldnt want to too fucking bad. So this dude says he was the inspiration for Borat. Well, too fucking bad. Besides, he is from Turkey. I have never been, but I am sure it sucks. Werent they going to give us monkeys trained to defuse mines for the Iraq war? Tres LAME. Screw Turkey.

So today, I have a beef. That beef is with the myth of being a MAN. You know, I will be the first to say that many have questioned my manliness over the years and I am cool with that. I hate tools, love Broadway (except for Cats, which SUCKS), think that bodily noises are not always funny, love 80’s pop music (Donna Summers, fool! WHAT!) , DESPISE Fight Club (fuck you, I hate that movie) and think that Pamela Anderson is in no way shape or form attractive. Add that in with my weird infactuation with Gackt and I can see why people would wonder. However, my likes don’t make me ‘queer’ or ‘gay’ because at the end of the day, I know I am straight. However, there is this ‘straight man’ myth that needs to be nipped in the bud. So today, I give to you….


Today, I will address some myths that are ingrained into the American people about what is straight and not. Pretty much, these are things that are assumed that all men like and you don’t like these things then you are a batty boy. Let’s begin with the most annoying myth…

Myth #1:All Men Love Lesbians. This one is a tad bit iffy. I know where this came from, and the idea is quite nice. Ladies are pretty and smell nice (for the most part on both counts). Following the ‘Pirate Theory’ if one is awesome then TWO must be FUCKING MIND BLOWING. Although that makes sense on one hand, let’s really think about it. I was in the Women’s Advocacy group in college and it had its share of lesbians. Like half the club. I must say, I met them and became friends with them and they look NOTHING like the lesbians you see in porn. NOTHING. Real lesbians for the most part have no interest in men. Aside from infatuation (which I can gladly say I have been a part of. Niiiiice) they could care less about a wang. So what is the assumed love with men and lesbians? It is not REAL lesbians men want. It’s the drunk girls in the club that will kiss eachother or dance like morons to get a free drink. SAD. Those chicks aren’t lesbians, they are just stupid. Men don’t want real lesbians, they just want two hot chicks going at it. Which in my opinion is cool for them, but what does that do for me? It’s like baking two of your favorite cakes and mashing them together….only to NOT EAT THEM. Now two women with me…not a turn on either because I can’t stand being around one for 10 minutes without saying something they don’t get or offending them with a dead puppy joke. However, for the sake of this myth, it is false in how it is worded. Men don’t want lesbians that munch carpet, they want drunk sluts that munch carpet. Big difference.

Men Love Lesbians Myth: FALSE (Men love stupid chicks, not lesbians. They are smart enough to avoid drunk men, which makes them geniuses)

Myth #2: Men Don’t Dance. Well, ain’t this some crap. Real men dance. WELL. Now I am no Se7en or Usher, but I can hold my own. However, it seems that there is a backlash about dancing these days. And rightfully so. Mainly because dancing has turned into fucking Caligula with a techno soundtrack. Seriously, people don’t dance they dry hump. Secondly, since dancing involves movement and in a club with 200+ drunk people (at least!) movement is almost impossible which means that you can only move front, back, and side-to-side. Combine that with the fact that women only know what they have seen in music videos and strip clubs, which mainly involve gyrating and dropping it like it is hot. Add that in with the fact that men don’t know how to dance so all they do is grab and thrust and you have the worlds’ biggest fully clothed gang bang. Since grinding leads to happy time and sometimes that happy time is alcohol induced, bad things end up happening. So some men just avoid the dancing altogether just to not get a charge. Which is fine. That being said, when I went to NDK, anime nerds were dancing to Afro Gunso. ANIME NERDS WERE DANCING!! Most are men, you do the math. Even still, I can’t argue with facts. Go to the club and look. Most men are just swaying with a dring looking at women dance with each other. Nuff said.

Men Don’t Dance Myth: TRUE (Men dance, its just some think they are too cool. Or don’t want to go to jail.)

Myth #3: Men Don’t Cry. BULLSHIT. I will be the first to admit, I have cried. Hell, in the last 12 months. When I got laid off, I had the ‘I CANT TAKE IT NO MORE!!’ cry where I just started flipping out and threatening to destroy the world. But I got it out, let it go, and moved on with my life. I also cried when Mufasa died in The Lion King AND when the Atlanta Falcons beat the Minnesota Vikings in the NFC Championship Game. So it happens. The problem lies when men cry about:


I have cried about a woman before. Not recently because I have become totally jaded and quite simply expect a woman to treat me like shit so I’m always pleasantly surprised when she DOESN’T cheat on me. Jebus, I am really a sad specimen. Anyway, what did crying about a woman get me? Nothing. The problem is that men cry about women all the time. I don’t mean vent, that is different. I can take when a female friend VENTS about men. However when she CRIES about a man, or when a man cries about a woman it triggers a reflex in me. That reflex is to SLAP THE HOLY SHIT OUT OF THEM. Men cry about women more than they will admit and more than women think. It gets annoying, especially when you have done it first hand and see others do it.

Men Don’t Cry Myth: FALSE (Men do cry, just about the wrong things)

Myth #4: Men Are Smarter Than Women. Man, this one is a GOOD one. I will say this right up front and will argue this until the day I die. Both men and women are equally stupid and equally intelligent. You know why? Because if you place a girl with boys her whole life she will think like a boy because that is her environment. Same thing with a man, place him with a group of women and he will take on the same styles and trails. People can do scientific studies (or women can just fucking CLAIM which is amusing) saying that one sex is smarter all day long. For the most part, studies have shown if you take the gender bias and surroundings out of learning, men and women are equal in terms of intelligence (the last 3 studies according to CNN show that men have a 4 point lead but when you factor in margin of error its almost 50/50). So where does the ‘men being smarter’ idea come from? It is because women don’t agree with logic and at the end of the day since men created the intelligence structure (and it IS based on logic) that by default makes men smarter. I have said this many times. Women will follow a logical path to an answer and then not accept that answer because it is not what the ‘feel’ is right. I know this because I have helped women come to a logical answer for a problem and then they did what they wanted to do and it ended up being wrong. Then they say ‘I knew that wouldn’t work’ and their in lies the problem. With how intelligence is based, which is logical subjects (math, sciences, English,) rather than philosophical (ethics, psychology, etc.) it puts a skew on that number because women are plenty smart. It is all about how the metrics are set up.

Men Are Smarter Than Women Myth: TRUE (Via default. He who makes the laws is always right. Sucks, but true)

Well, I hope that helped dispel (or prove) some of the myths about men. Or not. Anyway, I will be back Friday for the new Top 20 Countdown! Maybe even before that, stay tuned! Stay up, peeps.

AND DONT FORGET TO VOTE!! Because odds are I am not. Voting is for losers. Just kidding, use your voice and stuff.

Live, Laugh and Love.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Like Jay-Z, fools! I'm Back!

Alright, peeps. It is time for a mid-day update. I know these are rare, but sometimes I get heated and need to vent. With that being said, do you ever feel like being yourself is an endless battle between what is expected and what you actually do? There are times I just feel like it is totally pointless being an individual because no matter what you do or say, people believe what the fuck they want no matter how many times you prove them wrong.

Case in point: why am I always expected to like rap music just because I am Black? People always talk to me like a G-Unit reject because they figure I know exactly what they mean. Well even though I do (and usually they are using the terms incorrectly anyway) that doesn’t mean your stupid ass can go and assume what I like and know. I like J-Pop a hell of a lot more than I like rap, but no one assumes that.

Also, I hate it that women assume that I cannot control myself around women being stupid. Some would call this ‘women being sexy’ but I find what is sexy stupid and what I find sexy is lame so it doesn’t matter. When a woman is half dressed or dancing provocatively (There go the BIG WORDS again) my first action isn’t to lose my mind and say ‘booty butt, booty butt, booty butt cheeks’ or just yell ‘that’s titty!’ My first action is to say ‘God dammit’ because when you give the lowest common denominator, you GET the lowest common denominator. When a woman says ‘If you saw women dancing on a pole you would react like the rest’ it just pisses me off because first off they haven’t seen me in action and don’t know HOW I WOULD FUCKING RESPOND. Secondly, I don’t think of myself as better than anyone else (riiiiiight) but I know what I likes and don’t. I don’t like women behaving stupidly, much like I can’t stand MEN behaving stupidly. By acknowledging the behavior of women dancing on poles in a place where it is not expected (you all know where, I’m not even going to start) you are reinforcing their stupidity and therefore being stupid. Stupidity begets stupidity. My god, I should get paid for this because I fucking RAWK.

Let me make one thing clear; I don’t hate women. This isn’t about my not respecting them or their opinions. This is about how I personally feel about the lack of acceptance of people and views outside of the norm. The issue I have is that the norm has been lowered due to the Dumbening of America. Standards of common sense and decency are so skewed that people are all over the place. I have been told I am wrong in my views a lot, but people cant defend their views with logic or fact (or even emotion for that matter and you know how I feel about those arguments) while I can. Yet, I am still seen as wrong. Which is fine because I expect no less than an argument that cannot be backed up because we have become a nation where you don’t need to DEFEND a stance. I can defend my stance on women being stupid, the Dumbening of our nation, men being retarded and just the overall lack of common sense of people using logic and reason. Yet, no one can defend two drunk women dancing on a pole at a CLUB (not a gentlemen’s club, either) or a man taking a picture of said women without using ‘It’s their right’. Well guess what? Rights come with responsibilites. If you can’t see the responsibility of NOT dancing on a pole in public if you don’t want to be photographed OR you cant see the responsibility of have the respect and sense to NOT PHOTOGRAPH DRUNK GIRLS DANCING BECAUSE IT IS A DOUCHE THING TO DO then you don’t deserve to fucking have rights and you need to be shot in the damn face because you BRING NOTHING TO SOCIETY but ills and stupidity. Whew, that was a long sentence. It gets the point across, though.

In closing, don’t judge me and I wont judge you. I will comment on your ACTIONS because your actions may be stupid, but I won’t judge you. For those that say that I judge women you are false because I comment on their actions and lack of logical thought and reason. I don’t know every woman and would never judge their character. Just their actions. Same for everyone else no matter the age, creed, race or religion. Except the Irish.

Oh, and Tony Blair just went and fucked up about 5 years of war work with one statement. Good job, you just negated what we were there for. At least the troops are smarter than him.

Live, Laugh and Love.

Oh, AND WHAT YOU GONNA DO WHEN I PULL UP AND STOP?! Hell yeah. Funniest commercial of the year.

I Like You. I Like Sex. Is niiiiice.

What is up, peeps! I hope you had a sweet weekend! I know I did. So first things first. Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan is not a movie. It is a cinematic masterpiece that has created a paradigm shift in how movies will be created and filmed from this day forth. As a matter of fact, it is time for….


Today’s film: Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan.

I saw this on Friday (Albeit a little somber due to MASSIVE amounts of sake. Hey, I’m a surly then apologetic drunk) night and all I can say is niiiiiiiice. Seriously, this was the funniest movie I have seen in years. Funnier than Grandma’s Boy, funnier than Pootie Tang. Even funnier than the Princess Bride. Yes, I know. I thought it was impossible as well. Yet, here we are talking about what may be the greatest cinematic masterpiece since Seven Samuari. There is not a point in this movie where you aren’t laughing. If you AREN’T laughing at this movie then you don’t know funny because there were parts of this movie that were downright hilarious. Just the whole premise of the movie (to create a documentary to raise money for Kazakhstan) was hilarious. Add that to the adventure of meeting people all around America and put them in awkward position (Black stripper/escort on a plantation? PRICELESS) and you have a recipe for a fun time. Although I could have done without the naked dudes (Even less, a naked man FIGHT) but even that was funny as shit. It may have been because I was drunk, though. I won’t ruin the movie for you, all I will say is SEE IT NOW! I MEAN IT! You will not be disappointed! The Chachi’s review is a no brainer. He gives this movie….

10 out of 10 stars!!!

So the next movie I will review will odds are be Happy Feet since everything else can and WILL SUCK. Man, movies really blow these days. You know what doesn’t blow? Death Note. This show is FUCKED UP. It is really moving Bleach out of the top spot as my favorite anime and after last nights Aqua Teen Hunger Force it is moving into favorite overall show territory. Even if you aren’t a fan of anime, give this show a whirl.

Okay, it is RANT TIME!! As you know, the majority of my rants are about women, religion and stupid people. Since the world is full of all three, I am never at a loss for anger. With that being said, I have a hard time grasping people who don’t get contextual humor. Let me explain what I mean by that. If someone asks me if I like something and I say that it will create a ‘paradigm shift’ common sense would say that shifting of a paradigm is major and that to say I liked it would be a fair assumption. However, whenever I use that phrase people look at me like I am speaking Latin. Now I don’t expect everyone to know what I mean at all times. However, there are times when just by listening or reading the prior tone and words that someone can put two and two together and figure out what I am talking about.

Nolan said it best: I should not be punished for an extensive vocabulary. Don’t get me wrong, I am not the smartest individual. One word: vignette. I had no idea how to pronounce that until a year ago, but I never used the word. I just used ‘short clip’ because I was unsure of it. I still knew what the fuck it meant just because I knew the spelling and couldn’t pronounce it. People always tell me not to use big words (especially women) when a common word can be used because it makes them feel stupid and makes me sound pretentious. My fault; it makes me sound like an asshole. Well you know what? FUCK YOU. Just because you don’t read books or watch the news or do anything that doesn’t involve celebrities or the foosball doesn’t make you any cooler or better. Knowledge is power, bitches. Oh, and just because you haven’t seen the show from where my joke came from doesn’t make the joke not funny. It makes you an idiot because the shows I watch rule all, fucky. I hate having a kick ass joke based off of Aqua Teen and no one gets it. However, someone yells ‘YEEEEAAHHH!’ or ‘Bling Bling!’ and everyone laughs like it is still cool to say that shit. Yet people say I am the unfunny one. The simple fact is, just because you don’t (or can’t) read and have no concept of words with more than two syllables doesn’t mean that those of us who do are nerds because we use them. It makes us funnier because we can create more than just poopy jokes. Oh, and politics are funny. Quite acting like it is such a big fucking deal because it is NOT. Take a joke, the troops ARE FUCKING STUPID. Live with it, they are the best we got and I will back them. They are NOT Rhodes Scholars. Hell, they aren’t even Pikes Peak Community College material and they take ANYBODY. It’s the Wal-Mart of education. I just had to get that out.

So I believe that it is time to list the best anime opening/closing themes of all time. I will work on that this weekend. After hearing some old school Gundam themes I am really thinking it is about that time to do this. Chobits opening WILL be on there. I love that song.

Well, being Monday I have to act like I care and do stuff. I will try to be back tomorrow. Go see the Borat! Is niiice!

Stay up, peeps.

Live, Laugh and Love.

Friday, November 03, 2006

There Can Only Be One!

Good afternoon, peeps! Just getting back in the fold and have the mad videos for you today. Back to its regular schedule of Friday, here is...


A little bit of movement on the Top 20. Let's get started at #20 with an oldie.

20. Orange Range - UnRockstar (Last Week # 17)
Well Sayonara was released last week. The video supposedly is an epic (Think November Rain by Guns ‘n’ Roses) so I will have to check it out. I guess it is goodbye for this song.
19. Game - Let's Ride (New Entry)

Hells yeah. You can’t beat having more Game on the countdown. Been listing to this jam non-stop for a few days. Has that old school flow from back in my days in high school. Holy shit, I’m old as hell.
18. Beat Crusaders - Tonight, Tonight, Tonight (Last Week #14, #1 for 1 Week)
Well the run is almost over for the Beat Crusaders. They toppled UVERworld and took the top spot for a week, so it was a great ride. Hope they release something new soon, though.
17. Bennie K – Joy Ride (Last Week #20)
This is another song I have been playing a lot lately. I especially dig the hoedown near the end of the song. Nothing beats a hootenanny. Or a shindig if that’s your thing.
16. Jay Z – Show Me What You Got (Last Week # 19)
Yeah, the ruler is back. I will never say I LIKE Jay-Z, but I can say that I don’t hate him. A lot. I mean he can be annoying as hell (La Roc Familia) or flawless (The Blueprint). At least he isn’t stuck in purgatory like most rappers.
15. Bi (Rain) - Freeway (Last Week #12)

Bi is riding his way out of the Top 20. He also has a new single coming soon which makes this loss less hurtful. Besides, this video has the best dancing this side of Usher. And you know how much I love/hate Usher.
14. Young Dro - Rubber Band Banks (Last Week # 15)
Yeah, I can’t bring myself to but this album. Something in me just says Murphy Lee about Young Dro sometimes.
13. Soul’d Out – Starlight Destiny (Last Week # 16)
So…where is the album? I’m waiting, especially since the lackluster joint that was Alive. Hit or miss for the most part, unlike their previous effort which ruled all.
12. Evanesence - Call Me When You're Sober (Last Week # 7, Plunge of the Week)
Man, this song is dropping fast. What can I say, its FRICKIN EVERYWHERE!
11. Justin Timberlake feat. T.I. – My Love (Last Week #16, Biggest Mover)
Yeah, this is the jam. Oh, and T.I. has the best line of the year with ‘Me and your man we aint no tie’. That is PIMP right there.
10. Rascal Flatts - What Hurts The Most (Last Week # 5, #1 for one week)
Yeah, this song has a negative memory to it so it is leaving. Much like that damn ‘We’re Not Making Love’ song by Dru Hill makes me so angry. Women are the devil.
9. Bennie K feat. Tsuyoshi – Rensou Game (Last Week #9)

This song is stalling due to the country j-pop greatness that is Joy Ride. Still a bad ass jam and Cico is looking HAWT.
8. JoJo – Too Little, Too Late (Last Week #10)
So I bought JoJo’s album along with Diddy and John Legend. Not a bad album, except she is running the jailbait thing a little too far. Talking all sexy to me. WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME, JOJO?!
7. Bi (Rain) – Move On (Last Week # 8)
A nice night time ballad. However, negative memory so this song is stalling. Yeah, I’m petty like that. However, he has a new video that has been released and I haven’t been able to find the song yet. When I do, the peeps will be notified.
6. UVERworld - Kimi no Suki na Uta (Last Week # 11, Biggest Mover)

Fuck yeah. UVERworld needs an English release. Their lyrics translate well from Japanese and their live show kicks ass. I think they would take the USA by storm. And if they don’t, it proves that we are stupid.
5. Se7en – I Wanna… (Last Week #6)
Oooohhhh, Se7en has moved into the Top 5! He is playing with the BIG DOGS now. Can he handle the competition? Only time will tell! Update: Se7en has a new video! Just downloaded it yesterday. Sweeeeeeeet.
4. The Game – It’s Okay (Last Week #3)
Slipped a bit but ‘It’s Okay’ because he has two tracks on here. Still feeling this song, too. Even though this song is good, Let’s Ride is better.
3. Nelly Furtado – Maneater (Last Week #4)

Slowly and steadily moving up the countdown after flip-flopping with Game. Still one of my favorite songs because it speaks the truth. Oh, and Ms. Furtado is damn fine.
2. UVERworld - Shamrock (Last Week #2, #1 for three weeks)

Oooohhhh, the boys of UVERworld are making one last grasp for the top spot to be the first artists to be at #1 for a full month. These guys are still hanging around with this one, even with their current single quickly creeping up. However, they were thwarted for a SECOND week by the king of the countdown….
1. John Legend – Save Room (Last Week #1, #1 for three weeks)

Once again, John Legend tops the Countdown. He is now tied with UVERworld for the longest reigning #1 right now with three weeks. I bought the album and listened to it on the bus and needless to say, it is well worth the purchase. Also, he world premiered his second single, Heaven so that will be coming soon because it is a great song, too. Congratulations to John Legend on his third week at #1!

Well, that is it for this week! Who will become the one month kings of the countdown: John Legend or UVERworld? Or will Nelly Furtado jump both and be the Queen of the Countdown? Look out below; Se7en may be ready to step up to the upper echelon as well. Stay tuned next week, peeps!

Well, with today being Friday, the biggest move that has ever been created will be viewed this evening, hook or by crook. Today....Borat hits the theaters. And film will never be the same. Ever. This could be bigger than Big Trouble in Little China. Or dare I say...The Princess Bride. Oh, yeah. I went THERE. This is that monumental! YOU MUST SEE IT!! I know I will. Hell, I may leave work early to make it back to watch it with the Cru. Yeah, movie of the year by far.

Well, that is all for now. Depending on whether I see the movie in Denver or the CSP I may or may not update tomorrow. Until then peeps, stay up.

Live, Laugh and Love.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

You Just Got Kerry Served

Good morning peeps! I am back for a mid-week update. I really find it funny that people are upset about the John Kerry comment. The truth really must hurt. Let's face it, America doesnt send its best and brightest onto the battlefield. That would be stupid. I live near an Army base and the new class of troop arent exactly the few and the proud. They are the ones that would do it. Zach said it best, they are just kids from Bumfuck, Nebraska who are looking for adventure and to get the hell out of dodge. There is a lot of stupidity in that statement but there is a lot of validity and truth to it. Until the draft comes back. And that train is a rolling in like a bull moose. Big ups to Kerry for saying a stupid ass truth. I cant believe I voted for Ol' Easter Island Head. At least he aint backing down from them Republicans. KERRY, FOOL! WHAT!

So this article just caught my eye. All I can say is hells yeah! HELLS YEAH! HELLS FUCKING YEAH!!! SPEED RACER FOOL!!! Man, this is almost as big as the Voltron movie and Spiderman 3 (something tells me that the Transformers movie will suck ass, especially with Optimus Prime being a fucking Hummer and Megatron being a rubber mallet because Spielberg is fucking high) for me. The year 2008 has a chance to rock for movies. To bad its like 2 years away and odds are I will be in jail for my Hinoi Team videos. Eh, thems the breaks. Even still, I will keep my eyes on this movie for the peeps and give you updates.

Well, sorry so short but that is all for now. I will be back soon, peeps. Stay up.

Live, Laugh and Love.