So November 17th is SUPPOSEDLY the release date for the PS3. And at a ball-breaking 600 DORRA! That is JACKED, especially if it aind Blu-Ray compatible. They are making it hard to want that system. That is until I see this:
Man, that is Final Fantasy XIII. THIRTEEN. Can you say 'fuck yeah' because I can. The fact that Sony has such a stranglehold on my video game console dollar is a testament to how big of a lead they have over Microsoft in this market. Aside from Nintendo's die-hards (of which I am one except for the SNES, and that was more because I was a teenager and my mom said either that or the Genesis and I chose blast processing over Street Fighter II) they have the majority of gamers waiting for this unit. Even with the controller LOOKING EXACTLY LIKE THE ORIGINAL.

Maybe DC/Time Warner threatend to sue because it DID look oddly enough like a Batarang.
Speaking of Nintendo, I am sure that the few readers that are into games have heard about the name change of the Nintendo Revolution to the Wii. All I can say to that (which hasnt been said by every other site and blog on the net. I'm sorry, I just dont update like I used to) it's a good move. Everyone is talking about it and it is revolutionary (Especially the 'always on' feature. That will be great for games like Animal Crossing and Nintendogs. Which if anyone out there really loved me would get me that for my birthday) to boot. And at reportedly $250 according to the net (and VGCats, which is sadly along with Fox News where I get my news updates) it is a FUCKING BARGAIN compared to the hype-machine that was Xbox 360 and the wang-tease that is the PS3. I know I am there, especially with the Zelda, Mario and Metroid games. See, Nintendo gets sales just due to its first party titles. If the third-party developers jump onto it (like maybe Metal Gear Solid, I think the controller would work well with the game mechanics like tossing grenades and sniping) it MAY compete with the PS3. Then I see this:
And realize that I may have to beat up a small child to get a PS3 because it will rule all. Man, I better stop before I find the MGS4 trailer. Too late:
So yeah, how much blood do I have to give to get this thing? I'm gonna need a lot of cookies. Oh crap I forgot to pick up Grandma's Boy! Dammit, I'll get it tomorrow. Funny ass movie, too.
Speaking of movies, although it's late here is my review of Final Fantasy: Advent Children's American release:
Don't bother.
Seriously, the voice acting (aside from the English Vincent and to a certain extent Yuffie because Christy Carlson Romano is kinda hot) is way below par and the extra features look like they were made by the same software I used to make a copy for a friend of mine (who if you are reading save the 20 bucks and BUY ME NINTENDOGS!! Not a demand, just a suggestion). If you haven't seen the original it is worth the buy because the original Japanese track is intact and the movie for the most part is unedited. However, Barret sounds like Mr. T and Cait Sith sounds like a punch drunk Scotsman so if you can get past that be my guest. There is a pretty decent recap of the story using game footage and voice clips from the voice actors (Vincent has me dying with what he told Cloud to tell Yuffie) and a preview of the new games coming out. In short, not recommended unless you are a true fan of the Final Fantasy series.
Well, I will try to be back on tomorrow if I get home at a reasonable hour. Before I go, greatest webtoon EVER. Wish I knew about these guys when that ninja rear-ended me in 2004. Anyway, stay up peeps.
Chachi out.
(Update: More Bennie K, fools! I will have this DVD shortly and I will put more up soon.)
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