So anyway, it is rant time. Zach, Ted and I went to Circuit City yesterday so I could get my mom her gift and stood by the glass case where the iPod was and stood there. For thirty-five minutes. THIRTY FIVE FUCKING MINUTES. Now part of this is my fault, because I should have just walked out an took my business elsewhere. But so some reason, I decided to stay. Just to see how long it would take them before they realized that I was not being helped. If it was a drinking game and took a shot for everytime I saw an employee look at me and not acknowledge I was looking to purchase and item I would have been sloppy drunk. Like I was on Friday. WHOA, I have no idea what I said or did, but I apologize because....I was to' up.
Anyway, Ted took a catalog and called the corporate (CORPORATE) number RIGHT IN FRONT OF AN EMPLOYEE to lodge a complaint. Nothing happened. I was still standing there right in front of the case while a pack (five) employees stood talking about some fucking camera on the opposite side of me. The customer service rep Ted talked to CALLED THE STORE and asked what in the fucking hell was going on. It still took 10 more minutes for them to acknowledge me and get my item. The killer: they went to Zach (who is, caucatino but he LOOKS white) first, and he wasn't gonna buy anything. Then after all that, Ted asked to speak to the store manager and was given the Operations Manager (which in laymans terms means he manages the backroom and has nothing to do with the store itself for the most part) to which we both said was bullshit because we both worked retail and know the chain. They finally bought over the ASSISTANT store manager or 'second bitch in charge' and I have seen more of a sense of urgency to apologize for their poor customer service from Bush apologizing for the NSA bullshit. This man couldn't have given a rats ass about how shitty his store was to us and almost refused to give us the name of the store manager. Finally we got a card with a name and a phone number. No store number, no business number, no nothing.
You know, I know that the rantings of an upset customer mean very little to a retail chain. For everything I don't buy, they can replace me with another customer. That's just reality. However, I can say FUCK CIRCUIT CITY and ask my peeps to say the same. Go to Best Buy. Go to Wal-Mart. Go to Ultimate Electronics. Hell, go the the hustle man (I won't lie, I used to get cologne and DVD's from the Jamaican hustle man in 2001) just don't go to Circuit City. You know, what pisses me off is that I buy a lot of stuff from Circuit City. I bought my last two CD decks for my car, my first iPod, my DVD player, my old Compaq PC and both my TV's from there. In retrospect, I spent an hour in there each time, not because I wanted to but because the ASSHATS WOULDN'T HELP ME. Sad that I had to buy my deck to get help because they know we blacks love the drums. That is the only place a Black man can get help in an electronics store: car audio. Now THAT is racist. Might as well have slapped me in the damn face with some red Kool-Aid and a chicken wing. So lastly:
That is all on that. Well, in line with Mother's Day I am going to give you TWO rants today. I'm a giver. I've been neglecting the peeps and I owe this to you. I am going to start a new segment of the blog called 'Common Sense Is Dead Because...' to go along with Underrated/Overrated (which will be coming this week, actually so stay tuned). I am bringing this on here because...well common sense is FUCKING DEAD. Speaks for itself. Anyway, on the first installment:
You know, I bitched about this all last week so people that know me already have heard this. If you have to be told you SHOULDN'T shake a baby, your dumb ass shouldn't have HAD a baby or be around babies because you are officially a braindead fucktard that needs to be mercy killed, not just for your own good but for the rest of society as well. You are a walking blot clot of stupidity and should not be allowed to take up precious air that John Ritter or Pat Morita would be breathing right about now.
Think about this logically. If a polar bear grabbed you and shook you like booty in a Ying Yang Twinz video, would that feel good? Would that cause a little damage to the brain? You bet your ass it would. Now multiply that by 10. That is the result of shaking a baby. The only things that should be shaken in this world are snow globes and Polaroid pictures. ICE COLD!! Sorry, I still love that song. The fact that people have to be told this is kinda scary. I mean, I get pissed off like no other (ask Griff about my Madden tirades) but I would never shake a baby and never would be told NOT to. I understand kids being told because kids can be hella stupid. I was a kid once, and I did some dumb shit. These ads are being aimed at adults, who should honestly know better. There is no gray area with baby shaking. It's just common sense to not shake a baby, the fact that we need to be told is just sad. That's just my opinion.
So, enough about that. Oh, update! I got the Bennie K Show video online (gonna buy it when I get a region free DVD player) and that is some pretty good stuff. They did Love Story and Better Days and ended the special with Sunrise. Oh, and Yuki and Cico are...hells yeah.

So I saw this link on VGCats last week and thought it was stupid as all hell. After watching it again, it may be the funniest thing I have ever seen. I AM NOT A MACODDITY!!
GIRLS ARE GRODY! You know, Dr Tran will rule the box office this summer. Hot dickings for all! Hell yeah.
Now, for a very important update. Ahem.
私は、Kumi Koda 愛する. I have no idea what that means, but I hope it's 'I want to take you out for some coffee and maybe to a nice musical, Kumi Koda'
So I'm a hypocrite. Although I am against shaking babies, I'm all for throwing them at cats. I should be ashamed, but not suprisingly I am truly cool with it. It's great to be me sometimes. Also, it has been a while since we heard from The Rock. Check out Gridion Gang, it's like Coach Carter but without Sammy J. And that kid with the afro, he freaks me out a little.
What in the hell happened to females in R&B? Aside from Mary J. Blige and Alicia Keyes, everyone sounds the damn same. Think about it, name some of the new 'R&B divas' out there:
Ciara (Not a good singer, an good dancer though)
Keisha Cole (Tries WAY TOO hard and is still just average)
Brooke Valentine (Hot as all hell, not the greatest singer)
Tierra Marie (Forgot about her? Me too)
Um...Rhianna? (Once again, damn fine but an average singer)
See, running low on options. I have already ranted about the state of males in R&B. How shitty have the males in R&B become? One word, one letter, all shit: T-P.a.i.n. or 'Terrorbeast Predalope Assface Ingrown-ugly Negro'
My god, I just figured out the punishment for baby-shakers: be forced to wear glasses where T-Pain's face is all you see for 30 days. THAT is punishment. I swear, T-Pain will be a frontline soldier against the Bear Uprising because that face could scare any beast of any size. Oh, and thanks to R.Kelly for shitting on the memory of dead R&B stars everywhere with the classic line "Put my whole damn head in it". That will be remembered with 'Make Me Wanna Holler' and 'What's Going On' as R&B gold. You just pushed the movement back to 1871 with that one. Guess it is back to the fields for us. Ignorance, it is spreading like...well, the legs of a stripper. I had to do it.
Okay, that is enough for today. Just had to let the peeps know I still care and I am still down for the revolution. Oh, one last thing. Nelly Furtado is back and all I can say is GOD DAMN!! I have been in love with this woman since I'm Like A Bird, although I still think she needs to eat a sandwich. She is STILL a lovely, lovely woman IMHO.

My god, those eyes. I LOVE THOSE EYES. Just...get lost in those. So, here is her latest video, Promiscuous. She looks SO GOD DAMN GOOD I can't concentrate. Oh, and check out Timbaland. This dude is on the Barry Bonds Workout Plan or something because he is DIESEL.
That woman is hot tottie. Anyway, I am gonna head out for a bit and enjoy mother's day. I will try to put something up on Monday or Tuesday, depends on how tired I am. Stay up, peeps.
Chachi out.
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